"The moment the five-star red flag was raised, my emotions reached their peak, and then I saw the Tesla ad... I had an orgasm!"

"Pfft~ The upstairs is so humorous."

"Today's flower planting team is awesome! Seven gold medals, just one less than half of last year's!"

"Tesla, which is fanning the flames today, is also a bull."

"Yeah, now I know that advertisements can still do this."

"Originally, my plan was to eat, sleep, and watch games, but now there is one more thing, which is to watch commercials."

"Don't look, I wonder if you have noticed, starting from the fourth gold medal, CCTV anchors will read Tesla's latest copy!"

"I noticed it too. That's when I realized that advertising words can be so beautiful!"


The night was getting dark, Tongtong in the dormitory gently closed the notebook, unplugged the network cable, and was just about to lie down and sleep when she was startled by the melon seeds on her head.

"Scared me to death, Li Ying, what are you doing if you don't sleep?"

Li Ying on the lower berth stared wide-eyed, "Tongtong, how could Zhao Song and the others predict so accurately?"

"They didn't make any predictions! There will be two sets of plans for each match, and only when the time for women's weightlifting is too late, Zhao Song made a prediction!"

"Guess right?"

"Of course, women's weightlifting, the whole country knows it's a deal."

Silence was restored in the dormitory, and after a while, Li Yingcai said, "Is there still a shortage of people serving tea and water over there?"

Tongtong smiled and shook her head, "You can ask Zhao Song, but according to his virtue of being a money lover, if you say you don't want money, he will definitely agree."

Tongtong thought for a while, and then said: "Li Ying, there is a completely different world from the school, if you have an idea, act quickly."

"Thank you, Tongtong." Li Ying said gratefully, "I don't want to be pulled down by you and Yingzhu!"

Tongtong smiled and lay down, "Then let's work hard. But when you go, you will know that it is not you who are pulled down, but us!"


On this day, Tesla’s Olympic real-time advertisements kept many companies and enterprises brightly lit all night.

The new concept of real-time advertising, which appeared 8 years in advance, seems to have opened a new door for many people in the industry. People put all the cases of Tesla on the conference table, frantically discussing, learning, and borrowing.

For an advertiser, the most often heard sentence is: Look, someone else's...

As the advertising department of Fantasy Group, which has been in line with international standards for many years, it has always belonged to someone else. Now, it is finally the first time I heard this sentence.

"Look at Tesla!"

Late at night, in the fantasy group meeting room.

The bearded man sat on a chair tiredly, looking at the busy people in the room.

"Director, the data is out." At this moment, a young man stepped forward.

"How many?"

"Today, our sales volume in the retail market in Kyoto is less than 30% of the usual level!" The young man said, not daring to look into the eyes of the bearded man.

"How much?" The bearded man looked at him in disbelief.

"Specifically, it is 29%, most of which are completed in home appliance chain malls that Tesla does not involve."

"..." The beard fell silent, and he tapped his fingers on the table slowly. After a long time, he coughed lightly, and the meeting room fell silent in an instant.

"Whether it's the so-called real-time advertisement, or their copywriting just to arouse people's passion, it's all a kind of occasional marketing!

During the Olympic Games, almost all companies are doing marketing by taking advantage of the opportunity, but it seems that Tesla is the best one! "

"Being behind is not terrible!" The bearded man continued unhurriedly: "The terrible thing is not daring to admit it!"

Suddenly, the bearded man shouted: "Do we dare to admit our fantasy?!"

"Dare!" Everyone shouted with red faces.

"Okay!" The bearded man nodded with a smile, and said to the head of the advertising department next to him: "Tesla has already figured out how to build an elite team in the shortest possible time, so I don't need to tell you how to do it?"

The advertising executive lowered his head and thought for a while, "Three days!"

"One day!" The bearded man raised a finger, and then stopped looking at him, "One day later, I will see the floating advertisements around that big fist!"

"Director!" At this moment, someone raised his hand, "The suspension ads and many keyword searches of Yahoo have been underwritten by a newly established advertising company called Jiasheng."

"Jiaming and Xingsheng?" Looking at that person, the bearded man asked suspiciously, "Aren't the two of them sworn rivals?"

"Because of Tesla, they are temporarily united. Now Jiasheng Advertising has integrated those sectors and launched a DSP called real-time bidding advertising. The highest bid wins!"

"#¥%\u0026amp;!" the bearded man resisted the urge to scold her, and said through gritted teeth, "Buy!"

"In addition, expose the fact that Tesla is a brand of compatible machines and does not have a fixed office location!"




At the same time, meetings with the same content were staged in countless high-rise buildings in various industries. Everyone was gnashing their teeth and cursing the newly established Jiaqiang, and had to participate in the bidding.

On September 17, Sunday, the third day of the Sydney Olympic Games, there was heavy rain.

Carrying a gigantic booth parasol, Zhao Song sent the cute girl Xiaoyu to the Mercedes-Benz, and then moved towards the school gate step by step with difficulty.

"Put away your broken umbrella!" Director Guo, who hadn't shown up for a long time, said angrily in the school guard booth.

"I'm afraid that the light rain will be drenched by the heavy rain." Putting the big umbrella aside, and taking the black umbrella handed over by Captain Hong, Zhao Songcai and Director Guo walked side by side to the guest house.

"Now the school is almost becoming your Tesla external relations department?" Director Guo said proudly.

"It's hard work for those who can! Who made me a student in our school." Zhao Song didn't feel embarrassed at all.

Director Guo nodded and said with a smile: "The city leader called you to praise you, and I want you to keep working hard."

Zhao Song opened his mouth happily, "I promise to complete the task." Then he said with a look of embarrassment: "I'm afraid that someone will hold back."

"Then it's up to you!" Director Guo patted Zhao Song on the shoulder, "Get your factory ready, at least in a decent way. The license issue will be implemented within two days."

"Thank the school leader for me!" Zhao Song said gratefully.

"Pingchang District has made great efforts!" Director Guo looked at Zhao Song appreciatively: "You are doing very well now, remember, those who have attained the Tao will help!"

"Remember!" Zhao Song nodded fiercely.

"Okay! Zhao Song, our school's graduate students in the Department of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering are no worse than Huaqing's. Next year, it will depend on your Tesla skills!" After speaking, Director Guo turned and left.

In the heavy rain, only Zhao Song was left standing quietly.

At seven o'clock, under everyone's attention, the advertising space next to the big fist finally changed, and all the people who had been waiting for a long time clicked to open it.

"Grow slowly, grow stronger

Kiss victory, also collection failure

Enjoy the spotlight more and more, and start to know how to hide

meet, intersect, agitate

the reason i am what i am

Because of the opponent"

Zhao Song looked at the heavy rain with deep eyes, and muttered to himself: "Come on, let's fight, I am a small man! But I am still a coward!"

Today's chapter, tomorrow's entry physical examination, I'll go to bed first.

Thank you, I will say it tomorrow, and I will write more in these two days!

The real-time bidding advertising DSP in this article is regarded as the most primitive thing, so it is not necessary to delve into it. If you write too much, it will be a waste of words.

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