Rebirth 2003

Chapter 307: 1 old hen

After dinner, Lu Yang entered the small room as usual and prepared the code word. Before the code word, he logged in to the author's backstage and uploaded the second chapter of today, then opened the page of "Magic Sword Eternity" and took a look at the monthly pass. The situation, and the comments in the book review area.


On the monthly ticket list, "Magic Sword Eternity" has been in a downturn for more than half a month, and now it suddenly rushed to the third place. The monthly ticket gap in this book is very small.


   The third place in "Magic Sword Eternity", seeing this ranking, Lu Yang chuckled, knowing that if he didn't continue to explode, this ranking would definitely fall down, and the top few on the monthly ticket list would have less and less positions for the handicapped party.


   Book review area, the number of rewards today is not as exaggerated as yesterday, but it is still more than usual. Looking at the book review area, there are five or six pieces of reward information.


After a few random glances, Lu Yang exited the page and logged in to q`q to see who was looking for him today. As soon as q`q successfully logged in, q`q's avatar kept jumping, and his voice seemed to be dripping. It's denser than usual.


   Lu Yang opened those private messages one by one, and there are still many congratulatory messages sent by book fans and other authors. In these congratulatory messages, Lu Yang saw a special private message sent by his editor Tiange.


Brother Tian: "Wen Chou! You are on the road of cheating, and you are getting farther and farther, do you know? Next time you have any action, can you tell your brother first? Yesterday afternoon, the editor-in-chief's face was green! Old Z put all his anger on me, and he didn't give me a good face today! Alas! My life is terrible!"


   looked at this message. Lu Yang can imagine the expression of Brother Tian when he sent this message, it must be very interesting!


   No need to ask, Lu Yang knows the reason for the phrase "The editor-in-chief's face was green yesterday afternoon" mentioned in Brother Tian's message.


   is nothing more than that he privately sold the game adaptation rights of "Magic Sword Eternity" to the giant.


  Analyze from this sentence. Lu Yang guessed that Shanda's evaluation results should have come down yesterday, and he should also want to buy the right to adapt. However, the giant was the first to make the decision. It is not surprising that the editor-in-chief who received Shanda's instructions was angered.


   smiled and replied to Brother Tian with a smiling q`q expression, Lu Yang didn't say much. It can be seen that Brother Tian is just complaining, and it will be all right after the matter is over.


   finished replying to Brother Tian’s message. Lu Yang saw the message sent by the editor-in-chief Z.


   "Congratulations! Let me tell you the good news. The editor-in-chief knows that you have sold the game adaptation rights and decided to give you a big banner ad at the top of the homepage of the website. Go ahead and have fun!"


   Old z is in the message. He didn't complain like Tian Ge, but the last sentence still exposed his unhappiness. Like the reply to Tian Ge, Lu Yang also sent a smiling q`q expression to Old Z. I was a little curious, so he logged on to the homepage of the starting point, and then Lu Yang saw the big banner ad in the mouth of Mr. Z. It was indeed a big big red banner. Horizontally at the top of the starting point homepage.


   There are a few golden characters written on the banner-Congratulations to Wen Chou's masterpiece "Magic Sword Eternal" for selling the game adaptation rights of 2 million yuan! ! !


  The starting point official actually used three exclamation marks in a row.


   stared at this banner, Lu Yang looked at it for a long time without looking away. Such a scenery, I dare not dream of it in my previous life! Until the next Tong Yaqian found his abnormality, smiled and asked: "Does it look good? Doesn't it feel good?"


   After hearing Tong Yaqian's question, Lu Yang came back to his senses, chuckled, closed the starting point, exited q`q, created a blank document, and started writing today's chapter.


   Because I went out to print out those materials at noon today, I didn’t write it anymore at noon, so I can’t go on like this.


All the software on the notebook was closed, only a blank document was left. Lu Yang sat in front of the computer, half-squinted, with an electronic cigarette in his mouth, trying hard to get into the state. Although Tong Yaqian next to him did not speak any more, he said The sound of pressing the keyboard still made Lu Yang a little bit unable to concentrate. After thinking about it, he turned on Kugou again, and called up a few Zhou Zihan's songs to play in a loop, put the earphones in his ears, and blocked the voice of Tong Yaqian. This time was better, but Lu Yang soon discovered that the sequelae of reading those materials this afternoon appeared. He was clearly trying to think about the plot of "Magic Sword Eternity", but always jumped out the names and pictures of the national arts. The idea of ​​the new book began to interfere with his current thinking, this situation should have been encountered by many double-open writers.


Double-opening is no stranger to writers, especially those less famous writers who don’t have much money to write a book, so they want to open another book at the same time, write two books at the same time, and each book will have a little income. , If the newly opened book is popular, the original book can be finished as soon as possible, and only write one book.


