Rebirth 2003

Chapter 302: It is going to rain, and my mother is going to marry!

Looking at the lively scene among the book fans with a smile, Lu Yang took out his mobile phone to call Big Tiger, Skeleton, and the boiling dust. On the phone, he thanked the other party for lending money to himself, said that the money has arrived, and then told The other party sold out his own game adaptation rights, and then he was embarrassed to ask the other party if they are lacking in use now? If there is no shortage, can the money owed be paid two months later?


After three phone calls for more than half an hour, when Lu Yang made the call, Big Tiger knew that Lu Yang's "Magic Sword Eternity" game adaptation rights had been sold, and he said congratulations, and then expressed envy and jealousy. hatred.


The popularity of Big Tiger at the starting point is also good, almost in the front line, but he asked himself that his work is not suitable for adapting to online games, so he did not ask Lu Yang to help him recommend anything to the game company, but inevitably he asked Lu Yang a lot about Details of the sale of the game adaptation rights this time.


   His current work is not suitable for adaptation into a game, which does not mean that he is not interested in it, especially when Lu Yang told him that the game adaptation rights were sold for 2 million.


   As for, Lu Yang asked him if he was short of money recently, and could he repay the money borrowed from him two months later. Although the big tiger was a bit surprised, Lu Yang just sold 2 million, why didn’t he pay it back? But he agreed very happily.


   When he lent it to Lu Yang, he didn't expect Lu Yang to pay it back so quickly. After all, before, no one was optimistic that Lu Yang's novels could really sell the right to adapt the game.


When    called the skeleton and the boiling dust, the situation was similar.


   Before they received Lu Yang's call, they didn't know the news that Lu Yang's "Magic Sword Eternal" game adaptation rights had been sold. I was surprised, but also congratulated, just like the big tiger. They are also very interested in the details of the sale of the game adaptation rights.


   An adaptation right was sold for 2 million. Not to mention that in 2006, even in 13 years, the great gods were still eager for it. How many great gods were able to adapt their own works into games after 13 years. Deliberately write a new book in accordance with the standards of adapting the game?


   As for the payment two months later, although the two were also surprised, they both readily agreed.


   is the same as before. With the current value of the pseudonym Wen Chou, no one doubts whether Wen Chou can afford to pay.




   Before the call was over, Lu Yang saw his Q`Q avatar jumping non-stop, and one after another book fans and authors sent him private messages.


call ended. Lu Yang responded one by one. Most people have heard the news and sent private messages to him. Occasionally, a few great god-level authors sent private messages. Apart from Taoxi, they asked him about the details of the sale of the game adaptation rights.


  There are new channels for incoming money, which of the great gods don’t want to get a share of the pie?


   It is still the same as the last time he sold audiobooks and comics adaptation rights. This time, Lu Yang still has no private possessions. I have told a few great gods what I can say, and the web literacy industry is still in the developing stage. There is the suppression of mainstream literature and the contempt of the general public. There are countless piracy on the bottom to erode everyone's efforts. As a writer, it is not easy for everyone.


   The key point is that only the great gods are involved in the adaptation of online novel games, and the market is made. Later, when Lu Yang sells the right to adapt the game, he will have the choice, and the price can be higher.


   Unlike this time, if it weren't for more than 300 book fans to make such a big move, which attracted the attention of major game companies, no matter how popular his "Magic Sword Eternity" is, it may not be considered by those game companies.


   After replying to everyone's questions, Lu Yang was a little curious about whether everyone in the dark realm was discussing this matter now, so he opened the group in the dark realm.


   As soon as I entered the dark realm, I saw that the chat was full of enthusiasm here, and some of the great creators who usually dive could not help but come out to join the chat.


   Old glutton: "2 million? Kneel to Wen Chouju!"


Squiggly: "I'm so stupid! Really! Knowing that Wen Chouju is not like me waiting for the street, I actually laughed at him last time for his whimsical full copyright operation...I don't know what I said, did Wen Chouju see it? I really want to take it back!"


   A dark hole: "Curved giant! Come into my cave! Here is warm and here Ba Shi! The key is to hide in my cave, Wen Chou can not find you! Haha!"


   Ultraman fights against the little monster: "I don’t know what Wen Chouju is doing now? Are you celebrating? Or are you celebrating? So curious!"


  Worse bathing: "2 million... how many soft girls can you raise? My math is taught by a Chinese teacher, and I can’t figure it out. Is there any great **** to help me calculate it? Wait online! I’m in a hurry."


   Dong`Xinxi` cheap: "How hungry and thirsty is this bathing giant? Your tigress can't satisfy your desires, or can't satisfy all your posture requirements?"


  The passing lamb: "Brother Bian is stupid, right? You know, his tigress thinks he is dirty and wastes water, so he can only take a bath..."


Cat-loving fish: "The explanation of the local tyrant sheep is so profound. The local tyrant sheep means...Can't the wife of the bathing giant meet all his requirements? It's so cool! The bathing giant! Should you consider buying a charger? `Qi Cang` Well` Kong?"




