Rebirth: The Financial Giant

Chapter 224: [E-mail from Goldman Sachs]

The target of Anjie shares, which opened with a one-word daily limit, is a big bull stock that is dozens of times longer than Tiansheng Capital. The stock price can rise to a height of 168 yuan in less than five years. After the resumption of rights, Tiansheng Capital holds The cost price is only 4.72 yuan per share.

In other words, this investment of Anjie shares can bring more than 34 times the rate of return to Tiansheng Capital, which is still under the premise of no operation.

If you are a big T at the next year's line level, the return on this investment will be at least 50 times.

After the opening of the market, the orders on the buying board of Anjie shares quickly piled up to more than 2 million lots, and other stocks in the new energy sector began to rise and fall, and funds began to differentiate. , the weak miscellaneous quickly dived and was abandoned.

The hot money ran faster one by one, leaving a group of small scattered big eyes staring at them.

Miscellaneous hair is miscellaneous hair after all, basically a day trip, if you come in without a first-mover advantage, you will be buried alive.

However, Anjie Co., Ltd. started to eat alone, and the hot money in the market was not idle. The two-day fermentation on weekends and weekends was enough time for them to resume the business.

Tickets that were "turned over" by Gao Hua are now suspended, and Anjie shares, which have not been suspended, are listed. These are all taken into account.

Soon, when Shen Technology was pulled by the daily limit of funds, it became the second daily limit stock in the new energy sector today. Unlike Anjie shares, this ticket opened flat and moved higher in the morning market and walked out of the time-sharing form within ten minutes. , and the one who got the ticket of Xing Zhou Bang took the lead in the daily limit.

Dangshen Technology also reached the daily limit last Friday. Today, one entry and two successes were successful. The market capital chose this ticket, and the two boards were fixed, and this vote and the two boards exuded a strong demonic energy.

Although Anjie shares are at the first daily limit, they are destined to not become a monster by eating alone.

The real big demon can only get out of the short-term surge of demonic energy, and the main rising wave can only be done by relaying, you eat a part, I eat a part, and beat drums and pass flowers.

Immediately after that, the third daily limit in the sector appeared, and Fangda Carbon successfully sealed the plate.

Xingzhou Bang originally wanted to hit the daily limit, but it was blocked by Fangda Carbon again.

It is worth mentioning that the ticket of Fangda Tansu Lu Ming lurked in early, in Tiansheng Small and Medium Cap 300.

After looking at the board for a while, Lu Ming closed the market software.

Nothing fancy.

The current situation is that the hot money is playing the game of "drawing lots". The basic logic is that the bet can be "turned over" by Gao Hua. If the bet is right, it is a big meat. A company selected by Lu Ming.

The logic of market funds choosing to pull this ticket is actually quite simple. The fundamentals are good and the performance is good. It is really simple to say that the logic is simple. Tiansheng Capital wants to play the real thing. This is the consensus of the market. Since it is not to hype and make money Just leave, it is absolutely impossible to find a garbage company.

Therefore, it is best to choose a sector with good fundamentals and good performance, and it is best to be a leader in the subdivided industry. Such a company has a high probability of being "turned over" by Gao Hua.

A while ago, the routine of hot money hyping demon stocks was to specifically select small-cap stocks of state-owned enterprises and fundamentals to pull their hips. At first glance, they were the targets of junk stocks. Nowadays, new energy is suddenly on the rise, and the style of market speculation has changed again.

Xiaosan who want to get rich simply can’t keep up with the fast-switching hype style of the market. Basically every time it’s a bit slow, they just figured out the routine of hot money, and they changed the game again, leaving only Xiaosan in Standing guard at a high point, with big eyes and small eyes, the wind is messy.

Looking at it now, there is no doubt that the demon stocks in the previous April and May were the Jidong equipment and Chuangye environmental protection of the "Xiongyu New District Concept". Now they have all become old demons who are inferior to dogs.

The demon energy has been transferred to the new energy sector. This is the consensus reached by the hot money market short-term funds, and there is no disagreement. The demon stocks in June and July must be born in this sector. It depends on which stock can be promoted to become the leader in popularity. .

But it's hard to say which specific stock can come out. No hot money can say this. The demon stock can only know if it comes out.

