Plane Master Copy

Chapter 652: : Peach! Peach! Peach!

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Watching the dialogue between Wuyan and Rulai Buddha, the Jade Emperor did not intervene. After all, Wuyan and Rulai are the real protagonists. They only need to shoot at critical times to help Wuyan rescue people. Will suffice.

However, with the development of the situation, Jade Emperor found that things slowly exceeded their own understanding.

Ruyan's words made Wu Yan speechless. Even under his words, Wu Yan became a benevolent man, which gave Jade Emperor a sense of crisis.

Wu Yan may be the only possibility of confronting the Tao of Heaven. If he can establish a good relationship with him, he may have a means to violate God's will.

But if Wu Yan feels guilty about Rulai, it is not guaranteed that Wu Yan will be used by Rulai in the future. This is something that the emperor was unwilling to accept.

With a sense of crisis in his heart, the Jade Emperor opened his mouth and prepared to speak, interrupting Rulai's upside-down black and white words.

However, at this time Wu Yan recovered his mind and stared at Rulai seriously, saying, "If you come here, you don't have to say so much, the fact will not change because of your words."

"Okay ..." Seeing that Wu Yan was quickly freed from his words, Rulai's eyes flashed a shock, but on the surface, Rulai still looked immobile.

Helplessly sighed and said, "Although all this is just a misunderstanding, it is really that I didn't think about it carefully enough to make you misunderstand me. Fortunately, Miss Wu Meng and the monkeys at Huaguo Mountain were not damaged. I will not be held accountable, and Jing Shiqing Lian ’s Yi Jing's marrow is regarded as a little compensation for me. "

"Rulai, did you want to expose it?" After hearing Rulai's words, Wu Yan's heart moved slightly.

The so-called misunderstanding, Wu Yan does not believe it, but if Rulai is willing to return Xiao Meng to himself, Wu Yan is still very satisfied.

As long as Xiao Meng can rescue it safely, Wu Yan can ignore other things.

Besides, as Lai said, it is true that no matter whether it is a misunderstanding or not, you have not suffered a loss, but have taken advantage.

"Also, since this is the case, let's expose it now. I don't want it to happen again," Wu Yan nodded and said after a moment of groaning.

There was no conflict between the dialogue between Wu Yan and Rulai. As Rulai and Wu Yan negotiated, this matter was revealed.

After waiting for a while, the improvement of Jingshi Qinglian was also completed, Xiao Meng slowly woke up from the buds of Jingshi Qinglian, and then came directly to Wu Yan.

"That being the case, let's stop here ...".

Rulai didn't make a stop, and Xiao Meng returned to her side steadily. This time Rulai took away Xiao Meng's incident, and it can be regarded as a safe and sound solution. Wu Yan felt relieved and looked away. On Rulai's body, he said.

"Well, let's go, I hope the donor Wuyan can come to Lingshan as a guest in the future," Rulai nodded, and said calmly.

Rulai was very happy to be able to solve this matter in such a shocking way. After all, watching Wuyan ’s so irritable response, even called the jade emperor together, Rulai thought it was totally unreasonable, and could only use violence Solve it.

I was able to soothe Wu Yan with words, and this matter was so easily unveiled, Rulai's heart was naturally happy.

Of course, Xiao Meng was taken away by Rulai, and she was able to rescue Xiao Meng smoothly. Wu Yan was also very happy.

However, besides being happy, Wu Yan also knew that Rulai should not have found any exposed fillings, otherwise Rulai would not have spoken so well.

"Let's go ..." Seeing the matter between Wu Yan and Rulai, it seemed like the end of the tiger's head and the tail of a snake, and he seemed to have no effect. The emperor had some calculations in his heart. After a wave, they rolled up Wu Yan and Sun Wukong and disappeared into Lingshan out of thin air.

When it appeared again, it had returned to the Ling Xiao Bao Dian.

"Well, it looks like I have to figure out a way to get Jin Chanzi back ..." Watching Wu Yan's disappearing figure, Rulai was relieved, and then sighed in a low voice.

Jiang Liu'er fell into Wu Yan's hands. Rulai naturally knew that, but now Wu Yan's teacher moved the public to take accountability. If it wasn't easy to mention Jiang Liu'er, he was ready to say it next time.

After all, Jiang Liu'er and Wu Yan have a good relationship, and Rulai is not afraid that Jiang Liu'er will be killed.

After arriving at Ling Xiao Bao Dian, the Jade Emperor and Wu Yan chatted for a few words. Instead, they retained Wu Yan to stay in Lingshan for a few days, and it was a good look at the scenery of Tianting.

When Wu Yan came last time, the Jade Emperor retained him, but Wu Yan couldn't let Xiao Meng go, so he said he would go to the world.

Now, Xiao Meng has also taken over. Wu Yan is naturally embarrassed to refuse, so he lives on the side of heaven.

