Plane Master Copy

Chapter 651: : 嘴 遁 MAX style

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Wu Yan is a **** from other worlds. Jade Emperor attaches great importance to his identity. After all, this is the first time that Jade Emperor has discovered that there are other worlds besides his own world, and The world also has God.

Even the gods of other worlds can come to their own world.

But again, the existence of the heaven is supreme, and no one can change it. It is because of this that even if the jade emperor was clearly unhappy about the eastward spread of the Dharma, he could only conform to the will of the heaven.

Now, if Wu Yan can really violate God's will, this is also a very important message for the Jade Emperor.

If you can establish a good relationship, then will you not have more trump cards that can fight the Providence?

Although the heaven and the Buddhist world are mellow on the surface, in fact, the two sides are constantly struggling with each other. After all, one mountain cannot accommodate two tigers.

Therefore, for Wu Yan and to test whether he can really fight against the Providence, the Jade Emperor is naturally willing to do a match with Rulai. This is totally worth ...

In Wu Yan's mind, remember that Xiaomeng's safety, naturally, the quicker the better to go to Lingshan to save people.

With the words of the Emperor Jade Emperor, Wu Yan asked the Emperor to go to Lingshan as soon as possible.

I also understand the urgency of Wu Yan, so the Jade Emperor did not think about it, nodded slightly, and the robe fluttered gently, directly rolling up Wu Yan and Sun Wukong.

Under the power of the Jade Emperor, Sun Wukong and Wu Yan did not have any resistance at all. They only felt that they were spinning in circles, as if traveling through time and space. I found myself in Lingshan.

The Buddha's body is sitting on his lotus platform.

In front of Rulai, a huge lotus flower was shining, Xiao Meng was lying among the lotus flower buds ...

"Amitabha Buddha", such as the Buddha, looked at the few jade emperors who appeared, a flash of pain flashed on his face, and he whispered a Buddhist horn.

Wu Yan's reaction was strong, far beyond what was expected, and he just carried Wu Meng over without any harm. He not only destroyed his avatar, but even directly Jade Emperor moved out, and this fierce reaction far exceeded Rulai's expectations.

If I had known that Wu Yan would have such a fierce reaction, I wouldn't do it if I came to death.

"This old Jade Emperor is so amazing ..." However, at this time, Sun Wukong was surprised to stare at the Jade Emperor, shocked secretly in his heart.

At that time, Sun Wukong felt that the Jade Emperor was just like that, so today, when Sun Wukong saw the Jade Emperor, he still dared to challenge him.

However, just now he was brought to Lingshan without any resistance ability, and the corner of the iceberg exposed by the Jade Emperor made Sun Wukong feel extremely shocked.

"Does this Jade Emperor have any means to move space?" In a blink of an eye, he arrived at Lingshan from Lingxiao Baodian. This method of Jade Emperor made Wu Yan startled.

However, now is not the time to be surprised. When I came to Lingshan, Wu Yan's attention was immediately attracted by the little cute lying in the lotus.

Seeing that Xiao Meng was just asleep in the lotus flower and did not seem to be harmed in the slightest, Wu Yan was relieved.

However, looking at the lotus flower, the golden Buddha power was constantly entangled in Xiao Meng's body, which made Wu Yan's heart a little strange again. What was this doing?

"Rest assured that Rulai is using the power of Jingshi Qinglian to enhance the qualifications of this little girl, which will be of great benefit to her future." I can see the doubts in Wu Yan's heart, the jade emperor's mouth, low He explained to Wu Yan vocally.

"Oh, that's it ..." After hearing the explanation from the Jade Emperor, a big rock in Wu Yan's heart was put down and he nodded secretly.

Although Rulai's actions made people feel angry, fortunately, he was still a little jealous of his identity as a **** from another world, and he did not do anything to hurt Xiao Meng, which was great.

"The bead is really willing, and actually took out Jingshi Qinglian to help Miss Wu Meng improve her physique." The emperor of the Jade Emperor's eyes fell on the Buddha of Rulai, his eyes flashed slightly, and he said.

"Amitabha Buddha", for the words of Emperor Jade, Rulai Buddha whispered a Buddhist horn and replied, "Wu Yan and Ms. Wu Meng, after all, are visitors from afar. As the Lord of Buddhism, I naturally want to do my best for the landlord. It's the body, the pure lotus, which can improve the physique and has great benefits. I don't think there is anything more suitable for this. "

In this regard, if the Buddha came for a moment, his eyes fell on Wu Yan again, and said, "Wu Yan, do n’t hesitate to ask you about this matter. This one kindly invited Wu. Miss Meng came to improve her physique, but why did you destroy Faming? ".