It’s easy to say, but it’s actually difficult to do, because humans are not machines. At the same time, you can only think of one thing in your head and think of two things at the same time. The thinking will easily become confused. Writing two books at the same time may appear. What is the situation?


One, just like Lu Yang is now, he was writing this book, but he couldn't help thinking of the plot of another book in his head. If his mind happened to be dizzy at the time, it was very likely that he would take the content from the other book. The plot and characters are written in this book.


  Second, I write two books at the same time. It is very easy to write two books at the end, and the behavior of clearly wanting to increase income becomes completely no income.


In this situation, Lu Yang had no choice but to call up the previous saved manuscripts, read the last few hundred words of the last chapter, and then call up the outline of the book to review the ins and outs of the plot. .


   After almost half an hour, Lu Yang got rid of the interference of the new book content and began to enter the state, his hands flying on the keyboard.




When Lu Yang coded characters, Qian Xiaoyu, who rolled his sleeves high and exposed two white lotus root arms in a teacher's dormitory in Lu Yang, was busy with the rice cooker, and the pot was almost full of water. There is a fat old hen in the clear water. In addition to the old hen, there are some snow-white yams and pale yellow ginger.


   Qian Xiaoyu is tossing the two paws of the old hen, the rice cooker is not big. The old hen is not small, and then the two yellow `claws` of the old hen stubbornly cocked on the top of the rice cooker, causing the pot to be unable to cover. I can tell. Qian Xiaoyu is not a veteran kitchen hand, with two high cocked chicken feet, she can't break this way, nor can she break it there. Every time she breaks off, she let go and bounces back again.


   Wang Cuicui who lives in a dormitory with her. There were several wonderful crispy corners stuck in her fingers, and she watched silently as Qian Xiaoyu competed with two chicken feet there, eating the wonderful crispy corners on her fingers one bite at a time. The sound of Gacha Gacha made Qian Xiaoyu, who was already depressed, even more upset.


   But Qian Xiaoyu has a gentle temper and didn't care about her, but Wang Cuicui's crispy corners didn't count. Still talking cool words next to him. Said: "I said Miss Qian! This chicken has a grudge against you, right? If you continue playing, you don't need to cook it!"


   In one sentence, Qian Xiaoyu, who had endured her for a long time, finally angered Qian Xiaoyu. He straightened up and squinted at her angrily, and said, "You can't stand up and talk, you can't get back pain! Come on!"


Wang Cuicui rolled his eyes, bit a wonderful crispy corner and ate it with Gacha Gacha, and said lightly: "I'm not fooled by you! Your chicken is not stewed for me! I don't I got my hands dirty!"


   The excitement will fail, and Qian Xiaoyu's eyes rolled. She knew that Wang Cuicui could cook, her eyes suddenly fell on Wang Cuicui's two hands. Suddenly ran over and rubbed the water stains on Wang Cuicui's hands indiscriminately, not even letting go of the few delicate corners left on Wang Cuicui's fingers. Wang Cuicui was dumbfounded, and she did not expect Qian Xiaoyu to come here. With one hand, she wouldn't be a rascal before!


   It's not over yet, it doesn't count if Wang Cuicui's hands are messed up indiscriminately. Qian Xiaoyu, who quickly retreated to the corner of the room, snatched away the wonderful crisp corners and even the bags in Wang Cuicui's hands.


"Hey! Don't help me fix it! Don't even think about eating anymore! Student Wang Cuicui! Anyway, your hands are dirty, go get them!" Qian Xiaoyu hid in the corner and smiled, Wang Cuicui looked down. With his hands full of water stains, he looked up at Qian Xiaoyu's wonderful crispy corner bag and Qian Xiaoyu's smug smirk.


   Isn't this all what I used to do? How did Qian Xiaoyu learn it?


Suddenly she burst into laughter, shook her head, curled her mouth, and sighed while walking towards the rice cooker. With two clicks, she broke the two chicken feet against the joints, and then tucked them. They were all stuffed into the belly of the chicken and never bounced back mischievously.


   The lid of the pot is up and it fits tightly.


   After finishing these, in less than five seconds, Wang Cuicui picked up the dry rag on the table and wiped her hands, then turned around and said: "Okay! Give me back my wonderful crispy corners!"


   "That's it? You are too cruel, right? The chicken is dead, and you still broke its foot?"


   Qian Xiaoyu walked back with wide-eyed eyes, a little surprised, and handily returned Wang Cuicui's Miao Crisp horn bag.


