more than ten years ago

Kou country.

The Furusaka family is just an ordinary poor family.

Due to his poor family background, he dropped out of school early to make money to make up for his family.

"Trash! Do you make so much money in a day?"

The stubborn, sloppy father Kosaka Jizhong held a handful of money in his hand and glared angrily!

The other hand was holding the wine bottle, and the smell of alcohol was blowing from his face.

Facing his slender, underdeveloped son Taiichi Kosaka, he has an absolute advantage in size, and now he put the money in his pocket and glared fiercely at Taiichi Kosaka!

"That's my money!"

Kosaka Taiyi's eyes flashed with tears, and his voice was trembling, almost pleading.

This is to subsidize the family and give my mother the money to buy medicine!

I worked hard for a day to earn so much money!

This wine pro, not only helps to make money to subsidize the family, but also spends a lot of money, spending all day and all day drinking and drinking!

"Nani!? Your money? Baga!"

Kosaka Jizhong's eyes became a bit more vicious, looking at his son like a fierce beast.

At least from Kosaka Taichi's point of view, he is no different from a ferocious beast.

Especially when it comes to feelings.

His icy eyes were full of anger.

That disgusting look in his eyes was like he was despising this son and his family. When he faced his mother's out-of-home slaves to work, he also had the same look!

Being attacked by such eyes, Taiichi Furusaka hurriedly took a step back in a panic.

Because he knew that his father would really attack him!

He used to be hung up by his father and used a belt for nearly half an hour because he talked back, but now the places where red and green meet on his body are his masterpieces!

Aware of Taichi Kosaka's fear, Kosaka Jizhong smiled coldly, feeling somewhat inexplicably proud:

"You who were born by labor and capital, where did you come from without me? Is this money yours? It's all from labor and capital!"

After all, he grabbed the money and rushed out the door.

Going to have a good time again.

In the past, when his mother was still running a flower shop, he asked her for money every day.

Now that her mother is ill, she knew that Kosaka Tai started making money, so she set her sights on her young son.

As for him, it's right to be in charge of spending time and money.

Looking at the back of his father leaving, the young Kosaka Taichi gritted his teeth, and a tear of resentment ran down his cheeks!

At this moment, a gentle voice came from inside the house, interrupting his hatred:


This is the most gentle voice in the world.

Hearing this voice, Kosaka Taichi quickly wiped his tears with his dirty sleeves, and hurriedly walked in.

Seeing the pale woman lying in the inner room, he quickly forced a smile:


"Did he take your wages just now?"

The mother's face was pale and her lips were full of weakness. She looked at her son with some distress and asked.

She could only hear the voice outside just now, but she knew her husband's temper too well. Eighty percent of the time, she took away the child's wages for a day's hard work.

Stubborn, Taichi, who didn't want his mother to worry, hurriedly shook his head.

Looking at her mother with some concerned eyes, she walked in a few steps:

"It's okay, Mom. How are you, are you feeling better today?"

"Mom drank the medicine you bought, and the effect is not bad!"

Mother smiled softly and said softly.

Listening to her words, the most sincere smile finally appeared on Taichi Kosaka's face.

In any case, I still have the most gentle harbor, and that is my mother!

In this family, the existence of my mother is my last hope!

It is also one of the reasons why I can persevere even if I am exploited by my father. My mother is the most gentle mother in the world. She loves herself very much, and she loves her mother deeply. Now her mother is sick and needs her. To take care of, you need to earn money to support the family.

At this time, no matter what you say, you won't leave her!

He hid some of the money from working for the past few days and used it to treat his mother's illness.

After a brief chat, Taichi Kosaka took care of his mother for a long time, boiling water and cooking for her.

Looking at the little stored food, Taichi Furusaka frowned slightly.

Or use the only remaining meals to make a sushi and a bowl of noodles.

After handing it to his mother, he simply took a bite of the meal that was left over and fell asleep.

Tomorrow, I still have to continue to work, to make money, to buy medicine for my mother's illness, and to treat it!

Relieve Mom's Pain!

The next day, the sun was early in the morning.

