Rebirth of the Burning Era

Chapter 311: 3 water flow 3 water

Chatted with Li Ning for a while, and left business cards with each other. Li Ning had other steps ahead.

The following celebration activities were arranged very lively. In the afternoon, there was a celebration performance, but Liang Yifei was not interested. He came from the 21st century. Looking at the current performances and stars, he always felt a little dirty.

It's not that Jianlibao was not well organized, and the grass-stage team was invited. On the contrary, for this New Year's Day, Jianlibao really made a lot of money and invited a lot of popular stars, some of whom were famous after more than ten years. .

At this time, Liu Huan was not fat and had no neck. He had long hair. Although he was in his early thirties, he looked like a very energetic young man. The opening scene was a young man with no worries, the popular TV series plainclothes police in 1987. theme song.

Sometimes TV series are often forgotten quickly, but the theme song of TV series can be sung for many years and become a classic. This song is a typical example.

This song is very popular and inspirational among current, especially current entrepreneurs, and it is very appropriate to the content of the TV series plainclothes police. It speaks of a young policeman who has been affected by historical events and treated unfairly. The story is very similar to the struggle of most middle-aged entrepreneurs today.

In Liang Yifei's impressions in his previous life, this was a song about prisoners of labor reform, and he didn't know why he had such an impression.

Wu Sanshou suddenly said a sentence on the side. In the past, when there was a meeting in the prison, when the ideological education reform was carried out, this song was played. Now it can be regarded as seeing a real person.

Liang Yifei was stunned for a moment, then smiled.

The next few stars are all domestically famous wrists. They sing Mao Amin, who reflects the theme song of the TV series "Fence Women and Dogs", which reflects the changes in the lives of women in rural areas. The famous singer Yang Hongji, who has passed away in the east of the Yangtze River, sang the theme song in the TV series "Mountain Never Turns Water" starring Li Baotian, and the up-and-coming Northeast girl Na Ying...

He also invited a very popular Butterfly Xiaosheng, the one who played Zhuge Liang, to sing with Yang Hongji. I didn't expect the level to be quite high.

But the most popular ones are not these first-line big names. These people come on stage, sing, and call the curtain. There is generally warm applause from the audience, but when the finale actor comes on stage after the host reports immediately exploded.

The reactions were completely different. They applauded and applauded. Many people even stood up and looked up at the stage with their necks raised. Some of them were more relaxed and rushed to the stage. Some of them should be calmer than usual. The entrepreneur, but was immediately stopped by the security guard. A row of security guards seemed to have been prepared, and they formed a human wall with arms in hand under the stage.

Even some older local officials, saw this person's face unconsciously put on a smile.

The actor on stage smiled even sweeter.

Beauty, everyone likes, youth, everyone wants to catch.

"Yo, isn't that who?" Even Xie Yifei was amused and said, "Now someone can tell that she is the most beautiful woman in contemporary China."

Liang Yifei also thinks it is quite a coincidence. The last time I met Sheng Wenfeng by chance, this time I saw Yang Yuying at the performance. If I remember correctly, this grand master will stage six cars in the past two years. Mercedes-Benz welcomes the beauty of the show, and a villa and a Porsche currently worth more than two million won the heart of the beauty.

Speaking of conscience, Sheng Wenfeng is rich, but he is not rich at all. Men who have reached their level have power in one hand, gold in the other, travel around the world, and support each other. Naturally, there is a kind of charm that ordinary people do not have. Sheng Wenfeng himself He does things all over the world, and is very beautiful, even men have a good impression, not to mention young girls.

From the enthusiasm of the audience, it can be seen that during the reform and opening up, the economy has developed, people have been freed from the hard days of struggling to eat enough, and the entertainment industry has also begun to take off. What people need is not particularly high-level singing. Home and actor, but a star who can be pleasing to the eyes and happy.

On the stage, when Yang Yuying opened her voice, Liang Yifei was stunned.

"In 1979, it was a spring..."

What she sang was not the sweet song she was good at, but the story of spring that Liang Yifei gave to Qi Minru at the beginning. This song originally belonged to the Sheng family. According to the historical trajectory, it should be the Sheng family who took it out as a favor, and it turned out to be My own favor, unexpectedly, went around in a circle and returned to Sheng Wenfeng's future girlfriend.

Xie Yifei also knew this song. When he met Liang Yifei for the first time, he made an expensive and unexpensive favor by arranging for Qi Minru to appear on the Zhengda variety show in this issue of National Day.

"Your Miss Qi is very popular now." Xie Yifei tilted his head slightly, and smiled lightly with Liang Yifei: "I heard that it will be raised again and transferred to the General Political and Cultural It is said that as long as it has an official background She is indispensable to large-scale evening parties. Before, I thought that the CP Variety Show invited her to support you, but now it seems that she can be invited to the CP Variety Show. "

Liang Yifei turned to look at Xie Yifei and said, "What is my Miss Qi? She and I are friends, don't talk nonsense."

Xie Yifei was stunned for a while, then nodded earnestly: "Yes, it's my blunder, not your Miss Qi, she belongs to the people and the motherland."

Liang Yifei rolled his eyes and ignored him.

Qi Minru took this route. Now that she has reached the current class, she is an entrepreneur, and if she has any scandals with her, it will not help her, but will drag her back, and it will not do her any good.

Friendships last forever, which is great.


While Liang Yifei and Xie Yifei were watching the performance, in an office of the Jianlibao headquarters building, Li Ning and Jianlibao's big boss Li Jingwei sat opposite each other.

Like the style of most entrepreneurs who started from scratch at the bottom, the furnishings in the office are very luxurious. In Liang Yifei's opinion, it must only be described as a nouveau riche, and there is also a pair of limericks hanging on the wall. couplet.

Three waters flow into three waters, which are rich in rice cement and magic water; dragons pass on dragons, and human beings emerge from human beings to become strong men.

The couplet is also very rustic and has no literary quality, but it really reflects the status of Jianlibao and Li Jingwei in Sanshui County.

"Da Li, did you just say what you said about property rights, is that what Boss Liang said, or did you think about it yourself?" Li Jingwei asked.

Li Ning was silent for a moment, and said, "If he didn't say it, I really didn't notice it, but when he reminded me, I think it makes sense. What he said and what I told me are not much different."

Of course there is a difference in who said it, and the difference is huge.

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