Rebirth: The Financial Giant

Chapter 225: [Taking over foreign capital is a sign of mastering pricing power]

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Lu Ming poured a glass of water by himself, went back to his desk and went to the boss chair, and said with a calm smile: "If foreign capital intends to manage the money for me, it will not only invest in overseas assets, but also invest in the future A-share market. As for you saying that you will be scolded for helping foreigners to earn money from Chinese people, those who scold others are just short-sighted, and I don’t want to bird such people.”

Su Xiaoman leaned his hips beside the desk and stood motionless gracefully, with his arms folded in front of him thoughtfully, "I think I understand what you mean. It means that it indirectly prevents them from repeatedly cutting leeks in the domestic capital market, and the amount of foreign capital we manage is equivalent to reducing the amount of foreign capital to speculate in the domestic capital market."

In order to grow into a mature financial market in the future, Big A must gradually expand the opening up of foreign capital to invest in. In fact, foreign investment capital is welcome, but speculative capital is not welcome.

Now it's just a small opening to strictly control the scale of foreign capital inflows. The main reason is that in the financial sector, a large number of domestic institutions can't compete with foreigners. How dare they let go? This gap must be acknowledged.

The current main force of the domestic capital market is actually retail investors. Because there are too many, 150 million retail investors have an average account of 100,000 yuan, which is on the order of 15 trillion yuan. Not to mention that each retail investor can open multiple securities accounts, which is actually even bigger.

If nothing else, as far as the current domestic extremely immature retail investors and basic citizens have really let foreign institutions come in, the leeks must not be slashed by foreign capital, and the roots of leeks must be completely cut off by foreign capital?

As far as the current situation is concerned, it is a good example. Foreign capital is constantly increasing their holdings of core assets, while the vast majority of small companies in Big A still like to hype garbage with hot money, trying to dream of getting rich overnight and never wake up. But turn a blind eye to the real core assets, turn a deaf ear.

What are core assets? In fact, it can be seen with the naked eye every day around Xiaosan. Milk drinks, ham, wine and soy sauce and vinegar cooking oil in the kitchens of every household can be seen everywhere on the supermarket shelves.

These core assets that can be seen everywhere in daily life around them are all turned a blind eye. Instead, they like to speculate on concepts such as technology semiconductors and new energy. The euphemism is to support the development of national science and technology.

The key is that I don't understand, I only know that a certain company is a semiconductor technology. As for which sub-sector of semiconductors does what, I don't know whether it is an industry leader or a miscellaneous hair, and I don't know whether it has real performance or only. storytelling.

I just felt that it was tall, and it went up quite fiercely. Everyone was bragging about how good this ticket was, so I bought it, and then I was covered with a quilt.

Most of the small and medium-sized investors who occupy the mainstream market are such irrational and immature investors. How can the management dare to let in a lot of wolves outside?

If there is no bone residue left in minutes, it is better to rot in the pot, at least the wealth has not been lost to foreign countries.

Hearing Su Xiaoman's words, Lu Ming couldn't help nodding his head and smiling: "That's right, the foreign capital is entrusted to me to invest in the domestic capital market, and this money can be transformed from the status of speculative capital into real investment capital. The domestic capital market provides a financing function, and it also prevents the large inflow and outflow of foreign capital from causing drastic fluctuations in the capital market.”

Because as long as foreign capitals entrust their money to Tiansheng Capital, if they want to make short-term huge profits, only Lu Ming chooses to use the money to be a leek. Obviously, it is impossible to do this. It is the target of allocating A-share assets, and Lu Ming will only give them a stable return of the part of the profit that the investment capital should get, rather than short-term huge profits.

Others may not be able to do it, but Lu Ming's level can do it. Saying that the annualized income of 20% to 30% of foreign investment in one year will not exceed this range too much.

As for doubling or even several times the rate of return in one year, it is impossible in Big A. This treatment can only be obtained by domestic LP institutions, especially LP institutions such as social security funds and pension funds.

However, Lu Ming can also bring his LP foreign investment a return that doubles the annual income. After all, the higher the rate of return, the higher the excess performance commission earned by Tiansheng Capital, but the market has to change. It can't be big A, but US stocks. Market-based major overseas capital markets.

In these markets, Lu Ming can make as much profit as he can absolutely make. Anyway, it's someone else's place. Just play and toss, even if it is broken, it doesn't matter.

Anyway, it's not my own place, so I won't feel bad.

At this time, Su Xiaoman looked at Lu Ming and said, "If you do as you say, then it is impossible for foreign capital to hand over their money to Tiansheng management. The return you bring from managing money is not as good as their own management. If you manage the money, you have to pay additional management fees and performance commissions.”

Lu Ming said immediately: "Well said, when it comes to the core point of the conflict, then we will knock down their own rate of return and hurt them, so that they can't make much money in the big A field, let them realize Who has the final say here, let them understand that if they want to make money steadily in this market, they must give the money to Tiansheng Capital to manage."

The answer is obvious. At the end of this year, foreign capital must not be allowed to run away, and they must continue to stand guard on the top of the mountain.

Westerners, he will admit and respect you only after you clean him up.

Just reasoning with them is useless, it has to make them feel real pain.

Su Xiaoman simply said: "Then I will reply to Goldman Sachs as you wish."

Lu Ming nodded: "Well, let's go."

In the long run, for the country to grow stronger and become the largest economy in the world in the future, the RMB will become deeply internationalized, and it is inevitable for global capital to invest in the Greater China market, and it is also the only way for the country. Transferred by personal will.

The acceptance of overseas LP institutions by Tiansheng Capital is conducive to the healthy development of the domestic capital market. This is a sign of mastering the pricing power of the capital market. As the scale of asset management becomes larger and larger, the influence on the big A is increasing. , Tiansheng Capital must to a certain extent assume the role of the ballast stone for the entire domestic capital market.

Foreign capital voluntarily handed over money to Tiansheng Capital to invest in big Giving 10 billion yuan is equivalent to losing 10 billion yuan in foreign capital, making waves in the market and repeatedly cutting leeks.

For the development of Tiansheng Capital itself, the introduction of overseas institutions can better cut leeks in the international capital market.

Goldman Sachs Group, which received the reply letter, quickly contacted the management of Tiansheng Capital by phone. Goldman Sachs Group will send executives from the headquarters to Ningzhou and Tiansheng Capital to discuss cooperation matters in person.

Although Goldman Sachs also lost a fortune indirectly because he knew that Lu Ming participated in the hunt against international short-sold funds in the offshore exchange rate market last year, this does not hinder the possible cooperation in the future.

Make money, it's not shabby.

Two days later, the person in charge of the top overseas investment agency sent to interview and cooperate with Tiansheng Capital flew to Ningzhou, not one Goldman Sachs Group, but three, and the other two were Morgan Stanley and Carlyle Investment Group.


(Ps: Ask for a monthly pass, and a recommended ticket too~)

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