“My husband used to be a detective, he is very sharp, we have to unify the caliber! Did you listen to what I just said? ”

Yukiko on the co-pilot instructed again and again.

“Well, let’s just say that you accidentally bumped into the trading scene between the Luches family and the others, and were chased and killed by them, and I happened to save you when I passed by.” While Lin Ying repeated Yukiko’s instructions, the scene of that scene always unconsciously appeared in his mind.

This woman is still a leprechaun who wants to die.

“Yes, that’s it.” Yukiko nodded and said, “If he asks you about the specific situation, you will make an impatient look, saying that you saved me, not a prisoner, don’t interrogate me… Got it? ”

“……… Yes. Lin Ying glanced at Yukiko, and wanted to ask why he didn’t tell the other party directly? After all, it’s not your fault.

But this is not his own business, and it is difficult for him to talk much.

Everyone has their own ideas, and he rarely bothers to convince Yukiko.

Lin Ying thought for a while, and then asked, “Don’t call your husband?” Explain the situation in advance? ”

“My phone was also taken away…” Yukiko was very annoyed when she said this: “I have a lot of important contact information on my phone!!” If you lose it, it’s trouble!! ”

Lin Ying took out his mobile phone and handed it to Yukiko: “Call your husband first to explain the situation.” ”

“I… I don’t remember his cell phone number. Yukiko’s face turned red, quite embarrassed.

She was worried that Lin Ying felt that she was deceiving him, and hurriedly said: “My house is just ahead!” Five minutes away. ”

Lin Ying nodded and didn’t say anything more.

Five minutes later, a black-faced family car slowly stopped in front of a double-storey bungalow.

“Arrived.” Yukiko couldn’t wait to grab her bag, open the door and get out of the car, and after entering the yard, she took out the key and opened the door

Lin Ying followed Yukiko unhurriedly and entered the house.

“Yusaku is not at home, you sit down first.” After Yukiko entered the living room, after hurriedly talking to Lin Ying, she picked up the landline and began to rummage through the phone book.

After a while, she found Kudo Yusaku’s mobile phone number and dialed it repeatedly.

Soon, the phone was connected, and Yukiko said, “Yusaku, it’s me, Yukiko… When will you be back? I have something important to tell you. ”

“Huh? Want to send someone to pick me up? What happened? ”

“Well… Well, I know… I’m waiting for you at home. ”

After Yukiko finished speaking, she hung up the phone.

She looked back at Lin Ying and said depressedly, “Yusaku seems to have run into some hemp……… Well? What about people? ”

Yukiko looked left and right, but he couldn’t see Lin Ying’s figure at all, and the other party didn’t know where to go!

“Hey, Lin?” Yukiko was puzzled: “Where have you been?” ”

After calling again and not responding, she scratched her head and felt a pang of depression.

Why did people suddenly disappear?

Even if you leave, you have to say hello, right?

Just then, there was a sudden click.

Yukiko looked back and saw Lin Ying coming out of the bedroom.

“Lin, why don’t you say a word……… Forehead? Before Yukiko finished complaining, she saw that the other party was still dragging someone.

“He… Who is he? She looked at the man in black who was dragged out by Lin Ying in amazement.

“I don’t know, but I guess it’s probably a killer.” Lin Ying casually threw the man in black in front of the living room, sighed and said, “It seems that your husband has something to do… The two of you are husband and wife. ”

Plus your son Shinichi Kudo…………… Your family can really cause trouble.

It’s really right———— it’s not a family, don’t enter a house.

“Kill… Killer!! Yukiko’s beautiful face turned faintly white, and she felt a trace of fear from her heart.

She looked left and right uneasily, scared: “That… Are there any other killers left? ”

“I checked it, but I don’t.” Lin Ying said and began to search the killer’s body.

A gun, a wallet, a mobile phone.

Other than that, there is nothing superfluous.

Lin Ying unceremoniously handed over the gun, and then took away the thousands of dollars in his wallet.

Yukiko, who witnessed this action, hesitated and said, “You… Is it so difficult? ”

This little money must also be taken away.

“No, it’s my personal habit.” Lin Ying simply replied, killing people and touching corpses is a good habit.

“This… This way. Yukiko nodded understandingly.

At this time, a car suddenly came outside the door.

Yukiko hurriedly went out to check the situation, followed by Lin Ying.

A white man got out of the car and shouted, “Hey!! Yukiko! Are you okay? ”

Yukiko looked at the white man and immediately breathed a sigh of relief, she signaled that Lin Ying was okay, walked out and said, “I’m okay, John!!” What the hell is going on? ”

“I’m sorry, Yukiko. There was a little problem on Yusaku’s side, he was protected by us……… I’ve been looking for you, why did I call you and you don’t answer? John said as he motioned for Yukiko to get into the car.

“My phone was stolen…” Yukiko complained as she got into the car, “There are also killers in ambush in my house… If it weren’t for Lin, I’m afraid I would have been captured by them right now!! ”

“Oh, thank you, my friend.” John was thankful, and he said with a scared face: “If Kiko is captured, then I don’t know how to explain it to Yusaku!” ”

“You’re welcome.” Lin Ying shook hands with the other party and said, “Since Yukiko has been handed over to you, then there is nothing for me……… Can I go? ”

“Oh! My friend!! You helped me so much and just left, how can it work? John happily patted Lin Ying’s shoulder and said with a smile: “You can also get in the car, I will tell the others about your heroic deeds when I arrive!” ”

“This… But I have to go to work tomorrow. Lin Ying didn’t really want to make a splash, this thing was obviously a whirlpool, and he didn’t want to wade through this muddy water.

“Dude! Is it that important to go to work? John shook his head, he spread his hands, and said in an exaggerated tone: “You have helped us a lot, maybe it is an opportunity to change your life!” ”

“Yes, yes.” Yukiko next to him also nodded and helped: “Lin, your skills are so powerful, it’s really a waste to be an ordinary office worker!” ”

“You come up too, and I didn’t thank you properly.”

Lin Ying saved himself one after another, and Yukiko felt that she should thank the other party well.

“This… All right. After a little hesitation, Lin Ying agreed.

New Year’s Day and beyond, read books and relax! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: December 31st to January 2nd)

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