As for Sun Wukong? He naturally has no good feelings about Tianting, not to mention Sun Wukong is also afraid of the monkey monkeys and grandchildren of Huaguoshan, so after saying goodbye to Wuyan, Sun Wukong went into Tianting and returned to Huaguoshan went.

For Sun Wukong's departure, the Jade Emperor did not retain him.

In the following days, Wu Yan and Xiao Meng both stayed in the heavenly court. It was an extraordinary experience to see the scene of the heavenly court.

In these days, Wu Yan also saw many deities that were once familiar.

After staying in Tianting for a few days, Wu Yan gradually had a clearer concept of the division of Tianting's strength.

These ordinary soldiers and generals, as well as Xian'e Lishi, most of the crystal points are about three or five thousand.

The number of crystal points is close to 10,000, which is already a rare general in heaven.

Of course, these days, Wu Yan and Xiao Meng are walking in the heavenly court, and they have seen a lot of gods, but they also got a lot of good things from the hands of these gods.

Although it is not the top treasure, but after all, it is a fairy baby, whether it is a magic weapon, or a fairy grass, a miracle, all are very good things.

On this day, the Emperor Jade and the Queen Mother stayed together. Then, the Queen Mother patted her palms, and the two fairies came up with the basin. Three different peaches of different sizes were placed in the box lunch.

"Jade Emperor, these three peaches are all in Taoyuan. Pick one of the three. Are you sure you want to give it to Wuyan?" After the fairy put the three peaches on the table, the queen's eyes Asked on the emperor.

The queen peach garden of the Queen Mother, of which the tao peach is divided into three types.

There are 1,200 plants in front, flowers and fruits are tiny, and they are ripe once in 3,000 years.

There are 1,200 plants in the middle, and they are ripe once in 6,000 years.

In the back, there were 1,200 plants with fine purple veins, and they were cooked once in 9,000 years.

Although the mother-in-law and mother-in-law regularly hold grand peach festivals, in fact, very few are eligible to eat the final purple-grained fine-core peach peaches. Most of the immortal Buddhas eat the first two.

Now, it is not the day of the grand peach festival. The jade emperor actually gave Wuyan all three peaches, which made the mother-in-law feel very surprised.

"You don't know that Wu Yan's existence is not a person in our world. Therefore, what is destined for heaven should not be effective for him. Therefore, he may be the person who can best violate God's will since he opened the world. If he can If you have a good relationship with him, it will not only have a easing relationship with the rest of the world, but also have a vital benefit to us. "With a gentle wave of the palm, all three peaches were accepted, Yudi said.

Having said that, the Jade Emperor gave a slight meal, and then said, "Not to mention that Wu Yan itself is worthy of us to do so. A few days ago, in the Buddha world, Rulai improved Wu Meng's use of Qingshi Qinglian In terms of physical fitness, from the perspective of gains and losses, Wu Yan still has the advantage, so we can't always behave like stingy? "

"Well, what you said is indeed reasonable. If Wu Yan can really help us change our lives against the sky, I can't say three peaches, even thirty are worthwhile." I heard the emperor ’s explanation, Queen Mother With a look of surprise on his face, he nodded.

After living in the fairyland for less than half a month, Wu Yan saw a lot of gods' lifestyles, and it was enough to satisfy his curiosity about the gods. Seeing that time was almost up, Wu Yan was about to leave the jade emperor.

After all, he lied to the immortal Buddha with lies. The longer he stayed, the more likely he was to expose his stuffing, so Wu Yan naturally left.

Ling Xiao Bao Dian, after all the immortals had finished their early dynasties, Wu Yan took Xiaomeng together and found the emperor, and talked about himself and Xiaomeng leaving the fairyland.

"Well ~ ~ Since you want to go to the lower world, the widows will not stop you. Whenever you want to come, we will welcome you at any time." For Wu Yan's resignation, Jade Emperor did not stay, and slightly nodded. .

The voice dropped, and the sleeve of the Jade Emperor waved gently. Immediately, three peaches appeared in front of Wu Yan, and said, "You have been in the heaven for so long, and the widow has not treated you well. These three peaches, I'll send it to you. "

"This is it?" Looking at the three different peaches in front of himself, Wu Yan looked at the Emperor curiously.

There has been conjecture in her heart, and Wu Yan's mood has also excited a lot.

Sure enough, as Wu Yan expected, after the Jade Emperor explained it, Wu Yan also understood that these three peaches were all peaches grown in the queen peach garden of the mother-in-law, and each of the three peaches had one.

"Thank you Jade Emperor!" I learned that these three were the legendary Tao peaches. Wu Yan's eyes were bright and she couldn't help but said to Jade Emperor.

"Well, you like it, go, don't forget the transaction between us", seeing Wuyan very happy, fully understand the value of the three peaches, the emperor nodded slightly, and felt that the three peaches were sent out It's worth it.

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