Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Chapter 47: That is growth

   Qi Lei put down the phone, and when he turned his head, he saw that Tang Yi and Wu Ning had already sat up.

   Wu Ning, "Sister Tao?"


   "What's the matter?"

   "Hurge us to get the goods."

   "Oh." Wu Ning did not ask.

   knows in my heart that I can't get the goods for the time being, and the three brothers don't have much money in their hands. At least one day's stall is enough to pay for the goods.

   sat there blinking his eyelids slowly.

   Tang Yi rubbed his eyeballs, and suddenly said, "When can I get the money back?"

   He was talking about the money from Keng Er Baozi, which caused a lot of trouble to the three brothers.

   Qi Lei, "It's going to take five or seven or eight days! You have to let San Shu diligently remind you, seven or eight days is fast."

   "Huh." Tang Xiaoyi glanced out of the window, went out of the house under the rain and took a pee, and then sat on the edge of the Kang in a daze.

   "Is there anyone in the night market this day?"

   Qi Lei was startled.

   Wu Ning replied, "It's not too big, a little drizzle, there must be people."

   Tang Yi, "Let’s go out the stall tonight!"

   Wu Ning, "When I go out, I am idle when I am idle."

   At this time, Lu Xiaoshuai and the three of them were also woken up, and asked in a daze, "What's the matter?"

   Tang Yi glared at him, "What do you know, little kid? Sleep with you!"

   "Oh." Baby Lu lay down again obediently.

   Brother San lost sleep and washed his face, Tang Yi went out to the small restaurant on the street to buy food.

  According to his temperament, he certainly cannot treat the stomachs of his brothers. But today, Tang Xiaoyi hesitated for a long time there.

   "Mom has a mess, money is hard to earn, **** is awful, the boss comes for six fried rice!"

   Qi Lei watched him come back with fried rice, feeling very uncomfortable.

   Tang Yi is the youngest among the three brothers. He was used to six parents, Qi Lei and Wu Ning. He never knew how to write the word "difficult".

   is forced to be like this now, it is inevitable to feel a little guilty.

   However, the soul of the middle-aged man is telling him that this is a good thing!

   If there is a problem, no longer rely on father, no longer rely on fists, but to solve the problem as much as possible, that is, growth.

   Qi Lei already has a plan for his life worth looking forward to. He will follow the black and white list and enjoy his youth while walking on.

   But Wu Ning and Tang Yi did not.

  In the future, will they enjoy refuge under the aura of Qi Lei, or will they stand alone and the three of them will walk side by side? Of course Qi Lei hopes to be the latter.

   The ending is completely different.

   The drizzle didn't stop, and the three brothers came out of Jiang Haiyang’s house on time at four o'clock, went to the old man’s place to pick up the goods, and went straight to the night market.

   Grandma Qi watched the rain and said nothing to let them suffer. But Qi Haiting didn't say anything, but his face was not good, very bad.

   As if to eat people, I don't know who is going to be unlucky.

   When he came out from the old man, he also passed a bunch of frames and a piece of plastic sheeting.

  Frame strips are long poles used by farmers to support climbing crops such as beans (green beans) and cucumbers.

   The south is generally made of bamboo, while the north is mostly made of wood.

   Almost every family has this thing, because every family has a yard and vegetable plot these days.

   When it comes to the night market, there are not many people, but it's okay.

   Spread a plastic sheet under the stall and use a rack to support a simple shed, even if it is opened.

However, because of the limited width of the fabric, and in order to attract more customers to come to patronize, apart from covering the booth, the remaining half-meter width is allowed to the front of the booth, and the brother is a little behind. There is no occlusion.

   And this kind of drizzle, rainy and misty weather is also the most hateful.

  Umbrellas are not worthwhile, and raincoats are not enough to make trouble. The clothes didn't seem to be wet for ten minutes at Dingyu, but standing for one night is another matter.

   Within an hour, Brother Three was soaked. The hair is also stuck to the head in a strand, and it will be more sinful and sinful.

   The only thing that is gratifying is that because of the rain, they are the only sock stand tonight.

