Rebirth: Japanese investor

Chapter 335: successful man

   Chapter 335 A Successful Man

   Kishimoto Masayoshi and Fukada Kyoko left the living room and moved to another room. There is a desktop computer and a laptop in there.

  It is not surprising that one person owns such two computers. Even without turning on the computer, Masayoshi Kishimoto believes that the configuration of the two computers will not be bad, but only good.

   He believed that a woman like Kyoko Fukada would not use a bad one after she got used to it. Even if it can't be used, it will not lower the grade to use.

   "Are you playing on a desktop, or a laptop?" Kishimoto Masayoshi asked casually.

   "I'm used to playing with my laptop." Kyoko Fukada said the truth.

   "Then I'll play the desktop game." Kishimoto Masayoshi walked over, ready to sit down and start the machine.

   Kyoko Fukada moved her steps to the other side of the laptop and sat down. After she turned on the phone, the attention of a pair of eyes fell on Kishimoto Masayoshi's face.

   In all fairness, he is really not handsome. She is tired of seeing all kinds of handsome guys in the entertainment industry. Even if she is young, she is precocious, and she naturally knows what a man is all about.

  Kishimoto Masayoshi did not feel excited in his heart even though he noticed that Kyoko Fukada was looking at him. Now he is definitely a successful person.

   Does it matter how you look like? In the near future, there will be a household name in mainland China called Jack Ma. The appearance of this man is indescribable.

   When he was looking for a job after graduating from college, he repeatedly hit a wall because of his poor looks. As Jack Ma himself said, a man's intelligence is inversely proportional to his looks.

  A man has the ability and money, but what kind of beauty can’t be found? Even if she wants to be alone and quietly, there will be beauties who will continue to take the initiative to pounce on her.

  Beauties don't all love men's money. Among them, there has never been a shortage of people who feel that following such a man will make them feel the most secure.

   Not to mention, the instinctive drive of female animals is to find strong male animals for their own sake and peace of mind to reproduce. The most intuitive way for people to show that they are strong is money.

  There is a particularly interesting phenomenon in Japan that many beautiful female stars marry comedians who are not even ordinary.

   The two Aois, one is Sora Aoi and the other is Yuu Aoi, both married comedians. In addition, there are also many Japanese female stars who are married to ordinary office workers. The most famous female star is Fujiwara Norika.

   Of course, as beautiful female stars in Japan, they can't escape a "curse". Their mainstream still wants to marry a successful man like the president and president.

   The problem is that the elite men like this are the very few on the top of the pyramid. Not only is there more monks and less porridge, but the competition is fierce.

   In this world, not only female stars are beautiful. Beautiful women are found in all walks of life and in all classes.

   Among them, there is no shortage of daughters like Iwasaki Maki who coexist with beauty and wisdom. There is also no shortage of beautiful women like Sakai Rie who come from middle-class families and have some talents and outstanding appearance.

   Masayoshi Kishimoto knows that the difference between men and women is that no matter how rich and successful the former is, they can look down.

   As for the latter, it cannot be done. Even those well-known Japanese actresses who marry ordinary people don't mean that she has her eyes down.

  The money earned by female stars in the Japanese entertainment circle is not necessarily more than that of ordinary office workers, especially the regular members in big companies.

   I remember very clearly, Yu Aoi once said, why did she choose to marry the husband of the comedian? She likes her best with each other.

   is also what Chinese women love to say on their lips, marrying a man who loves you is happier than marrying a man you love.

  In the eyes of ordinary people, female stars are bright and beautiful, how good, how beautiful, and how confident. However, once they are in front of a successful man, it is a completely different matter.

  When they are with successful men, they will always doubt themselves, and from time to time, a question will pop up in their hearts over and over again, what does he like about them?

   Furthermore, female stars like Kyoko Fukada are eye-opening women. They want to have a very decent life all their lives, so it is inevitable to find a successful man.

   Besides, the reason why successful men can be successful, apart from some good luck, must be unique thinking and extraordinary.

   When a woman who has opened her eyes comes into contact with such a man, she will inevitably feel the personality charm from the other party. Self-confidence, knowledge, conversation, etc. are excellent qualities that ordinary men rarely possess.

   Let them get married, it becomes extremely difficult. After all, people always make a comparison in their hearts. Of course, the heart of comparison, vanity and so on are also in the heart.

  The origins of Japanese female stars are generally not high, or even generally low. Although working as an entertainer today is no longer the kind of lowly occupation that the feudal society used to say, it is still not a place where good people should be treated in the eyes of many people from different classes.

  In Japanese society where class mobility is solidified, the lower the social class, the more they want to enter the entertainment industry through debut, become an artist and embark on the road of poverty alleviation and prosperity.

  In this field, which is not very popular among the upper middle class, especially the upper class, there is room for them to develop, and then many people have successfully turned their lives into reality.

   Even underground artists who have not officially debuted will have a weekly total ranking. Tokyo will have a certain leaderboard that they consider authoritative.

   To this end, they will chase it wildly, even at the expense of packaging and hyping themselves in debt. Not for anything else, just for one day to be able to soar.

   Or walking on the streets of Tokyo, he was spotted by a scout from a large artist agency, and he embarked on a star-studded road.

  Kishimoto Masayoshi clicks the game shortcut key of "Paradise" on the main interface of the computer. After a while, he entered the game.

  I really have played the online game "Paradise". So, relying on the memory in his head, he entered the account number and password together, and then started the game.

   Kishimoto Masayoshi blurted out: "Which district server are you in? What's the name in the game, so I can add you."

   Kyoko Fukada's mind is not on online games at all, but on him. She smiled slyly: "We definitely won't be serving together.

   Let's go to a newly opened zone server and level up together! I'm not very good at playing, you must take me and protect me! "

   (end of this chapter)

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