Rebirth 2003

Chapter 115: New book starts

   Lu Yang went to school on the fifth day of the year. The Dragon Race Internet cafes cannot be closed for too long. There is a big competitor next to it! The business has been robbed, and there will be nowhere to cry by then.

   After getting on the train, Lu Yang called several network administrators and cleaning aunts.

   When I arrived at school, the Longzu Internet cafe was officially opened the next day. Although there were not as many people online during the Chinese New Year, they could earn about 1,000 a day.

   Lu Yang didn't need to worry too much about things in the Internet cafe. After returning to the rental house and revising the outline and details twice, Lu Yang began to code the chapters of the new book. The monthly ticket system of the starting point will be launched in a few days, and the new book cannot be delayed.

   The first chapter is naturally the protagonist crossing. Lu Yang has seen countless reasons for how to cross.

Lu Yang arranged for the protagonist Xie Qing to pass through in a strange way. After Xie Qing performed a beheading mission on an airplane, he took the initiative to parachute away from the airplane. As a result, he passed through a colored cloud and landed on the Three Kingdoms. It happened to fall in the center of the battlefield where Dong Zhuo suppressed the bandits.

   In The Romance of the Three Kingdoms, when Dong Zhuo was almost killed by the Yellow Turban Army, he was rescued by the three brothers Liu Bei, Guan Yu, and Zhang Fei. As a result, in Lu Yang's book, Dong Zhuo was rescued by Xie Qing who had fallen from the sky.

Historically, after the three brothers Liu Bei rescued Dong Zhuo, Dong Zhuo asked who they were. As a result, Liu Bei thought about holding Dong Zhuo’s thigh, but said that he was the queen of King Zhongshan Jing. So after Dong Zhuo heard this, he knew in his heart that he was not. Maybe he really subdued such a relative of the emperor, and saw that Liu Bei was so poor that he was obviously powerless, so he turned around and left without thanking him.

   But Xie Qing is different! When he knew that he had just saved Dong Zhuo, the overlord of the early Three Kingdoms, and wanted to follow Dong Zhuo to drink spicy food, of course he would not speak like Liu Bei, but said that he was alone and came to Dong Zhuo. Dong Zhuo was naturally overjoyed. , Just now he had seen Xie Qing's skill with his own eyes.

   For a military commander, who doesn't want to have as many masters as possible. In this way, Xie Qing attached to Dong Zhuo and became the commander of Dong Zhuo, a close guard who feared the dead.


   In Lu Yang's setting, Xie Qing, the protagonist, has first-class marksmanship, first-class unarmed combat skills, and dagger play. The most important thing is that before joining the special forces, Xie Qing was the only son of a famous marksman.

  The famous marksman here is not a pistol or other modern firearms, but a murder weapon on the ancient battlefield-the long spear.

   Xie Qing passed down the Xingyi Liuhe spear from his childhood, and his marksmanship was exquisite. Under Dong Zhuo's command, he was able to display extraordinary combat power and was valued by Dong Zhuo.

As soon as Xie Qing came out, he grabbed the seat of the guard commander. The original guard commander naturally refused to accept it. After camping at night, just like Xie Qing challenged, he successfully made Xie Qing’s stepping stone, and Xie Qing’s force was once again obtained. Prove.


Lu Yang immersed himself in writing in the rental house, because this time the outline and detailed outline are very complete, and he knows the history of the Three Kingdoms and various secrets. He can write much faster than before, more than 10,000 words a day, not many. One day is enough for the number of words submitted by the publisher.

   But Lu Yang was worried that the publishing house hadn't gone to work yet, so he didn't submit the manuscript for the time being, so he continued to concentrate on the codewords.

It was the fifteenth of the first lunar month in a blink of an eye. During the day, Lu Yang was still hiding in the rental room and writing ecstasy, with his hands tapping on the keyboard like a wind. It wasn't until 8 o'clock in the evening that he suddenly remembered that today is the Lantern Festival. It was because he heard the sound of lively fireworks outside the window, and the colorful light of fireworks outside lit up his study room.

Thinking that today is the Lantern Festival, he had two instant noodles at home. Lu Yang wanted to go out to find something to eat. He didn’t want to stay in the study on the Lantern Festival, so he turned off the computer and changed his coat. , And went out.

  Walking outside, Lu Yang realized that the night was very lively. The streets were filled with brilliant lights. There were two big red lanterns hanging in front of many shops.

   As soon as I walked to the street, I saw a dragon lantern turning from store to store on the street. In local customs, this is called Solitaire Lantern.

Especially those who open the door to do business, every time there is a dragon lantern, they will prepare joss sticks, firecrackers, and big red envelopes. Ask the dragon lantern to go around in their store. The picture shows the business is booming in the new year and the money is rolling , The better the business is, the more you believe in this.

   Many elderly men and women on the street followed the dragon lantern to watch the excitement. Numerous snacks and fruit stalls on the street were crowded with people. Seeing such a festive atmosphere, Lu Yang became happy.

   was about to follow the excitement for a while, Lu Yang suddenly caught a glimpse of a girl squatting under the shadow of the store door, wiping her tears from the corner of his eyes. After a closer look, it was the daughter of the proprietress of the school commissary.

Obviously, the several facades around her do not do business at night, and there are tall trees in front of the door, so the area she stayed in was completely blackened. If it weren't for the light of the street lamp between the branches, Lu Yang would recognize it at a glance. It's not her.

   New Year's Eve, why is she crying here?

   Lu Yang was puzzled. This girl used to give him two lozenges when his throat was severely hoarse. Lu Yang always remembered, thinking about taking care of her business frequently, and always forgetting. At this moment the streets were filled with joyous people, but Lu Yang saw her squatting here alone wiping tears, Lu Yang hesitated for a moment, and walked over.

"what happened to you?"

   Lu Yang squatted in front of her and asked softly.

As if shocked, the girl slowly raised her head and looked at Lu Yang’s unfamiliar face. She was stunned. She obviously didn’t recognize Lu Yang. So many students in the school went to her canteen to buy things, and Lu Yang didn’t go often. Where do you remember who Lu Yang is?

   Lu Yang saw the girl’s face full of tears, her face was originally painted with light makeup, but she was washed by the tears, and her little hands kept wiping, a delicate little face, has turned into a painted cat.

   The girl didn't answer Lu Yang's words, she lowered her head to wipe her tears, her shoulders shrugged, and she looked very sad.

   New Year's Eve, what is so sad?

   Lu Yang thought for a while, and then said, "I know you! I went to your commissary to buy something, and talk about it! If you have any difficulties, maybe I can help you."

   Hearing that Lu Yang knew her and knew that her house was a small shop, the girl raised her head again, wiping her tears and said, "Go! You can't help me."

   "Lost in love?"

   Lu Yang took a guess.

   "Yes! Can you help?" The girl smiled sadly, and asked Lu Yang, Lu Yang dumb.

   really is the cause of this dog's blood, girls seem to not cry outside except for being broken in love.

   (Thanks to the alien 09997 for the reward again, thanks for the evaluation vote of Translucent World, and ask for a recommendation vote.)

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