Kosaka Taichi went out, and was used to his father's staying home at night.

His job is nothing more than some physical work.

Because he has no skills, he can only do coolies, which is the fastest job to earn money.

Another day when he was exploited by his boss. He worked hard and earned half the wages of others.

Not for others, because there is no other place to take me to work.

Minor, other factories are unwilling to accept them.

Coming to the dock to carry goods to make money is the only place where he can receive work.

The young body is madly bearing various heavy objects, constantly carrying it.

At the end of the day, he was almost paralyzed from exhaustion.

Holding the money mixed with sweat and dirt in his hand, he smiled with his white teeth.

The tired body finally found some comfort.

walk home.

Looking at the house that appeared in front of him, he hesitated for a moment, then turned and went to another place.

It is the flower pond at the entrance.

This is a good place for him to hide money. Usually, before entering the house, he will hide some of his money here.

In this way, when he was exploited by his father, he would be able to hide some of the money to spend on his own, so that he would have the money to buy medicine for his mother, otherwise he would be deprived of it by that father!

Breaking apart a stone pressed on the soil, there was already a thick stack of coins.

Mixed with dirt, it is his purest and most ardent hope!

Use the money here to buy medicine for my mother!

The medicines I bought these days are all to relieve pain. If I really want a cure, I have already inquired with the doctor, and I have to buy that kind of expensive medicine. After saving so much money, I finally got one step closer to my goal. As long as you work another day, you should be all set!

He checked it out.

Confirm it is correct.

That's the amount of money!

After two months of working part-time, I was finally able to buy the medicine for more than 2,000 yuan!

The doctor himself said that only that medicine can cure it!

The family's money was squandered by my father, and I can only make money by working part-time. Here is all my hope for buying medicine.

After putting in more than half of today's money, he was able to cover up the stone again with satisfaction.

After confirming that no traces were revealed, he walked towards the door with confidence.

Suddenly, my father's voice came.

It seems that my father is back!

Every time I come back at this point, I seem to be using myself as an ATM to withdraw money, every day!

"You waste woman, you still have money to drink medicine! When my dear son comes back, I will ask him personally, where did you get the money to buy medicine? Didn't you see how hard my son works every day? You are still hiding money privately, it's abominable!"

The father was abusing the mother.

The arrogant voice was not concealed at all!

Gritting his teeth, Taichi Furusaka bravely walked in.

Seeing the figure standing in front of his mother's hospital bed, he showed cold eyes.

How good would such a father die?

Terrible thoughts came to mind for no apparent reason. Taichi Kosaka was taken aback by his own thoughts and thought it was wrong, but it was what he wanted most in his heart!

Perhaps sensing the figure of Taiichi Kosaka, his father turned around and looked at Taiichi Kosaka with his tall and plump body:

"Boy, are you back?"

Looking at his lean and short son, there was a strong dissatisfaction in his eyes.

Continue to ask:

"What about the money, how much did you earn today?"


Kosaka Taichi sensed that the atmosphere was not right, but he still followed his usual habit and said the numbers he said.

Normally, he would just reach out and search his body.

Why are you only asking today and not doing anything?

"Ha ha!"

Father suddenly smiled, and his cold eyes were full of ferocity:

"I'll give you a chance to explain to me clearly, how did your mother get her medicine? You have my money every day. Where did you get the money to buy her medicine?"


Furusaka was startled, was he discovered?

When my mother bought medicine, she did it quietly, and when she was drinking medicine, she was also absent.

He even cleaned out the medicine box by himself.

He couldn't possibly find out!

"Don't pretend to be a fool, I know, you didn't want to give me money, so you hid it. Not only did you hide it, but you were willing to give it to this useless woman to buy medicine, right?"

Furusaka Jizhong asked angrily.

On the bed, the pale-faced mother wanted to get up and defend herself.

But he was unable to get up, very weak.

After all, there is not much food in the family these days. She and her son only eat one meal a day, and the already sick body is even weaker.

Looking at the tall man in front of him, Taichi Kosaka gritted his teeth fiercely:

"Yes, I bought it!"

