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Hearing this, Su Chen did not hesitate to bring Xiao Ding and Uncle Quan.

Go with Mr. Geng.

He just followed behind the ceremonial soldiers and followed them into a hall. Because Elder Geng had already applied for it, the old monitor's urn was specially taken out, waiting for Elder Geng to accept it in person.

In the bright and beautiful hall, there was already a female soldier in a cool military uniform, with her chest raised and her hands holding the squad leader's urn waiting.

Seeing Su Chen and others, he looked at the old-fashioned military uniform that Geng Lao was wearing.

Recognized immediately.

Hastily took the first two steps, the voice is simply watery:

"Hello, are you Mr. Geng who came to pick up the soldier Zhao Wenyao?"

"Yes! It's me, Zhao Wenyao is my monitor!"

Geng Lao's face was startled, and he nodded quickly.

Looking at the urn in her hand, she already understood that the urn in her hand was the remains of the monitor.

Hearing Mr. Geng's affirmation, the female soldier's face turned straight, and immediately offered Zhao Wenyao's ashes with both hands respectfully!

The urn covered with red silk seemed extremely precious at this moment.

Facing this small box, Elder Geng took the urn with some trembling. The wrinkled old hand stroked the urn inch by inch, as if the appearance of the monitor once again came to his mind, still the same. of clarity.

There seemed to be his firm voice in his mind.

calling his name.

Suddenly, tears stained the old man's eyes.

One tear after another, the tears flowed uncontrollably.

With dry lips trembling, he tried his best to speak, using up all his strength, exhausting the expectation that he had been waiting for the news all these years, and exhausting the old monitor's belief in surviving, and said in a hoarse and trembling voice:

"Squad leader, we.... go home!"

A dull and steady word, accompanied by a hoarse and ambiguous voice.

But it was like a bomb, madly bombarding the hearts of everyone present.

Su Chen trembled all over, only to feel the hairs around his body explode, and his face became more and more solemn.

Uncle Quan, Xiao Ding, and Elder Geng's granddaughter couldn't help shedding tears.

The female soldier saluted with a solemn expression on her face!

The reddish eyes concealed her moved side.

But with the greatest respect!

Every veteran who participates in the war is a hero!

They have contributed to this country and every Dragon Kingdom, so they are their predecessors, role models, and the greatest existence in their hearts.

Holding the monitor's ashes in both hands, Elder Geng was trembling all over, clenching his teeth tightly.

Let the tears run down the rough face.

Memories keep flooding into my mind like a broken defense, the tragic appearance of the squad leader's sacrifice is still vivid in my eyes, and the pair of expecting eyes of the old mother guarding the door...

Thinking of these, he held the ashes like this.

Step by step toward the door.

After many years, finally, the squad leader went home!

Their old mother, although she has entered the ground, is still waiting for her child to come back!

After walking out of the airport, Geng Laoqiang endured the nostalgia and grief in his heart, and his rough fingers rubbed the urn inch by inch, as if he could touch the body of the former monitor, as if he was standing in front of him at this moment.

Reluctant to give up again and again, he still handed out the urn in his hand and gave it to Su Chen:

"The ashes of my squad leader will be handed over to you. He doesn't like to make a big deal, so let's make it simple!"

"At that time on the battlefield, I didn't have a chance to give him a ride. Now I will hold a funeral for him and give him a good ride!"


Lots of words and tears.

Without saying too much, the urn was handed over to Su Chen and his party.

After explaining some things, Geng Lao dragged his hunched body and left.

Looking at the back of him leaving, with the help of his granddaughter, it seems to be even more vicissitudes.

Veterans don't die, they just fade away.

Su Chen turned to look at Uncle Quan and Xiao Ding. Both of them had solemn expressions on their faces. From their moist eyes, it was not difficult to see that they were both moved by Mr. Geng's affairs, and also by Mr. Geng and his monitor. Touched by the deep friendship.

"Uncle Quan, Xiao Ding. These are the ashes of the hero Zhao Wenyao, and I will give them to you."

"Success! Don't worry, we have a plan!"

