When he was still young, Zhao Song liked to carry his schoolbag and go to school happily in the rain. He always felt that when his hair was wet, he could be as handsome as the male protagonist in the island country urban drama - with wet hair and the ability to make women fit together. The pectoral muscles that do not close the legs.

Unfortunately, he never had the chance to look in the mirror in the rain and see his embarrassment.


"Look, that's Zhao Song."

"Sister, is it Zhao Song from Tesla?"

"Which Zhao Song?"

The elementary school girl looked at the big motionless man in the distance with blurred eyes, and murmured to herself: "Senior is so frugal, so if you have money, you can even wear a patched umbrella!"

The senior gave her an angry look, and looked at her peers in the distance with complicated eyes. Who didn't know that the patched big black umbrella belonged to Captain Hong of the Security Department. That kid might not have an umbrella at all!


In the heavy rain, a 1.8-meter-long stupid man stood proudly, with his head slightly tilted up. From a distance, he looked very imposing.

"Zhao Song!"

At this time, Li Ying's call woke him up pretending to be X, helplessly put away the pride he had just gathered, looked at Li Ying angrily, and said, "What are you doing?"

"Over there in the meeting room of the guest house, is there still a lack of tea and water?" Li Ying looked at him cautiously, not even caring about the flying raindrops falling on her arms. .

Zhao Song walked to her right, and the black umbrella with a larger circle blocked the rainwater that was pouring on Li Ying.

"If you want to go, you can go, the salary..." Zhao Song thought carefully about how much money he gave Tongtong Baili in the past 15 days.

"No money!" Li Ying blurted out.

Zhao Song was stunned for a moment, then nodded overjoyed, grinned and said, "Medium!"

Seeing Zhao Song's appearance, Li Ying said annoyedly, "Did I talk too fast?"

Shaking his head vigorously.

"You were going to give me money?"

Shaking his head vigorously.

"How much are you going to pay me?"

Looking at Li Ying's legendary 120-pound body and 90-pound face, Zhao Song thought for a while before saying, "I'll take care of your two meals at most." After finishing speaking, Sa Yazi ran away.

"Ah~! Stop!"


"Senior, look, Zhao Song has such a personality when he runs."

The senior sister turned her head to look at it, and suddenly became angry, and she went along with it, which is quite individual.


Entering the meeting room, Li Ying seemed to have entered the Guanyuan Wholesale Market, even worse.

Today’s conference room doesn’t even have a place to step down, and it’s filled with information boards everywhere, with the information of various athletes posted on it, or mind maps drawn, or watching yesterday’s game highlights on TV, Li Ying almost thought that she had come to the crime scene.

"Papa~" Zhao Song clapped his hands vigorously, and the noisy meeting room suddenly fell silent. If it weren't for the fact that several people were still blushing, the discussion and quarrel just now seemed to have never happened.

"My colleagues in Jiaqiang, as of 7:30 in the morning, all the advertisements we contracted have been sold out."

Looking at the excited crowd, Zhao Song smiled slightly, and he also had a share in the huge sum of money that the urgently established Jiasheng Advertisement had made. Of course, it was something to be happy about.

"Today, those major companies that have rushed into battle will definitely not be our opponents, so we must follow our own pace and finish today's battle step by step."

"However, never underestimate the ability of our flower growers to imitate and plagiarize, so after a one-day adaptation period, have you considered whether those audiences and consumers will have any problems under the copywriting full of the same text? Boredom?

If this happens, I'm sure Tesla will be the first to bear the brunt.

So, here I remind you, if you can't make consumers cry, make them laugh!

Moved, excited, restless, etc., let those latecomers. "


"Okay!" Zhao Song nodded in satisfaction, looked at the huge schedule, and then patted a competition item under everyone's gaze.

"Today, the biggest hot spot is - Liu Xuan!"


When he saw Liu Xuan's name, Zhao Song completely remembered that in the women's balance beam event, after completing a set of soft movements, pouting his back and puffing out his chest and then showing the smile that shocked the whole country, the Flower Planter Olympic Games In history, the only gold medal on the balance beam was held in the arms of this 18-year-old girl.

History has changed, because of his participation, Tesla's advertising copy has affected the southern hemisphere.

Zhao Song could only pray, hoping that this little girl would pout her butt and puff her chest again like in her previous life!


Fantasy building.

The bearded man stared at the TV intently, and the little girl named Liu Xuan walked onto the stage with a serious expression.

The bearded man frowned, and casually asked the people around him, "Is this our temporary spokesperson?"

"Yes, she has great hopes, the champion of the World Championships the year before!"

"Okay, let's look at Tesla's copywriting for a while, if there is a little bit of infringement..."



"This Lalati did very well, there was warm applause at the scene, Liu Xuan, come on!"

In the Jingjiyuan Guest House, everyone was nervously looking at the TV screen.

"Okay! It's a very beautiful exchange of legs and ring jump. This is a 0.5 bonus point for group C. The applause is getting louder and louder. The rest is the finishing move."

"Liu Xuan speeds up! Backflip 360 degrees! Okay, she stopped, Liu Xuan stopped! We saw that the head coach of the planting flower gymnastics team has jumped up!"

"9.825 points, champion! Let's congratulate Liu Xuan, she won the first balance beam championship in the history of planting flowers. Good job, Liu Xuan!"

Seeing the impressive pouted chest and bright smile, Zhao Song was also happy, and turned around and shouted: "Let it go!"


Looking at the smiling little girl on TV, many netizens suppressed their excitement and clicked on the three major portals.

The picture was changed next to the eye-catching big fist, only a little girl doing handstand splits, no balance beam, an all black background, and a few big fonts.

"Don't take youth too lightly! Go break it!"

Sure enough, I still felt it when I saw Tesla's advertisement, surrounded by a circle of dreams, shackles, hopes, I didn't feel it at all!

Pingping, who is in the Pacific Image Store, also thinks the same way, because our Tesla advertisements make sense!

Just having a good time, a call brought her back to reality.

"Pingping, the order has exploded again! We have exploded yesterday's order again!"

"Pingping, it's out of stock! Manager Song is calling and wants to explain to the customer that the delivery time is one week later!"

"Pingping, there is a customer who wants to show off the phone, will you sell it?"

"Not for sale!" Pingping roared, then picked up the phone with a sad face, and called Zhao Song.


Seeing Sister Dada and Xingsheng walking towards him, Zhao Song frowned and answered the phone.

"Zhao Song..."

"Pingping, listen to me, now it's not just the Pacific Ocean, but the whole country is exploding, I will try to find a solution as soon as possible." After finishing speaking, Zhao Song hung up the phone, and then looked at the serious-looking Sister Dada and Xingsheng .

"Zhao Song, people like Jiasheng will all evacuate in two days!"


I wrote two and a half chapters, and I still have to revise it. I will post a chapter tonight. Make up tomorrow.

Suddenly there is an extra boss, 'FLY', thank you very much!

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