"What a thief is calling a bald donkey to catch thieves ...", Wu Yan could not help but sigh as he heard it.

This Buddha door guy is really full of mouth-mouthing skills one by one. This is the Buddha, as the master of Buddhism, the mouth-mouthing skills have reached the level of MAX, obviously he caught Xiao Meng, now , But turned into revenge.

"Have you kindly invited Xiaomeng to come here? Why didn't I know when she came?"

"Why when you went to Huaguo Mountain, everyone fell asleep and you didn't leave a message?".

"Even in the eyes of the sacred camel and Da Sheng, who have taken people away?"

Wu Yan's gaze was directed at the Buddha, and he kept asking questions.

Wu Yan's words are good. Is it true that people please? I do n’t know, and I have n’t left a message for the monkeys in Huaguoshan. Even when I ’m leaving with Wu Gong ’s eyes, I ’ll do something? This is to invite people, Wu Yan can never believe it.

"Amitabha, in this way, this seat is negligent ...", asked Wu Yan's question, Rulai Buddha whispered.

I did not consider it. Rulai seemed to have prepared the corresponding rhetoric, saying: "I did not want to inform the donor about Miss Wu Meng, but the donor was not in Huaguoshan at the time. I was fashionable and confused; it turned out , You and Goku went to the country of lion and camel, no wonder, it ’s a coincidence that as soon as you left, I arrived. "

Having said that, he gave a slight pause, Rulai went on to say, "As for the monkeys in Huaguoshan who do not know the mountains, I have not explained them. Five hundred years ago, after all, I suppressed Wukong and the monkeys in Huaguoshan. I don't like to think of it. If I show up, I will have unnecessary troubles. Therefore, I have not explained them about this matter. "

"This, this makes me speechless ...", such as the words of the Buddha, let Wu Yan's mouth open, and for a time I didn't know how to answer.

Although Wu Yan also knows that Rulai's words are arguing for reason, but he has spoken, and he has a valid reason. This Buddhist person, Wu Yan can be regarded as a thorough teacher.

"Well, if you come, because of your ability, do you not know where we went? Really you just arrived at the point where we left, just a coincidence? I do n’t believe my grandson." Seeing Wu Yan had nothing to say It seemed that Sun Wukong could not help but stand up and shouted at Rulai.

"I really don't know about this seat. After all, I can still figure out where he is, but Wu Yan is not one of us, and this seat can't figure out his position ...".

Rugao Buddha shook his head and insisted that he appeared in Huaguoshan while Wuyan was not there. It was just a coincidence. He even put out the trace that Wuyan could not predict to increase the persuasiveness.

This time, even Sun Wukong was speechless.

Indeed, you said that I knew, but I just settled and said I don't know, how can you prove?

Seeing Wu Yan and Sun Wukong, they were speechless, such as the mouth of Buddha Buddha slightly raised, and then said: "All this is just a misunderstanding, if I really want to be against you, Huaguoshan Is there any damage to the monkey? Miss Wu Meng? Has she ever been hurt? ".

"This, no ..." Wu Yan and Sun Wukong shook their heads.

Indeed, in the final analysis, Xiao Meng and Huaguoshan's monkeys just fell asleep and were not harmed in the slightest. This is also a fact.

"Yes, Ms. Wu Meng was not injured, and the monkeys in Huaguo Mountain were not. Instead, Faming's smoke disappeared ..." Rulai Buddha's eyes fell on Wu Yan's body, meanwhile, his mouth also said quietly.

This remark made Wu Yan feel a little embarrassed.

Indeed, at least from the current situation, no matter whether it is Xiaomeng or Huaguoshan monkeys, they have not been injured. Instead, the Buddha also took out Jingshi Qinglian to improve Xiaomeni's physique ~ ~ 可But he destroyed Faming.

From the perspective of practical interests, do you really have some kind of revenge?

Thinking of this, Wu Yan also felt a little guilty, a little embarrassed and embarrassed, her eyes were a little dodged, and she didn't seem to dare to look at Buddha's eyes.

"Eh? Wait ..." However, at this moment, the light of the pendant on Wuyan's chest flashed a little, and Wuyan's mind was instantly clear.

I was surprised, what happened? Obviously it was Rulai who walked away Xiaomeng, and what he did was completely correct. Now, after talking, is he embarrassed and guilty?

"It's terrible Rulai, this mouth-mouthing ability is really terrible!" When he turned back, Wu Yan looked at Rulai with astonishment and sigh, it was incredible.

He had been prepared for his ability to talk, but he almost missed his word?

No wonder these Buddhists can speak one by one, and the black ones can be said to be white. Today I really saw it with my own eyes ...

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