Rebirth: City Besieged By Zombies

Chapter 194 Elevator Overload

Su Qing immediately turned around, her slightly raised eyes closed coldly: "Keep watching!"

Several researchers suddenly showed disapproving expressions. They looked at the big screen casually, and then continued to chat in a low voice. Su Qing's eyebrows were slightly frowned, but her beauty was not diminished in the slightest. [Wu Ruo Novel Online First Release]

She tapped on the table consciously, with a smile on her lips.

Hehe, it's really exactly what Chu Li said, these stupid mortals!

Gradually, after about a minute, the expressions of these researchers who didn't care at first began to look wrong!

More than a dozen zombies collided with several tents. From the screen, someone could be seen coming out of the tent to check, but just this one check made the zombies fall directly, and the whole person fell down instantly. After a while, the man stood up unsteadily and joined the army of zombies, and the first thing he dealt with was the living people in the open tent! There may be his companions and family members in there... Soon, several people came out of the tent one after another, oh no... it was zombies!

Researchers are beginning to realize something. If one zombie can infect several people, what about ten zombies? What about twenty zombies? What about a hundred zombies?

Soon, the screams disturbed all the survivors. They opened their sleepy eyes one by one, only to find that they were already in the center of hell, standing in front of them were zombies that they never dreamed of!

The lawn began a scene that no one wanted to see!

Zombies...began an absolute massacre and feast!

In just a few minutes, more than a hundred people have died, and at least nine dozen have turned into zombies again! Such a speed is simply too terrifying!

The people in the institute realized that something was wrong, and their lips trembled. But Su Qing turned off the big screen with a "bang", turned her head, and said with a sneer: "We have already measured the infection speed of zombies in previous experiments, haven't we? Why are you still so stupid? They Hidden among civilians, the speed of infection is like a snowball, multiplying! Without cover, without weapons, these people are lambs staying there! One moment they are still howling, and the next moment they may directly become zombies. Your plan is to kill one by one? Can you guarantee that every zombie will be found without harming civilians? Can you guarantee that there will be no more zombies in the process? Can you guarantee that soldiers will not appear on a large scale? Are you hurt?"

Three consecutive questions left everyone speechless!

But the male researcher said stiffly: "Then we don't need to cover it with firepower! Those soldiers..."

"If even soldiers are infected! No one can stop the spread of zombies,

With their speed, the civilians in the remaining gathering places will be infected into zombies immediately! Big J will be completely destroyed within an hour! Su Qing chuckled: "This is your so-called bullshit plan!" Remember, zombies will not give you time to shoot them one by one! ! not to mention……"

Her words suddenly stopped, and then Su Qing's eyes narrowed slightly, and her eyes followed Chu Li's leaving direction: "What's more, compared with those survivors, the lives of soldiers are the most important!"


Just as Su Qing was speaking, the lawn was already in an unsightly tragedy!

The screams and howls were endless, and the zombies rushed up like waves one by one. They tore up the tent, got in, and bit down on the sleeping people. After that, the people who were bitten to death were too late After being eaten, he stood up staggeringly once, and continued to hunt with other zombies.

The dense crowd made the disaster worse, there were zombies gnawing on people everywhere, blood gushed out from the human body, and there was no way out!

"Save me! Save me!"

A woman let out a cry of pity, but the next moment, a dozen zombies rushed up and threw her to the ground, not even qualified to be a zombie.

Night is a time when the brain is slow, especially in a place where everyone knows it is safe, like wolves, zombies are like wolves, and they spread to ten, ten to hundreds...

Soon, the lawn was in a mess! At this time, the soldiers came to the lawn. They watched the horrific scene, and for a while there were loud gunshots on the lawn!


Shen Chen, Wen Hai and the others continued to search in the medical building. They didn't know what tragic things happened on the lawn during the short period of time when Mr. Sun left.

"Continue cleaning!" Wen Hai ordered, and everyone nodded. They had finished cleaning the fourth floor, and then dispersed again.

At this time, in a certain room on the highest floor of the medical building, Zhang Hongtao was already sweating profusely!

As soon as the zombies broke out, he already felt that something was wrong! He tried to break out! But obviously he failed, the elevator stopped on the first floor and never went up, so he could only quickly go down to the stairs on the fourth floor, but the zombies on the second and third floors had already started to spread. People squeezed people, zombies squeezed zombies, trampled, biting, and he found that he couldn't leave at all!

He had no choice but to go back to the eighth floor again. He just went upstairs, but was surprised to find that the elevator had already gone up!

Zhang Hongtao was extremely pleasantly surprised. He immediately thought of taking the elevator to the first floor, and relying on his own ability, he might not be able to break out of the siege. If he was surrounded by zombies and died here, he would definitely die! As soon as the elevator door opened, he immediately killed the zombies inside and rushed in, but there were not a few people who had the same idea as him. Two old aunts and a group of huge men with round waists also howled and squeezed together!

The door was about to close, but at the moment it closed, a hand suddenly pushed open the elevator door, and a little fat man's head was exposed, and he hurriedly shouted: "Come here, the elevator is not going down!"

A girl and a tall, thin boy jumped in immediately. As soon as the three entered the elevator, they heard the elevator screaming for overload!

"No!" The person in the elevator shouted immediately: "Get down quickly, get down quickly! The elevator is overloaded, and none of us can get out!"

"No! We can't go on dying, at worst we all die together!" The tall, thin boy looked only fifteen or sixteen years old, but his words were unusually sophisticated!

"I'm going to die! Why are young people like this now!" The two middle-aged aunts immediately cried: "Get down quickly! Get down quickly!"

A few big-bodied people behind them immediately pushed and shoved the three young people. At this time, no one can control others. They only know that as long as one person gets down, the elevator will run!

But these men with big arms and round waists found that the little fat man and the tall thin man they pushed and shoved didn't move at all, except for the little girl who was accidentally pinched by a middle-aged aunt, and her body shook suddenly , and immediately a man kicked her out!

Panic flashed in the girl's eyes, and she slowly fell down! Zhang Hongtao's heart froze for no reason for the deer-like panicked eyes!


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