Uncle Quan nodded and took it with both hands.

Not a shred of disrespect.

Even if they had to work overtime tonight to prepare for the funeral, they didn't have any dissatisfaction.

Even, I am very much looking forward to being able to dedicate my strength to such an existence.

Xiao Ding went to drive and took Uncle Quan and the urn with him.

Tomorrow, I have to arrive at the appointed time to prepare for the funeral. After all, this time is short, and Mr. Geng doesn't want to let the ashes of the squad leader drift away, for these heroes.

They have been living in a foreign land for too long, and returning their souls to their homeland as soon as possible is the best placement for them.

Also the greatest respect.

After they left, Su Chen discovered that those other urns would all be in the hands of the army.

They will also place those ashes in the Martyrs Cemetery tomorrow.

during the pick-up process.

Su Chen found that the names of many warriors could not be left, and many urns were anonymous.

Even if they knew that their efforts might not even get a name to spread, they still did such a brave thing and deserved to be a hero. The weight of this word is too heavy!

Looking at the direction of the airport solemnly, Su Chen walked towards his car.

Now, I have to prepare a package of 500,000 cash withdrawals, and prepare for the affairs of the Kou Department Cultural Street tomorrow.


The car sped away.

Before I got home, in the car news that had been playing inadvertently, some broadcast voices suddenly came out:

"I am honored to be able to insert this news on this channel: just today, our heroes from far away countries have returned home! After many years, the army sent soldiers to take back their remains in heroic specifications. Tomorrow, they will be The cemetery of the martyrs is buried for the heroes!

It is a great honor that such a hero exists in our city! Our country is guarded by these heroes! "

It seems that the news from the airport has already spread.

With thousands of years of history, this great nation and country has always been well protected by these heroes who sacrificed their lives to protect the country!

Su Chen smiled with relief, without them, where would the Dragon Kingdom come from now?

Not everyone has this kind of consciousness to be willing to enjoy the shade for future generations.

Still at the cost of life.

Even so, are those foreign-loving existences still dismissive?

Well, let them see tomorrow, the pride of my Dragon Kingdom!

The ancient inheritance of one of the origins of civilization, but can their crooked fruits be able to resist?


After receiving the ashes of the squad leader Zhao Wenyao, the granddaughter found that the grandfather was not too relaxed:

"Grandpa, is there anything else on your mind?"

For grandpa, the biggest obsession over the years seems to be this, what else could be so bad that the old man frowned?

Sitting in the car, the old man's frown was not relaxed for a moment.

I originally thought that after receiving that grandfather's ashes, my grandfather would be happier and his mind would be easier.

Unexpectedly, his mind was still that heavy.

Hearing the voice of his granddaughter, Geng Lao recovered slightly, and there was a trace of sadness on his vicissitudes of life:

"We worked so hard back then to drive away those scumbags. I didn't expect that, after many years, when the squad leader went through all kinds of hardships to bring the ashes home, there were still their own family members wearing the clothes of those scumbags, singing and dancing, constantly showing off to other countries. Culture, will their hearts not hurt?

Or, has everything we ever been changed?

is it my fault? "

The old man asked from the bottom of his heart, without any anger.

It is completely doubtful in the bottom of my heart, seeing those people so happily enjoying the culture of the hostile country, the hatred of killing their fathers and enemies, and slaughtering their compatriots, seems to have become so insignificant, the war is roaring, and countless soldiers are desperately trying to regain the land. place, being treated like this by them at the moment.

Is it their problem, or is it that they can't keep up with the times?

There was a deep sigh in the voice.

"Grandpa, don't think too much! They just have no conscience!"

The granddaughter glanced at her grandfather with some distress, and turned her eyes back to the front. While driving, she comforted her grandfather's mood.

Being able to ask the old man such a question, it can be seen that he is really sad.


Elder Geng did not reply to her words, and turned his eyes to the scenery outside the car window.

Thinking of what he was going to do with Su Chen in the Kou Department of Culture Street tomorrow, he had some expectations and hesitations in his heart.

He must do this.

