Rebirth 2003

Chapter 114: new Year

   Wang Haiyang said that it was vicious, but when he really asked him to choose a place, he only chose a hot pot restaurant, an old restaurant with a decent scale not far from Yizhong. When they were in school before, the two had come here to eat several times. Before, Lu Yang had no money, and Wang Haiyang was basically a treat.

   When ordering food, Wang Haiyang asked uncomfortably, "What? It's been more than a year since entering university, have you taken down Feng Tingting's wife?"

Lu Yang could see that he still had a problem with the initial application of his application. The two had been classmates from junior high school and had been friends for so many years after graduating from high school. Lu Yang ended up not filling up the same university with him because of a girl. I wonder how depressed he is.

   "I didn't chase her."

   Lu Yang said lightly.


   Wang Haiyang stopped the pencil that was drawing the menu in surprise, and looked at Lu Yang suspiciously. Lu Yang's expression made him a little bit confused. It was obviously for Feng Tingting's school, how could he not chase him?

   "Aren't you brave enough to confess?" Wang Haiyang carefully observed Lu Yang's expression suspiciously.

   "I chased another girl, I have a chance to introduce you to me."

   Lu Yang smiled.

   Wang Haiyang is completely confused. "What's the matter? Feng Tingting was chased away by others first?"

   "No! Just don't have this problem! I don't want to chase her anymore."

   "I don't understand you! They say that women are fickle, I think you are fiercer than women!"

During this meal, the two ate for almost two hours. During the period, they chatted about their respective college life and recalled their high school life together. During the chat, Lu Yang knew that Wang Haiyang University’s life was mainly based on reading novels, and even When talking about the popular novels at the starting point, I told Lu Yang that the "Master of Loneliness" was very good, but when Lu Yang asked him whether he was looking at the original or pirated version, he said naturally, "Of course it is a pirated version." ! It's just a novel, I won't do it if I spend money!"

   Regarding this, Lu Yang was speechless.

   There are too many readers who think this way, so only a few years later, there will be so many **** works, many of which are classic works like "Yulongbian". Lu Yang, who was reborn, knows that in the next few years, a large number of talented web writers will disappear forever from the readers' sight.

   For example, Lu Yang's favorite author of "Blood Sleepwalking" is a lonely boy, and the author of "The Best Atmosphere", Skull Dragon, etc., have given up writing successively.

   Although more and more readers will see the original, a group of good authors will still emerge, but the large number of powerful authors in the early days of online essays have left forever.

This has to be said, it is a great regret in the online literature world, especially when more and more small white articles are flooded later. At that time, countless readers yelled and shouted at the book shortage. When there were no books to read, a few people really Have you ever thought about those excellent works that they followed before, they used practical actions to support? When their favorite authors left one after another because of their meager income, the proliferation of small white articles was the inevitable result!

   Because the old authors left one by one, those who are active on the site must be the new authors who came in later. There are too many works by the newcomers, and Xiaobai is naturally rampant.

Lu Yang didn’t say anything. He used to watch pirated editions. The eldest brother didn’t talk about the second elder brother. Besides, persuading a Wang Haiyang would have no effect on the entire web. A large number of old authors left. Things that cannot be changed.


After    and Wang Haiyang were separated, Lu Yang went to buy two sets of new clothes and shoes for everyone in the family, and then went back.

   The new year is coming soon, because the new book hasn't started yet, Lu Yang doesn't need to think about codewords like the last new year. Instead, he relaxes at home for a few days. During the New Year's greetings, it is natural that he can't avoid it. When visiting my grandfather and grandmother, I met with my cousin who was a mason by the way, and gave the house design drawings drawn in the past few days to my cousin.

   Lu Yang has never studied architectural design, and the drawings he drew are just simple house frames. In Lu Yang's design, the new house has two floors above and below, with a large courtyard.

The yard and the fish pond are connected together. Lu Yang plans to plant a few weeping willows by the pond. The gate of the yard is two or three times larger than the gate of the rural yard in this era, and it is three meters wide. Lu Yang is afraid that the gate will be small, so he will buy it later. You can't enter the yard if you get the car.

The main body of the house is also very large. There are five rooms on each floor. One downstairs is a reserved garage, one is a warehouse for farming tools and food, the middle one is naturally the living room, and the other two are the parents’ bedroom. One is the kitchen and bathroom.

   There are five rooms upstairs, one for the three brothers and sisters, one is for sure. For the other two, Lu Yang plans to use one as a study room for his younger siblings, and one as a guest room.

   On the top of the two-story building, Lu Yang also designed an insulation layer over one meter high and covered with tiles.

After reading this design drawing, my cousin was surprised and said: "Yangtze! It costs a lot of money if you think so! The yard and the insulation on the roof may exceed Ten thousand, get all of them, none of them are more than 100,000, I'm afraid I can't do it! Does your family have so much money?"

   The previous situation of Lu Yang's family is known to his cousin. Although I heard that this boy Lu Yang made some money by writing novels and publishing this year, he still can't believe that Lu Yang's family can build such a good house.

   2004 has just passed, and now it has entered 2005. In the countryside of inland provinces like them, there is not one in Lujia Village that can afford such a building.

Lu Yang smiled and said, "Cousin, don't worry! Hundreds of thousands will be hundreds of thousands! During the New Year, I just gave my dad 100,000 yuan. What materials are needed? You can let my dad buy them for money. Not enough, I'll add it! In short, the quality depends on your cousin!"

The cousin looked at Lu Yang with a smile in disbelief, as if he had met on the first day, nodded for a long time, patted Lu Yang on the shoulder, and said, "It looks like you are not in college in vain! So much money soon! Blessed for your parents! Don’t worry! My cousin won’t cheat you anymore! If the quality of the house goes wrong in the future, can I still be able to raise my head in front of my relatives at home ?"

The building of the house is so big, it is also the main reason why Lu Yang focused his idea on the acres of land beside his fish pond from the The base of his old house is too small to be built. Under such a big house.

   For this, Lu Yang also persuaded his parents for several days.

   Originally, according to parents' wishes, the old house was pushed to the house, and a small second floor with three upper and lower rooms would do. Rural people also depend on the fields for food.

   In order to change his parents' minds, Lu Yang almost broke his mouth.

   The last sentence touched my parents.

   Lu Yang said at the time: "Dad, Mom! My family is different from others! My younger brother and I will get married in the future. Only a small second floor will be built. In the future, I will get married with my younger brother. The house will definitely not be enough!"

   Lu Yang will certainly not get married at home in the future, but in order to persuade his parents, this is the best reason at this time. As a result, parents really had no choice but to agree after thinking about it.

This was in 2005. In a few years, Lu Yang’s family just wanted to build a house on farmland, and the state did not allow it. But in 2005, the state did not take care of this, at least in Lu Yang’s hometown. Once the house is built, you can still apply for a housing permit.

(Thanks to Xiaguang 0012300, such as water lily, wjwllee, what I want is walnuts, still dependent on the fate, Up80, Zhan Yu, book friends 111216080404218, that one willful, Xiaoqiang's baby, ymbobo828, Xiyang Lizhalai, etc. As a reward, I asked the editor in charge this afternoon to confirm that the book will be on the shelves this Friday. I beg you to keep a few monthly tickets! Please everyone!)

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