Before getting into the car, Lin Ying took out his mobile phone and said, “Then I’ll take a leave with my boss… It seems that this matter will not end for a while. ”

“I’m sorry, sir.” John stopped Lin Ying’s movement and said solemnly: “This matter needs to be kept secret……… In fact, the reason why I insisted that you go was because you would have to fill out a non-disclosure agreement later. ”

After speaking, he looked at Yukiko and said helplessly: “Because this matter is a bit big, involving parliamentarians!” ”

“Ahhh… This is indeed a bit big……… The killers are all squatting at me in my house. Yukiko nodded sullenly.

“So it is, I see.” Lin Ying put the phone back, and he smiled embarrassedly: “It’s the first time I’ve encountered these things.” ”

“Those who do our job have to be careful.” John shrugged helplessly, and when he wanted to say something, he was punched by Lin Ying in the face.

“Ahhh!!” John covered his nose and asked bitterly, “What are you doing?” ”

“Those who do our job, you have to be careful!” Lin Ying said and turned around and kicked, hitting the other party’s head, and knocked the other party to the ground at once.

“!!!!” Yukiko in the back seat of the car was stunned at that time, she hurriedly got out of the car to check John’s situation, and then turned back and asked with wide eyes: “Lin!!” What are you doing? Why knock him unconscious? ”

“Don’t you think it’s weird?” Lin Ying said and squatted down and began to search his body, saying: “You just hung up the phone on the front foot, and this guy on the back foot came to the door, no more than five minutes in between!” ”

“When did the FBI become so fast?”

“Oh… This one… Maybe he happened to be nearby? Yukiko gave a reason.

“Then why wasn’t he surprised at all when he saw me?” Lin Ying felt thousands of dollars from the other party’s body, and a smile unconsciously appeared on his face: “You are on the phone, but you didn’t mention me.” ”

“This… This one…. Maybe John saw me with you and assumed that you were my friend? Yukiko gave an explanation again.

“This possibility is not ruled out… But he wouldn’t even let me call, which is a problem. I don’t need to mention what happened here. Lin Ying stood up, put the money in his pocket, and said, “I’m a more cautious person, and I’m more inclined to this guy is a bad guy.” ”

“I suggest you go and call Yusaku again to confirm.”

“If I misjudged, I would apologize to him.”

“This… All right. Yukiko saw that everyone was knocked unconscious, so she didn’t say much and went back to the house.

A few minutes later, she ran out quickly and looked at Lin Dao with a shocked expression: “Lin!!” You are right!! Yusaku and the FBI people are still on their way!! ”

Soon after, two FBI cars drove over.

And Lin Ying also met Yusaku Kudo.

However, after seeing each other, the system’s check-in task sounded again.

【Ding! Found the check-in character———— Yusaku Kudo. 】

[Check-in mission: Let Kudo Yusaku be wanted to complete the check-in.] 】


One night a few days later.

Kudo Mansion.

Yusaku raised his glass and said gratefully to Lin Ying: “Thank you Mr. Lin, if it weren’t for your help, I’m afraid Yukiko would have suffered an accident, I respect you for this cup!” ”

He had already heard from Yukiko, and knew that Lin Ying not only saved the other party once at the Broadway theater, but also found the killer in advance in the room after returning, and recognized John’s conspiracy!

If it weren’t for Lin Ying, with Yukiko’s beauty, I’m afraid that after being arrested, he would suffer something, and Yusaku didn’t dare to think deeply.

He always felt a shudder, and felt endless fear.

“It’s just a show of hands, you’re welcome.” Lin Ying also picked up the wine glass and drank it.

In fact, now he is much more comfortable in his heart, and he saved Yukiko twice in a row.

This can be written off from the previous writing on her ass!

“It’s a show of hands for you, but for me, it’s a lifesaver.” Yukiko gratefully refilled the glass with Hayashikage.

“Yes, I don’t know how to thank you, Mr. Lin.” Yusaku said.

The other person doesn’t take things to heart, but it’s impossible for him not to thank him.

After Lin Ying heard this, he secretly thought in his heart: Since this is the case, then I will trouble you to help me complete the check-in task.

He put down his wine glass and said, “If you really want to thank me, then tonight, you won’t get drunk or return!” ”

“I haven’t been drunk with someone for a long time.”

“No problem!” Yusaku happily agreed, he felt that this was not a problem!

“Yukiko, take out the good sake that I have cherished for a long time! Today I want to talk to Mr. Lin, not to get drunk and not to return! ”

“Well, I’ll go get it now! Let’s help you prepare some appetizers. Yukiko happily got up and left.

Yusaku also took this opportunity to inquire about Lin Ying’s situation: “Mr. Lin, what do you do?” ”

“Me? Punched black. Lin Ying did not shy away from this.

“Hit… Punch the black boxing? Yusaku was dumbfounded.

He saw that the other party was extremely handsome and dashing, and he could obviously go to Hollywood to make money with a face, but he didn’t expect that the other party was playing with his life! ! !

He hesitated and confirmed again: “It’s the kind I understand……… Black Fist? ”

“Hmm……… It’s the kind of black fist that beats people to death. Lin Ying’s answer once again made Kudo Yusaku gasp.

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