Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 8 Chapter 156: Departure for 2 people

Flying Squirrel asked why the rebellious Mordred dared to call himself "the only orthodox heir." Mordred blushed and declared that he did not agree that his King Arthur was indifferent and destroyed the country and sent him on the road.

Flying Squirrel understands what she said--

It is said that Mordred was the unchaste son born between King Arthur and his sister Morgan. This was too fatal to the succession to the throne. The final result was that the civil war ended up. The only thing Mordred passed down was the notorious knight who betrayed him. .

"So, you said that you participated in the holy grail war in which the so-called winner can realize any wish in that world. Do you want to become a king?"

"No, no. I don't want to use that kind of power to become a king. I have to challenge the selected sword myself." Mordred symbolically stroked his large sword to the ground.

"The selected sword? Is that the sword in the stone drawn by the legendary King Arthur?"

Mordred agreed with this.

Flying Squirrel remembers that Yggdrasil also has this sword. It is a legendary equipment in a limited event. Although all of their members are alien races that are not suitable for equipping the sword in the stone, they didn't have this equipment in particular.

"Now, can I ask a question?" So, the red light in the eyes of Flying Squirrel flashed, and there was a question that I had to ask. Based on the social experience accumulated in the two lives, a series of dialogues may determine the relationship between the two.

"Go ahead." Mordred lifted his chin.

"It's just a hypothesis. If you have the opportunity to pull the sword in the stone, but you can't pull it out, what should you do?"

"Stupid! How can I not pull it out!"

Flying Squirrel has seen several kings of this world in recent years, and I feel that Mordred's voice is indeed quite king.

"Then let's not assume, it sounds like the Holy Grail War was aborted. What are your plans in the future?" Flying Squirrel asked.

"I met Arthur in the Holy Grail War, then she must be in this world too, I will look for her directly in person!" Mordred announced loudly.

"Well, although the final purpose is different, are you looking for someone like me?"

"Are you looking for someone too?"

"Yeah, I also want to find my friends. They may have come to this world. However, as you can see, the skeletons in this world are all like that, so my actions are somewhat inconvenient in society. "Flying Squirrel spread his bones and said.

"Ah, so you can only live in this kind of ghost place? Compared with your guild environment... it's not easy for you."

"Ah, no matter how concealed my bone-only face is, it will leak out as soon as I eat something, huh." Flying Squirrel is still a little bit angry about this.

"So, do you want to travel together? It's not easy for you, right?" Flying Squirrel tried to ask.

"Ah, by the way, you are also a magician." Mordred looked at the flying squirrel closely, his eyes swept between the various magic items.

At present, Mordred lacks the source of magic power to maintain the present world for a long time, because the enchanter must rely on enough magic to maintain the present world and fight with high intensity, so he has not concealed his current problems.

"So, as a transaction, I hope I will provide you with magic power? This is a good choice. You know, there are probably few magic casters on this continent with magic power higher than mine." Flying squirrel has lived in this world for so many years, yes. This is confident.

At the same time, flying squirrel has already experienced a lot in this world. Although I don’t know what the so-called Holy Grail War is, it can be done easily by using variant rank magic [Summon 10th rank monsters [SummonMonsters10th]] with a magic circuit. arrive.

"It's also convenient for me to be able to act with a normal person like you. Of course, the necessary funds for the activity are also available." Flying Squirrel took out a bag of gold coins from the infinite backpack.

Although it seems to be suspected of showing off wealth and temptation, the next dialogue is very important to decide whether you can win a partner who can act together for a long time.

Mordred asked calmly, "How did the money come from?"

If it comes to judge that the flying squirrel's past has violated its rules of action, it will be a small matter if the situation is serious. If the situation is serious, it will fight on the spot.

Flying Squirrel said very calmly that there was nothing wrong with his own funds. Some of them happened to be brought along when they traveled to this world, and the others were to discover the treasures of the dragon and the property of the undead.

Because slaying dragons is a great act in the eyes of ordinary intelligent creatures in this world, and the undead are the public enemies of the living, so there is no problem. Although flying squirrels are also undead, the undead in Yggdrasil are a common race and do not have a bad nature.

"How about it, are you dissatisfied?" Flying Squirrel asked with a red light in his eyes.

Mordred was silent for a moment, picked up the sword, raised it flat, and declared: "Since the same is looking for someone, then I will accept your proposal, but-if you do something that is unrighteous to the people The matter, this king sword will kill you before that."

There was a green light flashing on the flying squirrel, "Forced not to panic". Since he became this skeletal body, there is nothing left of human emotions, and he doesn’t feel much about the living. He didn’t particularly do what he wanted in line with the undead’s tendency, but If doing evil is good for him, he will not be stingy to do it.

However, there is no possibility of mediation for the game monsters who were thrown into this world alone and together with the people who were thrown into this world together. There is no possibility of mediation in the game that never died in Yggdrasil, so it is necessary to establish a certain relationship with the inhabitants of this world. This really shouldn't do things that the living cannot forgive.

Flying Squirrel said: "It's okay. Since we are going to travel together, then I think each other should be honest with each other. It's just right to say it like you."

"Okay, let's make a contract." Mordred took the sword and stretched out his hand.

" After all, there is not much time left for us. What we are talking about here may have surprised your enemy."


"You haven't seen the black ribbon manipulator that swallowed you, if you can come, is it impossible for its owner?"

When Mordred heard these words, as a knight who knows tactics and strategy, her appraisal of flying squirrels has risen to a higher level.

Mordred himself did not see the master of the black ribbon that swallowed him through, but that is certainly not a natural phenomenon, is it possible to leave Mordred here, is it possible to consume the leading power of this world, a war with the Holy Grail For a certain battle of the participants, will the owner of the black ribbon also be in this world? If the battle here results in a result, will he come to check it out?

Mordred is very strong, and it's useless to fight against the black ribbon with the same strong King Arthur, so it's even more useless to join forces between Mordred and Flying Squirrel.

There is too little intelligence to make accurate judgments, but Flying Squirrel feels that there is no harm in considering more bad aspects. In short, you must leave this place quickly.

(to be continued)

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