Rebirth: City Besieged By Zombies

Chapter 195 Are you blind?

Zhang Hongtao's heart seemed to be hit by something, and a kind of anger rose from his body, which made him feel ashamed that he didn't want to be with the people in the elevator! As if he was a cowardly deserter!

The next moment, he felt his body rush over uncontrollably, and then stretched out his hand towards the girl. When he realized it, he was already standing outside the elevator, and the number on the elevator slowly changed to 7 ... 6 ...

The girl stood in the elevator with a panicked expression on her face. The yellow hair on her head had not been dyed for more than a month, and it had already turned black and yellow. The girl stared at the elevator door with dumbfounded eyes. It seemed that he couldn't believe that an uncle stretched out his hand to him just now, and then threw himself in, but he stayed there. ;

A long-lost feeling is born leisurely!

Nima herself really met a good person! The girl couldn't help shaking her head and thinking, but when she heard the little fat man beside her snort, the girl hurriedly stood up.

The elevator was going down very fast, and soon they reached the first floor. Joy flashed across the faces of several people, waiting for the elevator door to open!

The elevator door creaked, and everyone's joyful expressions froze the moment the door opened... instantly!

The world outside the door seems to be two spaces formed by the elevator. Outside the elevator door, there is a sea of ​​zombies. They are collectively crouching on something similar to a piece of meat, feasting on it. The splattered blood and meat greatly irritated everyone in the elevator!

For a moment, time and air seemed to freeze!



The two middle-aged aunts immediately yelled, and the screams pierced the elevator! But seeing the zombies turning their heads collectively, their white and colorless eyeballs looked over in unison!

"Close the door! Idiot! Call your sister!" The girl suddenly pressed the close button, and kept pressing it frantically! But the zombies outside have already stood up! Suddenly, an arm got stuck on the slowly closing door of the elevator, and then, the elevator door slowly opened again!

"My god, Nima!" The little fat man shouted loudly! I saw that he was about to raise his fist, but at the very moment, a man standing at the door screamed and fell down!

Amidst the screams of the crowd, the arm of the zombie inserted straight into his chest, and the warm blood rushed to the zombie's body in an instant.

"Who can push him! Who can push!"

Immediately someone was shouting! But the others didn't speak, instead they were shocked, seeing that the person had been ruthlessly dragged out!

"Save me! Let me go back!" The man was still struggling,

Like a dying fish writhing ashore!

"Go upstairs! Close the door!"

"Leave that person alone, he's dead! Shut down the elevator!"

The people in the elevator yelled frantically, looking at the person who was being dragged straight away, there was a sharp and screaming sound! Fortunately, the elevator was more powerful this time, and it closed quickly.

The people locked in the elevator looked at the continuously rising numbers in shock, and felt a little more at ease.

The elevator quickly went upstairs again and stopped at the highest floor. More than a dozen people rushed out of the elevator in an instant, rolling and crawling into the corridor one by one, so frightened that they couldn't even breathe!

Looking at the calm top floor, they realized that only this floor has not been infected for the time being, but the zombies downstairs may come up at any time!

"Why are you here again?" Zhang Hongtao asked, frowning.

"What should I do?" The girl fell to the ground and said in panic, "There are too many zombies on the first floor, it seems that there is another outbreak, we will only die if we go down!"

It is true that the first floor is full of zombies, Zhang Hongtao asked again: "Approximately how many?"

If there are dozens of them, they can fight and leave!

"Hundreds, there must be hundreds!" A man said, he was wearing the most ordinary construction worker's clothes, and he could still smell the sour smell on his body. He looked very simple, but in fact there were five or six of his workmates in this elevator, and these people also showed expressions of fear on their faces.

Originally, they had the same idea and planned to leave, but now, they obviously ran aground.

Hundreds...too many! It is true that he has already drank the evolution fluid, but only a few times. Dealing with more than ten zombies is basically courting death.

"The first floor is full of zombies, taking the elevator is obviously not a good idea!" Zhang Hongtao pondered for a while and said, "We have only one way!"

"What way? What way?" The two middle-aged aunts immediately shouted anxiously.

Zhang Hongtao looked at the window, with hesitation flickering in his eyes: "We climbed down from the window! We reached the first floor!"

"Fuck, you are crazy! This is the 8th floor, do you know how many meters it is?" The construction worker immediately went crazy: "Without protective measures, we will definitely not be able to hold the rope firmly in the air and we will fall!"

"And there must be zombies outside the first floor!" The other man also shook his head in disapproval.

"No, listen to me!" Zhang Hongtao wanted to say something, but suddenly, he felt something changed in his peripheral vision.

He stopped immediately and looked around without any reason, but there was no change in the surroundings.

Could it be that my eyes are dazzled?

Zhang Hongtao was a little surprised, but he quickly continued to speak, but suddenly, something bounced in the corner of his eye, making him look around suspiciously again? Suddenly, his eyes jumped violently, and his eyes stopped on the elevator sign.

It was clearly 8 just now, but now it has become 6!

Suddenly, there seemed to be a coolness blowing up, Zhang Hongtao shivered for no reason!

Following his gaze, everyone looked towards the elevator in surprise.

"What are you doing looking at the elevator?"

A middle-aged aunt said impatiently in a sharp voice: "Hurry up and tell me, what is the solution? Are you trying to be tricky!"

"Shut up!" Zhang Hongtao immediately roared in a low voice, "Are you blind?"

"Who are you scolding! How dare you scold me?"

Suddenly, someone pulled her, and everyone's eyes froze for an instant. They seemed to lose their voices collectively, and suddenly saw the numbers on the elevator start to jump, from 6, to 5, to 4, and stopped on the first floor!

How is it possible, how is it possible that the first floor is full of zombies, how can someone press the elevator?

But at the next moment, the expressions of these people were full of excitement: "Is the army coming? Is it the elevator they pressed?"

Zhang Hongtao was also overjoyed at first, but then felt a little weird.

It didn't make sense, the time between them going down and coming up was only thirty seconds, plus talking, only a minute or two passed. How is it possible that the army came on board so quickly? Even if it is a large-scale weapon killing, but there is no gunfire?

Everyone watched the elevator go up slowly, their faces flashed with joy, 2 became 3, 3 became 4...


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