Wang Cuicui took the bag, rolled his eyes again, and said angrily: "You don't say that the one who kills chickens is cruel! You don't say that the one who eats chickens is cruel, and you cooked the chicken yourself! Why don't you say that you are cruel? Too lazy to care about you!"


   said, walking aside to eat her wonderful crispy corners, Qian Xiaoyu hurriedly turned on the rice cooker, a gentle smile appeared on the corners of his mouth.


Wang Cuicui's suspicious voice came from nearby: "I said Miss Qian! You don't like that lonely man anymore? What about Zhou Shaofeng? But Zhou Shaofeng chased you here from the university, you really are not tempted at all. ?"


Qian Xiaoyu wiped his hands with a dry rag, went to sit down on a stool, and shook his head and said, "What nonsense? As for Zhou Shaofeng... he is not my type, he is too brave! I want to fight at every turn. People! I'm not mature yet, it's impossible for me and him!"


  Wang Cuicui: "Hehe! I don't know if Zhou Shaofeng would jump off the building if he heard these words! Such an infatuated man... If it were me, I would have agreed!"


   Qian Xiaoyu: "Then you accept him!"


  Wang Cuicui: "Cut! He likes you but not me! I won't be someone's substitute!"




   Ye, it's getting deeper and deeper.


In the small room where Lu Yang coded words, Tong Yaqian couldn't write anymore. Tonight, she racked her brains to write more than 1,500 words. She didn't want to do anything else when she said later. She always felt unsustainable, and she was patient in writing. Okay, over 1,500 characters have been revised twice. Seeing that Lu Yang was still typing cracklingly, his eyes were flat on the computer screen, without even looking at his keyboard, the lines of text jumped and appeared on the snow-white document. Tong Yaqian was a little envious.


   I don’t know the difficulty of this line without code words. It is a long process for novices to just learn to type blindly on the keyboard. What's more, in this process, it is easy to write a wonderful story.


Tong Yaqian saved the words she had written, and then she put her cheek in one hand and looked at Lu Yang, who was engrossed in codewords. She knew that such opportunities were running out. Days passed, and Cao Xue was about to come. Cao Xue is probably the only one who can be with Lu Yang at night!


  After working hard for so long, when Cao Xue came back, she still had to lose to her, she was always a little melancholy and unwilling, but what if she was unwilling? Showdown with Cao Xue? After she was not sure about the showdown, Lu Yang would leave Cao Xue and choose her.


   And she has already given so much, she doesn't want to get rid of the bamboo basket.


   Suddenly, Lu Yang's mobile phone on the desk rang, not only frightened Tong Yaqian, but also interrupted Lu Yang's thoughts.


   "Help me see who owns it!"


   Lu Yang frowned and said to Tong Yaqian.


   Tong Yaqian didn't say anything, she picked up her phone and glanced at it, then handed it to Lu Yang with a smile, and said, "Lu Daqingsheng! That's okay! Some beautiful women will call you in the middle of the night!"




   Lu Yang thought that Tong Yaqian was talking about Cao Xue, but Tong Yaqian's smile was not very similar. He took the phone questioningly and saw Qian Xiaoyu's number displayed on the screen.


   the conscience of heaven and earth! Lu Yang has never hooked up with her! At this moment, Lu Yang wanted to shout: "I'm wrong!"


Of course, this was just a thought. Lu Yang suspiciously connected to the in front of Tong Yaqian, this kind of call had to be answered, otherwise he would not be able to tell if he jumped into the Yellow River. In order to show his innocence, Lu Yang even deliberately pressed the hands-free button, and then Qian Xiaoyu's gentle voice came from the phone: "Mr. Lu! Are you asleep?"


   Lu Yang glanced at Tong Yaqian. Tong Yaqian still had a non-smiling expression, but he was obviously listening to their conversation with his ears erected.


   Lu Yang: "Uh, not yet, what's the matter with Teacher Qian?"


   Tong Yaqian pouted her lips beside her, feeling that Lu Yang had deliberately called Qian Xiaoyu "Mr. Qian", it was too fake! But she kept quiet, trying to see if the two of them had any adultery.


Qian Xiaoyu on the other end of the phone naturally didn't know that Tong Yaqian was beside Lu Yang at this time, and said in a gentle voice: "Mr. Lu! You injured your arm last time to save us, and you don't want my medical expenses. I thought about it. I made a chicken stew for you today, hoping to make your wound heal faster. Since you are not asleep, can you come out and get it? I'm already at the school gate!" (To be continued.)


  Ps: Thanks to Feng Ge and Lizhi Township for giving 100 points, thanks to Xiaoyao de Mao and 111423543645 for the 10 chapters respectively, thank you for your monthly pass and five-star evaluation ticket, thank you.

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