Rebirth 2003

Chapter 301: Lu Yang of Sao`bao

   Back to the small room, the laptop was still on, but because no one was operating it for a while, the screen was already black. Lu Yang tapped on the keyboard at will, and the screen immediately turned on again. This article is by. . Starting


   I am in a good mood! I can’t wait to share with my book fans. Well, I slapped some people back by the way. When he asked for full copyright operation a few days ago, many people laughed at him. Usually, Lu Yang doesn’t. I care about them, but now I am in a good mood. If I don't flirt with those people, I can't vent the joy in my heart!


Bring up the saved manuscript from the hard disk, enter the p management section in the author area, and post three chapters in one go. If you send it according to the joy of his heart, Lu Yang would like to post ten chapters at a time, but the saving is pitiful. With so many tens of thousands of words left, I really can't stand such a profligacy!


   Three chapters, let’s talk about the joy in your heart!


After the three chapters of    were posted, Lu Yang deliberately opened a single chapter. With Lu Yang's calm temperament, there are not too many slapsticks like this! The main reason is that this time the game adaptation rights were sold for two million, which has a different meaning. It is not only a symbol of the strength of the online literary circle. At the same time, the two million can buy more Apple stocks. I will no longer have a feeling of hatred for the rich. When the time comes, I will most likely think: buy apples! The more you buy, the higher Apple's stock will rise, and the more stocks I buy will be worth more money!


   Chapter Name: Good news! ! ! The game adaptation rights of "Magic Sword Eternity" have just been sold! Brothers who support Wen Chou can cheer!


   After writing this sentence, Lu Yang realized that his title seemed a bit long. After sending it out, a large section may be hidden. Use the mouse to point on the title. Will show them all.


   After blinking, Lu Yang smiled lightly, and didn't modify it to shorten it. It's just that long, what's the matter?


In the single chapter, Lu Yang wrote: "Thanks to the brothers and sisters who have always supported Wen Chou! Especially the more than 300 brothers and sisters who spontaneously went to Shanghai to recommend the game adaptation rights for Wen Chou a few days ago! With your strong support, The ugliness is whimsical. The full copyright operation that has been shouted out has sold audiobooks, comics, and online game adaptation rights for several books! Yes! Everyone read it right! With your help. Just now, um, To be precise, it was about a few minutes ago. Wen Chou signed a contract with Manager Wang of the Copyright Department of Giant Game Company! This is Wen Chou’s victory. It is also the victory of your brothers and sisters! Maybe a year, maybe two years later, who like to play online games Friends, you can play our own games. Well, the one who sold the game adaptation rights is the "Magic Sword Eternity" that everyone is watching! Now I announce the official establishment of the Chinese People’s Republic and the People’s Republic of China. It's... Huh? It seems to be wrong? Well, say it again. Now I announce that brothers and sisters can cheer! Today should be our carnival day! Thanks again to the more than 300 brothers and sisters who are running for Wen Chou! Especially It's a car on an asphalt road! My Wen Chou is proud to have a hard-core book fan like you! If you don't dislike it, I can give you a sample book of all my works in the future!"


   published this single chapter, not to mention it, Lu Yang, who had a rare slap, landed on q`q again, and published the news in his only book fan group.


   Coincidentally, at this time, the group is guessing how long Shanda will announce the results of the evaluation.


   Pan Niu: "Loneliness hate longer, joy is shorter, I suddenly hate why life is so slow! I really want to know the results of Shanda right away! Have you waited for grandpa to die?"


  Da Aimu = Rebirth: "Waiting for you to die, that is to say, you have not waited to die? There is grass growing on my grave!"


  Thor Group: "Rebirth League! Isn't it good for you to curse yourself like this?"


  Da Aimu = Rebirth: "Don’t understand, right? Oh, right? The grass on the grave I said is not on my grave!"


  High-energy warning: "Whose grave is that?"


   silently: "Same question! Whose grave is on?"


  Da Aimu = Rebirth: "On the grave of my enemy!"


   Behind this sentence, the leader Da Aimu = Rebirth also made a stinky q`q expression, wearing a small helmet on his head and a cigarette in his mouth.


   Thor's group followed behind and posted a dark face expression.


   At this time, Lu Yang sent in a sentence: "Everyone! You don't have to wait for the grand news! Because our "Magic Sword Eternity" has just been signed to Giant Game Company! Well, you can cheer now!"


   Lu Yang's words came in suddenly, and the few people who were chatting and farting suddenly fell silent. It is conceivable that at this moment, the faces of the few people in front of the computer screens are surprised.


   Lu Kang, who was still diving just now, came out first.


   Lu Kang: "Wen Da! I was surprised to see Wen Da! Is the news that Wen Da said true? How could it be a giant? Where is Shanda? Where is the promised Shanda?"


   It is obvious that Lu Kang is not the only one diving. After Lu Kang spoke, the leader ゛_詪眯满, who has not spoken in the group for a long time, also appeared.


