Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Chapter 48: Qi family's stupid

   Old man Qi had just had a major operation, his body was still weak, his back in the rain was a little rickety, but his steps were unusually firm.

   What's more terrifying is that the old lady Qi didn't mean to stop, she just followed her behind her umbrella silently.

The six people in   nong looked at each other, not knowing which one was causing the trouble.

  Prince Qi came back to his senses first, and ignoring other things, he hurried to catch up, "Dad...Dad!! It's raining, let's go back!"

   Everyone followed them vigorously to persuade, for fear that the old man poured it out and was frozen.

   But the more they are like this, the more angry the old man becomes.

   just walk away, even grandma Qi, who has always been a peacemaker, gnashes her teeth. If she has a stick in her hand, she has to use these **** to play.

   Fortunately, it is not far from the old man's house to the night market, which is only five minutes away.

   Three pairs of parents can't twist the old man and the old lady, so they have to follow behind them, but it doesn't matter too much.

   Also, people in their forties have basically no other emotions when being taught by parents, mainly filial piety.

   The six people are really a little scared at this time, "Or, call the three young ones back? Just tell the matter in front of the old man, just don't hit them."


   "I think it will work! It's not a way to go on like this, the father is not in good health, don't do anything."


   "Oh, I'm so angry about this splint...You kid, you'll be waiting for the next time!"

   You said a word, I said a word, regret it too late.

   However, they regretted not beating the child, but upset the old man.

   accompany the old man until the intersection of the night market, the six adults' complexion changes.

  Because I met acquaintances, and still the kind of acquaintances I don't want to meet.

   Yang Daqiang riding a motorcycle, carrying Yang Jinwei, happened to meet everyone.

   Yang Daqiang looked at him, his mouth was pulled, and he was amused.

   "Yo! You guys also go to the night market under the rain?"

   Guojun Qi didn't want to talk to him, there were no good people in that family.

   But, everyone talks first, and it's hard to refute this face.

   had to smile awkwardly, "Come out with...Come out with the old man."

   Yang Daqiang smiled, and said to his heart, who are you fooling?

   There was so much noise in Qi's house last night, but he didn't get down at all, and he listened to the wall for half the night.

   not only knows why Qi Lei was beaten, but also knows that the three bears should move Mr. Qi out.

   At that time, listening to the three of them being called away by Mr. Qi, I felt more relieved in my heart.

   glanced at the old man in front of him, and stopped the car to the side of the road, leading Yang Jinwei, "That's right, let's be together!"

   said, he came up, "You said that my old lady has to eat bananas in the middle of the night. No, I'm a son, I have to buy more of Shangbei."

   looked at the old man's back meanly again, "This is... not so happy?"

   "I can hear you late and beat the child? What's the matter? My family hasn't stopped recently. No way, none of these little rascals are worry-free, all of them are ignorant!"

   "However, this one in my house is okay, I can still go up when I just stare a little while studying. The one in your house...hey!"

   has its mother, must have its children, and must have its grandchildren.

   This, like Mrs. Yang, knowingly asked, just to embarrass Qi Guojun.

   Qi Guojun is so angry, but he is powerless to argue, just as he didn't hear it.

   Tang Chenggang and Wu Lianshan also frowned. This Yang Daqiang just looked at people and was afraid of bullying hard.

   never dared to say strange things to them, but always stared at the Qi Guojun.

   was about to pick up the words and relieve Qi Guojun. As a result, the old man in front suddenly turned around.

   "What are you talking about? Get out of here!"

   didn't save face for the three dads at all.

   And Yang Daqiang was happier when he heard it. This family is indeed a bit interesting. He is a few dozen years old, and it makes Lao Tzu behave like his third grandson.

   Guojun Qi and the others have a little bit of face, but they have to listen.

   At this time, the old couple had stopped, and they had to stand behind them obediently.

   But Yang Daqiang still refused to leave, and a bear-like look was watching the show there.

   Guojun Qi can't help it anymore, "Dad, it's too much!"

   The monarch of Qi is really unbearable, the old man is getting more confused!

   "Dad, we have to be reasonable at all times? You indiscriminately, what do you want to do!?"

   "Reasonable!?" The master glanced over the six parents, "Are you still reasonable? Have you reasoned with my grandson?"

   "I!" Qi Guojun was speechless, "That's all obvious, haven't I told you?"

   "Obviously?" Murderous aura came up, "How the **** did I teach you such a bunch of bastards!"

  Yang Daqiang and Yang Jinwei are happy in the back, huh! This old man's training is much more exciting than the little one.

   Yang Jinwei whispered to his father: "Father, why is this family so happy?"

Yang Daqiang smiled from ear to ear, "From the old to the young, I have been playing with the baby! What use is it for the old man to go to the Provincial Transportation Department? None of the eleven children are in the transportation system, and the whole life is for nothing. Son!"

   Yang Jinwei smashed his mouth, "It's really useless!"

   Yang Daqiang raised his eyebrows, "It's not useless, it's stupid, not careless, the war broke my brain!"

   The arguments of the two fathers and sons are not good, but they are truthful.

   Qi Haiting has never given his children a part in his life, which is also the main reason for the bad relationship with his children.

   For example, when Qi Guojun’s army changed jobs, the relationship fell to the Shangbei Transportation Bureau, and he was stopped by him.

  For example, the second son, Qi Guomin, also came back from the army. The father refused to stay in Shangbei, so he went to Harbin Children's Palace to teach table tennis.

   For example, the fourth daughter was a college student in the 1980s. She was hired into the agency and was also driven to Qingcheng Oilfield by him. She still doesn't recognize him as a dad.

   When it was the sixth and seventh old, people didn't count on this dad at all, and rushed to the fourth sister as soon as they graduated.

His dad is really not human, but the old man has his own principles, almost stubborn beliefs, no way is no He has been given by the state all his life, and he can't even die. Put it in your own pocket.

   What a father can give to his children is the principle of life and the ability to live, rather than taking advantage of the country by his father's power.

   This is the stubbornness of their generation.

   can be said to be stupid, but the old man is silly and willing.

   Qi Lei is rare, and being close to each other is one aspect. On the other hand, only Little Stone really understands his grandfather, and can think of going with him as an old man.

On their own!

   That is a realm, and it is also a truth that Yang Daqiang will never comprehend in his entire life.

   can make the old man angry. A sixteen-year-old child understands the truth. If outsiders don’t understand it, it’s fine. Do you dads understand?

   At this time, in the rain.

   Old man Qi is murderous, "You are not reasonable, why should I be reasonable with you?"

   "If you don't ask about the green, red and indiscriminate, why should I ask me?"

   "I think you are getting alive and going back!"

   pointed straight ahead, diagonally across the road.

   "Look at me with wide-eyed eyes! I'm ashamed of you and worthy of being a dad? Be a mom?"

   Seven of the Qi monarchs were dissatisfied, and eight were not angry. The way that Lao Tzu taught his son didn't work with them twenty years ago.

   gritted his teeth and said nothing, I can only bow my head and let you scold me.

   Looking in the direction the old man pointed, Qi Guojun was startled.

   At the same time, Tang Chenggang and Wu Lianshan, as well as three daughters-in-law, were also on the spot.

   The expression in his eyes went from disdain to doubt, from doubt to shock, from shock to daze, and from blank to the empty head.

   can't believe what I see.




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