If he doesn't admit it, this man will definitely attack his mother!

And if he admits it, it means that he will transfer all his anger to himself!

Looking at the son who admitted to hiding money in front of him, Kosaka Jizhong smiled coldly:

"Haha, for a waste woman, you actually disobeyed me! I'm your father, don't you want to live?"

The words were full of threats, and they coldly drilled into the human bones.

Hearing this, Kosaka Taichi lowered his head a bit.


Ha ha!

"I told you a long time ago that such a woman can't make money to support her family, so leave her alone, right?"

There was a threat of violence in Kosaka Jizhong's icy eyes.

This time, he was not in a hurry to shoot as before, but tried his best to suppress the desire to shoot. Looking at his son, he said in a deep voice:

"When I don't want to get angry, give me all the money you have hidden! Otherwise, you know how you will be treated!"

The voice fell.

The cold words echoed throughout the room.

My mother was about to say something, but my father stared back at him with cold eyes:

"Dead woman, don't talk too much to me, be careful I tear your mouth apart!"

"Do not!"

Kosaka Taichi hesitated for a while, bit his lip, and for the first time rejected his words head-on!

Almost hatred eyes, staring at his father!

"Boy, do you know what you said?"

Furusaka Jizhong looked stunned for a moment, and then asked a little angrily.

As a son, I don't listen to my words obediently and make money for myself.

He actually dared to disobey his own orders! ?

"I said, no!"

Perhaps it was because of the extreme depression, Taichi Furusaka gritted his teeth and shouted with all his strength!

Such a father, he can't bear it any longer!

"Okay, okay, okay! You are courting death!"

Kosaka Jizhong started abruptly, grabbed a stick, and slammed it down on Taichi Kosaka's body!


The stick was slammed on his somewhat thin body!

The middle-aged man's full blow was enough to make his teeth tremble!

My whole body was trembling!

Tears, mixed with pain, flowed out together.

"Haha, do you know it hurts?"

"Hand over the money, I think you don't want another stick, right?"

Kosaka Jizhong looked proudly at his son's pain, and asked with a sneer.

The stick in his hand rests on his hand, which means showing off his might.

Facing his father's threat, Taichi Kosaka, who was weak, actually gritted his teeth and looked at him with hatred!

Not a word!

Those vicious eyes actually frightened Kosaka Jizhong.

It was actually revealed from his son, and realizing that this momentary reaction was a bit of a loss of face, Kosaka Jizhong was once again annoyed, and he directly waved his stick and slammed it at him!

This time, it was more direct, running towards his head!

The reason for his anger was that he didn't hide his vicious appearance at all!

Kosaka Taichi, who usually hides at least for a while, this time, he didn't move!

Let him face the stick and slash down, his eyes with extreme hatred still stare at his father!


The stick was smashed!

The dull sound rang out, and the anti-shock feeling in his hand struck, and Gusaka Jizhong trembled in his heart!

He slashed so head-on, why didn't he dodge it?

A streak of bright red blood flowed down Taichi Kosaka's forehead, and he shivered even more as he gritted his teeth, and his eyes trembled a little!

The damage this stick caused to him, even Kosaka Jizhong probably knew that it was too hard.

Especially when it was hit in the head!

The moment he saw the Kosaka Jizhong was a little cowardly, but he didn't expect his son to resist him so firmly!

For a while, he couldn't help but take a step back.

"Good boy! Don't wait for me to find your money! I'll let you go today!"

Furusaka Jizhong swallowed and said in a panic.

Before leaving, he did not forget to take the thirty dollars from Taichi Kosaka's hand.

After he leaves.


The mother covered her mouth and looked at her son in disbelief. Tears could not stop flowing down.

"Mom, don't cry!"

"Give me another day and I can cure you!"

Kosaka Taichi gritted his teeth firmly, took a deep breath, and smiled at his mother with difficulty, a sentence that was almost squeezed between his teeth.

After speaking, he staggered to his room.

As soon as he stepped into the room, his teeth loosened a little.

The whole person was like a deflated ball, and fell to the ground with a cerebral palsy, and passed out in a coma...


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