   There is also a canopy, and there is a special area for customers to avoid the rain, and the guests are willing to come here subconsciously.

   So, the business is pretty good, even better than the previous two days.

   This made Tang Xiaoyi and Wu Xiaojian very proud, "What do you think!? Brother, is this brain enough? Come out today!"

   Wu Xiaojian also specially emphasized, "The joint law enforcement will not collect booth fees."

made money!


   On the other side, the three families of Qi Guojun, Tang Chenggang and Wu Lianshan did not report to the old man until after seven o'clock. Son

   are all the first to go home, see the three little **** are gone, jumping angrily, eating half a bowl of dinner.

   Yes, I went after dinner at home, knowing that the father does not care about the preferential treatment of the meal. Eat more of that half bowl for fear of suffering at night.

On the way to   , Cui Yumin also persuaded:

   "The old man is getting older, so let's make it a little bit, what he says is what he says!"

   Tang Chenggang frowned, feeling uneasy in his heart. No matter how big the boss is, he has to face family problems.

   said bitterly: "He is not that reasonable! If this goes on, the three small ones can still manage it? Whether it's not going to heaven!?"

   Qi Guojun also said: "Cheng Gang is right! This is a matter of principle, you can't let the old man come, the more you get used to it, the more you die!"

   The three daughters-in-law rolled their eyes, and now they are speaking hard. Isn't seeing the old man like a mouse seeing a cat?

   Let's talk about it again, reason with the old man, have you ever talked about it? When they stared, it was the truth.

   Just like when they met the three little ones, when they stared, the three little ones wilted.

   When he arrived at the old man's house, six people came into the courtyard under the rain, and they were about to hide in the house with their necks curled up.

   As a result, Qi Haiting was blocked at the door, fierce and wicked, I saw who of you went in?

   The three daughters-in-law looked at them, they were not easy to provoke, let's hide them!

   Dong Xiuhua suddenly smiled, "Dad, let's go in and see Mom."

   talked, leading Guo Lihua and Cui Yumin to rush in.

   was stunned by the old man, "Stay outside!"

The three daughters-in-law of    Nong are speechless, what's wrong? They still had a special treatment last night, how come the day has passed and their temperament has become stronger?

   So, six people stood in the rain.

   It's getting dark, and it's almost pouring through, but the old man is still stuck there, no one wants to enter.

   did not speak, his eyes were getting more and more scary.

  In the room, Grandma Qi leaned against the window to watch the excitement.

   Dong Xiuhua took advantage of the old man's carelessness, cast a look at the old lady for help, and kept making gestures.

   means Mom, please persuade!

   Unexpectedly, the old lady responded viciously back.

   seems to have said something, and the mouth shape seems to be... "Deserve it!?"

   After more than half an hour, Guojun Qi couldn't bear it anymore, and he complained about three points of helplessness, "Dad, you can't be so accustomed to the child, the stone will go to heaven if you don't care about it!"

   Guo Lihua also said: "Dad, what the monarch said is reasonable, you have to listen."

   "As soon as I got a little improvement in the entrance examination this time, I lifted my tail up into the sky. It was a puppy love again, and I lost my home every night."

   "Of course, we wronged him about stealing money. But what about the other things? Do you have to let it go?"

   "This is not for the good of the stone, it is to harm him!"

   Tang Chenggang hurriedly beat the side drum, "That's it! You didn't doting on us so much before, you always scored a blessing in everything, right?"

   Wu Lianshan, "Goddamn, why don't you... let's go into the house and say? You have been standing for a long time, and your body is important."

   While talking, he must go up and help the old man into the house.

   A group of people seemed to have opened up the chatterbox, you said and I said, all of them are justified and well-founded, and what they said is like that.

   And the old man Qi just waited for them to shut up until the six people felt something was wrong.

   And Qi Haiting finally moved.

  , with his hands on his back, his head held high, stepped out in one step, passed six people, and walked out of the courtyard.

   also dropped a sentence: "Follow me!"

   never speak again.

   Grandma Qi also chased out of the house at this time, holding the umbrella to the old man.

   The old couple just walked like this in the rain, and they were unwilling to look behind them more.



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