Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 8 Chapter 157: Ancestral Appetite

I turned my gaze back to the present-

"Hey." Mordred reached out to the flying squirrel and made a begging gesture.

Flying Squirrel was speechless for a moment, and took a large package of local specialty snacks bought in the last city from the cabin. Mordred took it and ate it.

"You can still eat so much." Flying Squirrel has calculated the food expenses, but no matter how long it is, the proportion of food expenses for traveling with Mordred is still extremely high.

"How many times have you been long-winded, eating is my only pleasure."

"Because ancient entertainment doesn't have as many games as we did then?" Flying Squirrel muttered.

Suddenly, there was a bird flying in the sky. This kind of thing was not surprising. The problem was that it caused Mordred to be highly hostile, because the food went smoothly.

"The soul is pale!" Mordred immediately chased after the big bird who was grabbing the snacks with his claws.

"..." Flying Squirrel stopped the horse and looked at Mordred who was going away silently. When he first saw this scene, he even forced to activate "Forced not to panic".

Because, Mordred actually jumped off his mount, chased like animals on all fours, and chased monsters like tigers or huge rats and lizards, lying on the ground and roaring at the beasts that dared to take the food. .

The problem is not only that. If you are dissatisfied with the living environment, you will roll all over the floor, and accompany her to patrol the streets (shopping) from time to time, and you will also get angry.

Whenever this kind of thing happens, the flying squirrel will think about it. Perhaps history has never really been shown before human eyes. Is the reason why Mordred could not inherit the throne really because of the very deadly blood of infidelity in the legend? Is the real reason.

Mordred will be followed by rebels because his performance is quite human, but sometimes his behavior suddenly degenerates to the level of a child or even ape.

Getting along with Mordred is very simple: don’t say bad things about King Arthur, don’t say good things about King Arthur; don’t think of her as a woman, and don’t think of her completely as a man; don’t be too serious, don’t be obsessed with Mordred’s kind; serious Listen to her opinions and suggestions. Look, it's very simple.

But Mordred is another bear kid, rebellious, hard-mouthed, arrogant, desperate for face, and never admit his mistakes. Basically, she has all the character of the bear kid.

Thinking of what would happen if such a person succeeded to the throne, Flying Squirrel sighed in his heart, "Your father did the right thing." Of course it was impossible to say it.

But it’s not bad. Although Mordred’s ability as a warrior is probably taller than Taqmi, the strongest warrior of the Ainz Ur-Christian Guild, Flying Squirrel feels that sometimes it’s like taking care of children in turn. Inadvertently narrowed the distance of the heart.

At the moment, flying squirrel saw Mordred's IQ drop. He just smiled bitterly in his heart, stopped the cart, floated in the air while chasing it, and activated the detection magic.

Although Flying Squirrel already knew his strength in this world and was at the top level, he still maintained the necessary vigilance when he went out.

Even if you remove the game monsters and other players who may come together, there are some natives that can hurt flying squirrels, such as the high-level **** fairy, such as the members of the formation of the body of the abyss, such as the king of shadows, such as the dragon king, In other words, since flying squirrel can be injured, even if the opponent's level is lower than flying squirrel, there is still a chance to kill him.

Now the items that can be automatically resurrected are limited and very precious. When I came to this world, I consumed two because of my ignorance of the situation, and only one was left, so I couldn't waste it for no reason.

Then, the routine detection that was carried out whenever a certain size accident occurred, in this accident, became a very correct response.

"There is a big guy... I have to tell Mordred to pay attention." The flying squirrel flew towards Mordred at an accelerated speed.


After receiving a fax from Mordred and the player that Mordred and the player had purchased supplies and some monster information in a certain city, Star informed Kraun Pice to use "that".

So Kraunpisi closed the audio-visual sharing with the Hell Two-headed Dragon, cut off the control line for summoning monsters, and took out the mirror used for remote communication from the "King’s Treasure" to remotely control and view the Hell Two-headed Dragon and Anna and Tanaka. The situation over there.

The reason why such a treasure is only used now is because of course this treasure consumes magic power, which is higher than the [Dimensional Eye [Eye]] of Star.

The reason for not using [Dimensional Eye [Eye]] is that this is Yggdrasil level magic. If the monitoring object is the player, it might be detected by anti-detection.

The big bird that likes to attack passers-by in the wild captured by Alice in local activities gave the big bird a mental inducement, and finally took away Mordred's snacks. Because it only induces the big bird to think instead of directly manipulates the big bird, and the big bird's inherent habits, even if the big bird is caught, that Alice will not be in danger, but-

Kraunpith: "Costa...this method you proposed is too stupid, right?"

Sonny: "I feel like I will be hooked."

Star: "Sanny, shut up."

Kraunpith: "No, it's not a question of getting bait. I mean, the induction is so obvious that it won't be suspected? Can we really not reveal what is behind it?"

Star: "It is precisely because such a stupid thing has happened more than once to cover up our existence. No one would have thought that someone would use such a stupid joke. Besides, our purpose is not to forcibly annihilate. By the way, Sunny Are you not happy?"

Sonny: "I also want to go to Naruto World to change my mind."

Star: "Even if you emphasize that you are actually very free now, it is too late. The places are full. Don't mention more arrangements and continue to increase costs. Will the variables caused by too many people increase?"

Klauen Pith: "But maybe it can imitate the way the US travels through? The necessary rank cards have been recovered."

Star: " can consider The first group to go is Sunflower, Angela, and Scarlett sisters, the originally scheduled Bell sisters (Lingxian, Linghu), Kacchino Let's talk about other things such as opening up a stable channel."

Kraunpith: "Angea? Cirno, the flame fairy, is it appropriate, her mental state."

Star: "It's appropriate and inappropriate? Her upgrade speed after transforming evil spirits is unquestionable. Do you know that, even if she only focuses on improving the level of a combat class upgrade line, she is already level 80."

Kraunpisi: "Impossible!" I blurted out immediately. A single class upgrade line must have a high-level class to reach this level. It is impossible to do without killing or sacrifice.

Star: "The problem is the fact."

Luna: "It's related to the demon Star summoned to defile Angela, right?"

Kraunpith: "Could it be that you can summon highly efficient demons in a native way?"

(to be continued)

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