  ゛_詪篪满.: "Wen Da! Which one are you playing? Can we play the cards according to common sense? My little heart! I can't stand it like this! Ah ah ah!!!"


   Pan Niu: "Two upstairs! The point of Wen Da's sentence is whether the cards are played according to common sense? Cheers! Cheers! Wen Da said that we can cheer! You disrupt the rhythm like this, don't you feel discordant?"


  Thor Group: "Wen University! I have cheered just now, and what I am curious about now is...How much money did Wen University sell this time?"


  Thor Group added a drooling q`q expression in this sentence, which is vivid and funny!


   At this time, one by one dives appeared one after another.


   Nian Po Xian: "Wen Dao! Ask the same little money!"


   A set of old clothes: "Wen University! I admire you! I beg you!"


   Brother Yuan: "Although Pan Niu said that the point of Wenda's remark is not to play cards according to common sense, I still want to ask Shanda? Where did Shanda go to play?"


Brother Feng: "Wen Da! When will the game be released?"


  Lan? Person: "A bunch of bitches, speak so fast! I didn't leave one on the sofa! Wenda! Didn't we play with Shanda? Wei Mao is a giant? Are giant thighs thicker?"


   upset: "I'm not talking, just look at you like this! See how much you have to post! You let me be at the end of the line, are you embarrassed?"


   The car on the asphalt road: "Speak weakly, congratulations to Wenda!"


  春? Medicine: "Let all let! Let all let! Our great hero Car, congratulations on Wen Da! You shameless don't let it go, are you embarrassed?"




Lu Yang looked at the brothers in the group so enthusiastic. Although some of the words were very funny and not at all tuned, he was warm in his heart. These people support him and ask for nothing, just because they like him and don’t mix them. Regardless of any interests, the longer he writes, the more Lu Yang feels that these book fans are the cutest people! They are the roots of Lu Yang's writing career!


   Looking at the division and recombination of the previous world web sites, the writers followed the line again and again. In the end, the only ones who can stand tall are those who have a large number of **** fans.


These great gods no longer need to rely on a website. Wherever they go, their fans will follow. Lu Yang is not a grateful white-eyed wolf. On impulse, Lu Yang said in the group: "Thank you. Support! Let’s not say anything that is hypocritical, everyone send your name and current address to my q`q mailbox! Well, more than 300 brothers and sisters who have participated in the recent activities don’t need to post, your list, The Master League has collected the statistics and gave me the statistics. The other brothers and sisters will send me their names and addresses, and I will give each of you a signed work! Thank you for your support to Wen Chou for so long! Bow and thank you!"


   This sentence was sent to the group, and many fans who did not participate in the action cheered in the group. Some people say thank you to Wenda; some people say: "Wenda! Although I am a little ashamed, I must accept this signed book! If there are any other fans who need help from our fans in the future, I will be the first to sign up!"


  Fuji Snack Food said: "Me too! I am ashamed of receiving a signature book from Wenda! I didn't say it! I can't afford to reward the leader, but an elder can still do it! Go for a reward now! Wenda can check it!"


When Fuji Snack Food said that, a group of people suddenly came out and shouted, and they were going to give a reward. One said that I was rewarding the Dharma protector, and the other said that I was a poor person, and I could only contribute one rudder owner. Of course, some local tyrants would say: "Although I am already the leader, this does not prevent me from rewarding another thousand! Well, of course my brother is talking about soft `sister` coins!"


   There were too many people speaking in the group. At the speed of Lu Yang's code, I didn't dare to go in and reply to every book fan. I could only smile and sit in front of the computer, looking at everyone enthusiastically saying that they wanted to give a reward.


  Occasionally, Lu Yang would say in the group: "Everyone does what they can! Don't give a reward if you don't have enough money!"


However, it is clear that this sentence cannot stop everyone’s enthusiasm. When Lu Yang refreshed the pages of "Magic Sword Eternity", the book review area was full of reward information of various amounts, and all book reviews were Pressed down.


   Starting point in 2006, rewards below 50,000 starting coins have not been blocked. Even if only rewarding 100 starting coins, it will be displayed in the book review area.


   Many readers, authors or editors who are visiting the book review section of "Magic Sword Forever" When they refreshed the webpage again, they looked at the book review section full of tips and they were all dumbfounded.


  What's the situation with Nima? Wen Chou gave birth to a child? Are you paying the gift money?


   But it's not right! Isn't Wen Chou not married yet? Childbirth before marriage?


   Not to mention the weird thoughts that popped up in some people's minds, most people quickly saw what was happening in some tips!


   After several tips in the book review area, readers have added a similar sentence-thanks to Wenda for sending me the signed book!


   One question was solved, and immediately another question came to the minds of countless people—Wen Chou, how many autographs did he send out? (To be continued...)


  Ps: Thank you Yin Peng1, Xiaofeng Ruoyu, Helan Shanyin, Feng~~ Kotak rewards 100 points. Thank you for your monthly pass! Continue to ask for monthly tickets! ! !

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