Rebirth: The Financial Giant

Chapter 364: 【Science and Technology Innovation Board Planning】

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In the afternoon, Lu Ming, who was in the company, was paying attention to the fact that Zhongxing was sanctioned by the old and the United States.

Yesterday I was analyzing the repositioning of Tiansheng Value Growth Mixed Fund, but today it was completely overshadowed by Zhongxing's sanctioning incident.

The export embargo has touched the pain point of the lack of core technologies in the domestic communication industry.

The 7-year ban on sales corresponds to the year 2025. The real purpose of the beautiful country is obvious.

Obviously, the real biggest purpose is to curb the "2025 manufacturing" strategy proposed by China to become a powerful country, and at least to slow down the domestic strategy of transforming and upgrading to high-end manufacturing.

In fact, Laomei was extremely angry and panicked. In the eyes of the people of Magnesia, the Chinese people on the other side of the ocean should do low-end manufacturing to provide cheap commodity supplies to the West.

When seeing the Chinese people start to enter the high-tech industry with high profit and high value-added, and show great potential, this is very frightening to the West, especially the old America.

If Huaguo succeeds in the high-end manufacturing field, the profit margins of the West will be greatly squeezed, the profits of their high-tech companies will be reduced, and life will not be easy, so they must do everything they can to contain, suppress.

In the office, Lu Ming suddenly closed all news pages, picked up the phone on the desk, dialed a number, and called directly to the president's office at the Anshi Group headquarters.

After the phone was successfully connected, Lu Ming immediately said, "Master, it's me."

An Qilong on the other end of the phone replied, "Xiao Ming? What's the matter?"

Lu Ming said solemnly, "Father, let Xiaoyi, who is studying abroad, return to China as soon as possible. I'm worried that she will have an accident overseas."

An Qilong was surprised, and suddenly asked suspiciously: "Accident? Where did you start?"

Lu Ming nodded and replied, "It's not because of Xiaoyi, but because of me, the people of Magnus hate me so much that they can't do anything about me. I'm worried that they will find people around me. Sooner or later, the relationship between Yi will be found out by the people of Magnesium, so we have to guard against it."

An Qilong said in surprise: "Isn't it? Besides, Rouer is studying in Germany."

Lu Ming shook his head and said, "It doesn't matter where you are, as long as you are abroad, there will always be a way for the people of Magnesia to get this idea, and the Germans may not be able to withstand the pressure exerted by the people of Magnesium. The West, don't hold them too much. The expectation is that you can do anything under the poor skills of a donkey.”

An Qilong thought for a while, and after a while, he responded immediately, "I will let Jinhong handle this matter personally, and let her come back this week as soon as possible."

Lu Ming said, "I'll ask the company to send a private plane to Europe to pick up people back. It's still not safe to take ordinary flights."

An Qilong replied, "Okay."

Regarding Lu Ming's seemingly unfounded worries, Mr. An did not hesitate too much. Lu Ming's sense of crisis and forward-looking has been proved by the successful cashing of profits from the North American capital market some time ago. Naturally, he attaches great importance to it.

The call between the two sides did not last long. An Qilong immediately called his eldest son to deal with the matter. Lu Ming also informed him to prepare, and asked the company to arrange a private plane to fly to Europe to pick him up as soon as possible.

Ordinary flights also have the risk of being detained. My own people drove the plane over, and even if the other party asked for an emergency landing, they would just do nothing. No matter how arrogant Lao Mei was, she would not dare to shoot down the plane blatantly.

In any case, it is not comparable to the past. It is unlikely that things like the "Galaxy" incident will happen again today.

After arranging this matter, Lu Ming was relieved, and it would never be wrong to plan ahead.


After half an hour.

"Please come in!"

Lu Ming looked up and saw Zheng Hongrui, CEO of Tianyu Yunchi, who entered the office.

"Chairman, what are your instructions to me?"

Tianyu Yunchi, a start-up company in the field of new energy vehicles, was hatched by Tiansheng Capital. consumer side.

Simply put, it is to provide technical support, such as electric drive, electronic control, battery, etc., through the upstream and midstream companies of the "Tiansheng series". These technologies come from other strategic partners of the "Tiansheng series", and only from this link. Look, Tianyu Yunchi is an assembled car, and it is the "Xiao Mi" in the new energy vehicle, but Tianyu Yunchi has its own core areas of expertise.

That is the intelligent vehicle system. To put it figuratively, its core technology is to make a smartphone operating system. This part is done by Tianyu Yunchi, which is similar to building an intelligent platform.

Such a strategy seems to have great hidden dangers. For example, if one of the partners does not supply batteries, it will be a shit.

However, the reason why it is called "Tiansheng Department" is because every player in this ecosystem, Tiansheng Capital is their major shareholder, which solves the potential trust problem and provides a very good intermediary communication. Only then can you focus on your own subdivision without any worries, and achieve the top level.

The role of Tiansheng Capital is to divide everyone's cake, and everyone forms a community of interests team to compete with opponents outside the circle, such as foreign Tesla.

"It's been a year since Tianyu Yunchi was established. I'm watching and following the progress report. It's a good job." Lu Ming came to the sofa in the rest area and sat down, looked at Zheng Hongrui who was sitting opposite, and said, "Continue. Keep it going, but at the same time you have to figure out how to make the company profitable this year.”

"Profit this year?" Zheng Hongrui was very surprised when he heard it, and said quickly: "Chairman, I haven't thought about this at all, the whole team is working **** technical research, and we don't even have time to structure the sales staff... "

The implication is, boss, you suddenly let me make money, I have nothing to prepare, I have never thought about making money, what should I do?

The concubine can't do it!

Lu Ming said with a smile: "Don't It's not for you to change your strategy, for you to make the company's performance in order to cooperate with the capital operation on my side, the purpose is to solve the financing problem in the future. , Tianyu Yunchi is definitely going to go public, and it will not go public in the United States, but in China. My plan is to list the company next year. How can I develop technology without money? Where does the money come from? Capital market financing. "

Hearing this, Zheng Hongrui was suddenly stunned, and he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. He was unwilling to let the company make a profit now, because he was really unprepared, and it was not conducive to long-term development.

It turns out that it is to prepare funds for the company's technology research and development for the purpose of listing financing, which is another matter.

Zheng Hongrui thought that Lu Ming was planning to let Tianyu Yunchi go to the GEM, but Lu Ming didn't consider the GEM at all, but for the science and technology innovation board that had not yet come out, so he had to plan ahead.

If you want Tianyu Yunchi to become the first batch of listed companies to open the market on the Science and Technology Innovation Board, it must be planned in advance, and in the future, Tianyu Yunchi will become the leader of the Science and Technology Innovation Board, just like Tiansheng at the same time. The position of the holding on the main board.


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