The squad leader's ashes have just been picked up today, which has further inspired his determination. The scene of countless soldiers bloodshed and sacrificed for an inch of position is still vivid in his mind. How can he ignore such a heart-wrenching scene?

In the war-torn era, they bleed their blood and fought hard to fight back.

How can you tolerate others being easily occupied?

However, facing those compatriots who are also dragon people, while making him a little wronged, he also has doubts and lack of confidence in what he and others have done.

The wrinkled old hand pinched the corner of his military uniform, which was an old-fashioned military uniform that had experienced real artillery fire.

It seems to have the texture of the years all over it.

He lowered his head and glanced at the clothes on his body, and his eyes that were a little sad suddenly became a little firm at this moment!

He hurriedly shook his head and threw the previous random thoughts out of his mind!


I was almost led astray by them, but I am still a veteran who has actually been on the battlefield. On this battle uniform, I have been stained with my own blood, as well as the blood of the squad leader and other battles. Now the blood has not dried up, how can I be killed? Shameless?

After the thoughts in his heart were firmed, Elder Geng's eyes also firmed up, looking at the scenery outside the car window.

This kind of scenery will be accompanied by myself and my comrades in the future.

With the squad leader!

They have gone home, and there should be no more voices of invaders in this war-torn land!

If there is, then the self who once stood firm will once again speak up without hesitation and come forward!

Drive out all those who insulted this land back then!

Looking at the grandfather whose eyes seemed to have changed, the granddaughter didn't say much, and could only drive to the resting place.

The old man worked all day to pick up the plane today.

My parents are not around, I can only take care of my grandfather by myself.

Being so tired is not good for the old man's body.

The vehicle was driving in the darkness of the night and soon disappeared.


After Su Chen returned to the store, he realized a service item of 500,000 packages.

These projects are all special means, and you must be present to operate them yourself.

Looking at Taichi Gusaka who appeared in the store, this guy came out of the store and noticed Su Chen's state. He didn't say much, just kept cleaning the store silently.

Some of the furnishings were wiped very clean by him, especially the rockery, which he cleaned very carefully.

Since he found out that the tea leaves were picked from the rockery, he seems to be very attentive to the tea leaves above. He really likes tea, which may have a unique attraction to him.

At this moment, I noticed Su Chen's gaze.

He trembled all over, and immediately cleaned more diligently.

For fear of causing the other party's dissatisfaction, after returning from Su Chen, he realized that Su Chen seemed to be looking a lot more serious. There must be something. As for what it was, Taichi Gusaka didn't want to know. I also don't want to meddle in my own business, otherwise, I will follow Su Chen in everything, and my reputation in the bandit faction will fail sooner or later.

I don't know if Su Chen has solved the tassel I encountered before.

Anyway, I heard a lot of movement outside. According to Su Chen's character, he should not let it go.

However, the strength of the opponent is also immeasurable!

That is San Xiong Cang, the existence of the tyrannical Buddha statue was really destroyed by him?

If so, then Su Chen's hidden strength is deeper than he imagined!

This Su Chen, but it's getting harder and harder to see through!


Su Chen sat on the Taishi chair, looked at Gusaka Taichi, and called out casually.


Gusaka Tai looked startled, and quickly turned around to answer.

Very courteous.

Since he had dealt with tassel and seen the methods in the store, he knew the great horror that Su Chen was hiding.

Where is there any trace of disrespect?

A little flustered inside.

I was afraid that Su Chen would ask him to do some reluctant things again.

"You know the methods of those monarchs, it should be easier to deal with them, right?"

Su Chen asked lightly.

If you have a deep Hearing the words of your Majesty, Taichi Kosaka, who was still reluctant at first, immediately became energetic:

"Deal with them? I know their moves best, and it will definitely allow you to defeat them easily!"

Joke, even if he doesn't understand, relying on Su Chen's hidden means.

That invisible big hand is enough to crush everything!

"That's good, I'll go to Kou Culture Street today, you'll come with me!"

Su Chen nodded and said thoughtfully.

"The pirate culture street?"

Gusaka Tai's expression changed slightly, as if thinking of something...


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