Rebirth 2003

Chapter 306: Prepare new book

Lu Yang promised a treat. The two vice-principals with beautiful words are in a good mood. After the vice-principal Sun laughed, he patted his thigh and said, "Mr. Liang is kidding you! If you are really interested, you can give a few hundred yuan. The cafeteria, let the cafeteria buy more fish and meat, and call everyone, there are so many teachers in the school, you really want to ask, can you please come over? Any meal costs several thousand yuan!"


Seeing what Lu Yang wanted to say, Vice Principal Sun waved his hand and said, "That's it! How many of us do you usually want to eat? Not bad for your meal! I call you this time, except I want to drive with you. Just kidding, mainly to tell you good news!"


Vice President Sun smiled and glanced at the Vice President Lu next to him, before continuing: "I discussed with Vice President Lu. It was originally! According to the rules, you have to wait until the end of the internship period at the earliest. Vice-principal Lu is in charge, and you will be able to get a full conversion next month! At the end of this month, the personnel department will help you complete the formalities for the conversion. Um, after the conversion, your salary can be increased by a percentage! It should be 1,200, right?"


   In the last sentence, Vice President Sun asked Liang Hongyun about this. He can't remember this thing very well.


   Liang Hongyun smiled and nodded.


   Then the three of them all smiled and looked at Lu Yang, waiting for Lu Yang to say thank them.


   This topic immediately embarrassed Lu Yang. Before he came here, he never thought that Vice Principal Sun would tell him that he could get him straight.


   I have been doing an internship here for one year in my previous life. Not only did I not see any intern who received this treatment, I never even heard of it. Lu Yang's awkward smile gradually faded the smiles on the faces of the three leaders.


  Vice principal Lu frowned slightly. Liang Hongyun looked at Lu Yang with a strange look. Vice President Sun also frowned, and asked unhappily: "Why? You don't want to be a regular? Teacher Lu! We are an exception!"


   Lu Yang knew he would not explain again. The leader's face is going to be unstoppable.


He put his hands together and said sincerely to the two vice-principals, "Thank you for the wrong love of the two principals! Thank you very much! However, the two principals also know that writing online novels is not the same as writing traditional novels. The same, writing traditional novels. In a few years, if you write hundreds of thousands of words, you can publish and make a lot of money. But when we write online novels, we must write more than 6,000 words every day. Time for internship here. I can’t keep up with my energy. Some time ago, Director Chen caught me sleeping several times during work hours. It’s really hard to keep up with my sleep at night! Thank you very much for the two principals who look up to me! It’s not that I don’t know. Exaltation, I really have limited energy and can't accept the kindness of the two principals!"


   When Lu Yang explained this, except for Liang Hongyun's smiling expression, both Vice Principal Lu and Vice Principal Sun frowned and listened, waiting for Lu Yang to finish explaining. The two did not speak for a while, and the atmosphere in the office became awkward.


   for a while. Vice-principal Lu suddenly stood up and walked to the door, and said as he walked, "Forget the old grandson! I am afraid that one year's manuscript fee of Mr. Lu will be enough for us to earn a few lifetimes. He really does not need to stay here to teach! Let's not embarrass him. NS!"


Vice President Lu left, Liang Hongyun smiled and followed along. In Vice President Sun’s office, only Vice President Sun and Lu Yang were left. Vice President Sun stared at Lu Yang with small eyes. After a while, he suddenly lost a smile, patted his thigh, got up from the sofa, returned to the boss chair behind his desk, nodded, and said: "Okay! The twisted melon is not sweet! Since you have no intention of leaving behind , I won’t force you! Go back to work! If you change your mind at any time, you can come to me again!"


   "Thank you principal!"


   Lu Yang thanked him, bowed slightly, and left the office of Vice President Sun. Walking in the corridor back to his office, Lu Yang couldn't help showing a bitter smile, and he really complied with the old saying-deliberately planting flowers without blooming, unintentionally planting willows and willows.


   How many people wanted to stay here to work, but in the end they had to leave sadly. Lu Yang didn't intend to stay, but was taken by the two vice principals and decided to get regular in advance.


   The salary after becoming a regular employee is one thousand two. In these years, for a newcomer in the workplace, it should be pretty good! It's a pity that he is not here.


   Back in the office, everyone looked at him. They should be curious about what happened to the old grandson who asked Lu Yang to go to his office early in the morning. However, no one asked, and Lu Yang didn't mean to say it.


   Not long after Lu Yang sat down in his seat, Tong Yaqian, who was sitting opposite him, sent a text message with his mobile phone. Lu Yang felt the phone vibrate and took it out to take a look.


   "What did the old grandson tell you to do?"


   Lu Yang raised his mouth a little, and replied: "Introduce me to someone!"


After replying to the text message, Lu Yang smiled and paid attention to Tong Yaqian’s expression on the opposite side. Sure enough, when he saw his reply, Tong Yaqian gave him an angry look, and wanted to put the phone back in the drawer. The drawer was opened. After thinking about it, I sent Lu Yang another sentence.


   "Do you know how to write the word'ugly'? Shameless?"


   Lu Yang: "Underestimate my charm? Do you want to bet, I will make a girl for you to see within a week?"


   You can't do anything else during working hours. Lu Yang is also bored, so he played with Tong Yaqian.


   Then Tong Yaqian replied: "I don't believe it! You go take a dip! After watching Cao Xue come over for a few days, how can I clean up you!"


   In a word, all of Lu Yang's good mood was destroyed, and he was not in the mood to talk nonsense with Tong Yaqian, and silently put the phone back into his trouser pocket.