At present, it is difficult to judge, because there is an expectation of suspension, Gao Hua's "turn over the brand" will definitely be suspended, and the confirmation of fixed increase will generally be suspended for a month. death penalty.

This round of hype can be said to be quite exciting.


"Come in!"

When Lu Ming heard someone knocking on the door of the office, he immediately responded, tilted his head and glanced over, and it was Su Xiaoman who walked in, "Goldman Sachs Capital sent us an email, and it has been confirmed that it is not a prank, and it is Goldman Sachs headquarters. Sent."

After finishing speaking, Su Xiaoman put the printed paper document of the email content on his desk, Lu Ming picked it up and opened it at a glance, after a while he couldn't help but be surprised: "Yo, the capital institutions on Wall Street also want me to take care of them for them. Money? Talk, let them talk, you send a letter back, Tiansheng Capital welcomes high-quality LPs from anywhere in the world.”

Lu Ming couldn't help but smile when he saw the content of the email.

Su Xiaoman couldn't help saying when he heard his neat and tidy decision: "Accepting the entrustment of assets from overseas funds may have an impact on the reputation of our Tiansheng Capital in China. We help foreigners to earn money from the Chinese in the future. Capital may be scolded."

Lu Ming said with a smile: "The layout is too small. I'm afraid of being scolded for not being in the A-share market. Which one can't be done in the North American stock market, the European stock market, or the Japanese and Korean stock market? Tiansheng Capital's overseas investments are LPs with foreign status. Having more friends is more conducive to global investment, especially the U.S. stock market. With the interests of Wall Street institutions **** in it, our investment in the U.S. stock market can be much smoother.”

If you do not accept foreign capital, maybe Tiansheng QDIE holds more than 100 billion U.S. dollars in US stock market value. It may be made difficult by the old American, or even if you can't afford to lose, you will not be allowed to leave. If the interests of some capital institutions on Wall Street are tied, Tiansheng Sheng Capital can achieve a market value of stock assets of hundreds of billions of dollars in the US stock market.

Although it is to help foreigners manage money and make money for them, they are cutting leeks in their market anyway, and they can charge management fees and excess performance commissions. The excess performance commissions of hundreds of billions of dollars are also an astronomical figure. Profits, but also to be tricked.

Now, managing money for them not only has this profit, but also has a wider path in the U.S. stock market. When encountering obstacles, there will be local snakes to help you settle it, because they have their interests in it, and they will definitely be attentive.

Su Xiaoman couldn't help but say: "Wall Street seems to be a bit superfluous."

Lu Ming shook his head and smiled and said, "There are so many capital institutions on Wall Street. The only two things in common are greed and selfishness. We can be allies of interests with some people on Wall Street, and mortal enemies with others to achieve a delicate balance."

Su Xiaoman was puzzled: "Deadly enemy? Can't all be allies of interest?"

Lu Ming asked back: "They are all friends. I want to make money. Who is responsible for losing money and being cut off by me? The party who loses money and gets cut off must be the enemy."

Hearing this, Su Xiaoman was speechless.

If you make a lot of money, someone will lose a lot of It is impossible for someone who loses money to row and play with you.

What's more, at the end of the year, in the domestic capital market, Lu Ming will take the lead in this wave of blue-chip big **** votes, and Lu Ming will take the lead in reaping and killing someone who is caught off guard. All of them, including foreign capital, will continue to stand guard honestly, or they will cut their flesh and form a real loss. out.

Domestic blue-chip big **** votes, these core assets will break through the high point of the previous year's stock market crash one after another at the end of the year, and some stocks such as Mao Ti have already broken through and are on the road to new highs.

Most of the foreign capitals have bought or bought the core assets. If they do not sell, it means that after the end of the year, most of the foreign capitals that were trapped in the core assets in 2015 will not only be released, but will also get good returns. .

Lu Ming definitely couldn't let these foreign capitals take the opportunity to cut a handful of leeks and run away, and then return to buy core assets at the end of next year.

Lu Ming would never tolerate such a thing happening. Even if he cut the leeks he grew at home, he would cut them himself. It was not the turn of foreign capital to invest the sickle.


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