   Seeing these chats, Lu Yang was speechless. If the content of these great gods’ usual chats were exposed, they would definitely be discredited. This is probably the real reason why these people don’t like to use pen names, right?


   After watching for a while, Lu Yang left the dark realm. At this time, if he speaks in the group, he will definitely be besieged by these bitches. At that time, Lu Yang will definitely not be able to answer a question for you or a question for him.


   Quit Q`Q and shut down the computer. Lu Yang suddenly felt that there should be a bit of alcohol tonight. Um, Tong Yaqian made all vegetarian dishes and was not interesting, and should buy some cooked dishes.


   I went as soon as I thought, walked out of the small room and said hello to Tong Yaqian, and Lu Yang went out to make purchases.


  If you buy a la carte and some wine, you can count as a purchase.




   When Lu Yang went out to buy wine and food to celebrate, countless readers and authors at the starting point were shocked. Many people heard the news the first time. Subconsciously open the webpage of "Magic Sword Eternity", and then look at the book review area, and see the book review area for rewards. These people had believed most of them, and then clicked on the chapter that Lu Yang had just posted.


   After reading the single chapter Wen Chou personally posted at the end of the chapter, everyone believed it.


   But just because I believed it, I felt even more incredible.


   Can an online novel be adapted into an online game?


   There are tens of millions of readers who read novels. Not everyone knows that "Zhu Xian" has been adapted soon, and even many novice readers don't know that there is another book called "Zhu Xian" in the online literature world.


   These people were stunned. Can the grass-roots, fast-food-style text of online novels be adapted into online games? Am I crazy? Or is this world crazy?


   These people were shocked, and after reacting, they wanted to make more shocked like themselves. So the book fan groups, author groups, Long Kong and other places of each author were filled with news and posts on this topic in just ten minutes, making it look like a navy army was advertising. The moderator of the battle section inside and outside the circle of Longkong. Suddenly seeing so many similar posts popping up, the first reaction was that someone advertised and swiped the screen!


   subconsciously wanted to delete all these posts, and then realized that it was not an advertisement, but a big news that was enough to shake the entire online community!


   One of the Central Plains Five Whites-Wen Chou's "Magic Sword Eternal" actually sold the game adaptation rights?


   2 million?


   Is there another way to get money from the web?


   When Wen Chou proposed a full copyright operation plan at the end of the chapter, he was also one of the ridicules, but now the other party seems to have succeeded?


   Audiobooks, comics adaptation, online game adaptation rights...


   plus simplified and traditional publishing, what copyright does the other party have not sold? It seems that only the film and television adaptation rights and the surrounding development of the work have been developed?


   This moderator still felt a little weird, so he slumped for a while. Just click on a post on a related topic, and then go through the portal in this post. Going directly to the page of Wen Chou's "Magic Sword Eternal", and then, he really saw the content of the single chapter Wen Chou posted at the end of the chapter.


   really sold out?


   stayed for a while, the moderator silently returned to the section managed by Longkong and put the most popular related post on the top. Such a shocking post was enough to be on the top of Longkong.


   Sure enough, shortly after he topped this post, it attracted thousands of clicks and hundreds of replies, which actually increased traffic for Long Kong in disguise.


   In the evening of this day, almost all the places related to online articles were discussing the news that the game adaptation rights were sold ugly. The second editing group of the starting point, the second group of Lu Yang, was no exception.


The starting point is five editorial groups. Each group has its own official author group. This group only invites all contracted authors with works on the shelves. All editors in this group will add this group. Such an official group, authors Generally speaking, gossip news is rarely chatted in it. Well, the situation will be different after a few years, but in 2006, in the second group, there were very few people chatting. Everyone is afraid that they will chat freely in it, so that the editor will have a bad impression of themselves, and then they will not recommend or give less recommendation to their own works.


   But today, in the second group, there is a rare excitement, and all the contracted authors who usually keep diving for ten thousand years have come forward to talk about Wen Chou selling the game adaptation rights.


   This news has had a great impact on everyone. As long as it is written on the Internet, it is said that they do not envy or hate this kind of thing ~, I am afraid that even they themselves will not believe it.


   Of course, these chat contents were seen by several editors in charge and chief editors.


  The starting point of the editorial department, the office area of ​​the second group, several editors, look at me, and I look at you.


   Finally, the female editor in charge Haixing said: "Wen Chou's game adaptation rights have been sold, should we be happy?".


  Lu Yang's editor in charge, Tian Ge silently touched his forehead, and said dully, "Where is Shanda? If Shanda wants this copyright, how can we explain it?"


   editor-in-chief old z: "It's going to rain, my mother is going to marry, and it has happened, what can we do? Love it!" (To be continued...)


  PS: Thank you for taking the little pig to kill the knife, Feng~~ Brother for rewarding 100 coins, thank you Yuan for rewarding 1888 coins, thank you Chun? The medicine rewards 2476 points, thanks to the good-looking Wen Hao for rewarding 2576 points, thank you everyone for your monthly pass! In other words, the monthly ticket list has been exploded several times in a row recently. Are you indifferent? This is today's fourth update, er, although it is more than two o'clock in the morning, the fourth update, everyone can figure it out!


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