Yes! Cao Xue is coming, and she is still making a girl! It's not bad if there is a fire in the backyard!




After leaving work at noon, after eating in the cafeteria, Lu Yang returned to his residence and used the USB flash drive borrowed from Tong Yaqian to copy all the materials on the national arts sent to him by Teng Hu last time, and took them to the nearby printing room. Print it out and watch it quietly when you are ready to take it to work.


   It may be that he was frightened in his previous life. In this life, every time Lu Yang opens a new book, he is very cautious.


   Many times, it is easy to fall down, and I want to climb up again. It's harder than reaching the sky.


   Teng Hu collected a lot of materials for Lu Yang, all of which were printed out, which actually contained more than fifty pages. When he went to work in the afternoon, Lu Yang brought seven or eight pages to the office and asked Tong Yaqian to help him pay attention to the leadership. He watched word by word from his seat.


   The first piece of information that Teng Hu collected for him was actually Iron Monkey Boxing. There were also many graphics of various moves in the information. In Lu Yang's inherent impression, monkey boxing should be inferior to the famous boxing techniques of Xingyi and Baji. But as I read more and more of this information, Lu Yang's thoughts gradually wavered.


   In this information, Iron Monkey Boxing is the product of the fusion of Iron Line Boxing and Monkey Boxing. And iron fist. But it was the Republic of China. In the period of the Republic of China, Guangdong Ten Tiger Tieqiaosan’s famous stunts, after fusion with the traditional monkey boxing, have both the mighty iron line boxing and the flexible and changeable monkey boxing. Looking at this information, Lu Yang not only thought: If someone can really practice this skill to the depths, it shouldn't be weaker than Xingyi and Baji?


maybe. As said in "Ip Man", there is no high or low boxing technique. There are only those who practice martial arts.


  In the history of Chinese martial arts, it seems to be the same. Xingyiquan shines because of Guo Yunshen and others; Wing Chun is widely known for Ye Wen, Bruce Lee and others.


   After these people, Xingyiquan is still Xingyiquan, and Wing Chun is still Wing Chun, but is there such an almost invincible title now? How many of the successors are famous in the world?


   One afternoon, Lu Yang was looking through the pages of information. The seven or eight pages of information recorded three types of boxing-Iron Monkey Boxing, Baji, and Split Hanging.


   Tenghu collected it for Lu Yang. Although there are secrets, there is no specific cultivation method. Some realms are described, and a few small anecdotes, similar to legends, are occasionally interspersed in the meantime.


After reading these materials, it is impossible for Lu Yang to practice the kung fu described above, but he has a general understanding. For Lu Yang, that is enough. With these materials, as long as he understands them thoroughly, plus memory Lu Yang still has the confidence to write a wonderful work of Chinese martial arts, "The Romance of the Dragon and Snake", which still has some impressions.


   On the way back from work, Lu Yang still thought of the materials he had read in the afternoon. Some plots and pictures of the Chinese traditional novels, movies, and TV series that he had seen before, little by little appeared in his mind.


When he returned to his residence, Lu Yang couldn't help but dig out the remaining dozens of pages of information. He stayed in front of the computer and looked down. Soon after, Tong Yaqian bought vegetables and opened the door. He just turned his head and passed through the open door of the small room. , Greeted her casually.


   Tong Yaqian saw that he was reading the information, and did not disturb, so she went to the kitchen to work.


Until the meal, Lu Yang was still immersed in those materials. A variety of fist techniques that he had heard of names or were completely unfamiliar entered his mind, combined with those Chinese martial arts novels and film and television works in his memory, and many scenes of martial arts duel Appeared in his mind, and sometimes he would substitute himself into one of the roles. If he is himself, if he uses Bajiquan, how should he deal with those incredible moves?


Tong Yaqian brought all the food to the dining table, and when he saw that he was still obsessed with watching in the small room, he pursed his mouth, wiped the water stains on his apron, walked over, snatched the information in his hand, and threw it away. On the desk, then took his arm and walked out.


   It wasn't until this time that Lu Yang realized that it was getting dark and his stomach was hungry.


   "What were you looking at in the afternoon? You are still watching when you come back from work, and you are crazy?"


   When eating, Tong Yaqian still had a bit of Yang smiled and said, "Prepare for the next book!"


   This sentence aroused Tong Yaqian's curiosity.


   "Next book? What are you going to write in the next book? Is it still fantasy?".


   Lu Yang shook his head and said, "No, Chinese martial arts!"


  Tong Yaqian: "Guoshu class? What class is that?"


   Lu Yang just remembered that the starting point does not seem to have a classification of Chinese martial arts. (To be continued...)


PS: Thanks to Feng~~Brother, Aku, you are so handsome, Bailongjianxian, Muge, Wuhen for rewarding 100 points, thanks to Huang Xiaohuanghuang, book friends 140528231126068 for rewarding 200 points, thanks to Meng Yifan for rewarding 588 points, thanks to the good-looking Wenhao for rewarding 688 points, thanks to Lao Na for rewarding 10,000 points with Rejoice", Daaimu = Rebirth, thank you for your monthly pass and five-star evaluation ticket, thank you, today’s update is late , I’m sorry, I wrote last night until 3:30 in the morning, and it’s already more than 4 when I went to bed. Today, my eyes are very afraid of light. The light of the computer screen makes my eyes shed tears, making everyone wait for a long time. Well, it’s still one today. 4D, when to finish writing and when to go to bed.


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