Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 342: Gudat Waterfall Blocking Battle (2/5)

The Nushui River under the sun flows slowly in the caressing breeze. (Pinyin of biqiwu).:.

This river originates from the foothills of Mount Hyjal. It is the largest and longest river in the Kalimdor continental basin. It flows from north to south through Mount Hyjal, Azshara, Ashenvale, the Barrens and Levi Skin finally injected an endless sea into the northeast of Ratchet City.

The Nushui River is one of the main sources of water resources in the barren land. A large number of animals will regularly migrate to this river for reproduction and reproduction, such as giraffes, chocobos, antelopes, zebras, wild boars... throughout the year, There are always different animal groups giving birth here.

It is now the breeding season of wild boars, and the lower reaches of the Nushui River are full of dense herds of wild boars and humming wild boars—this has been the case for thousands of years.

But this harmony was completely broken today-not because of the hunting of lions, but because a new direct current appeared in the Rage River, and then a large number of naga and demons went upstream.

The sulphur smell of the devil and the salty smell of the naga made the expectant female'sexual' boars irritated. In this case, the male'sexual' boars guarding the side showed their madness and faced the devil. And Naga made an impact.

This behavior is undoubtedly moths fighting the fire and killing themselves, but the wild boar has no fear of "color" and will follow suit.

"Huh, stupid life..."

Brutalus waved the sharp blade at the end of his arm to shoot out a wave of energy, cutting a violent boar in front of him into two.

This abyss lord is Kil'jaeden, his subordinate, and a giant among the abyss demons. Unlike Mannoroth, Brutalus' experience is undoubtedly much more bumpy.

He lost a wing and both hands in the war-replaced by an extremely sharp blade fist at the end of his arm.

These scars undoubtedly make him far more cruel than his own kind. Although his status is not as good as Mannoroth, he never respects Mannoroth, because Mannoroth has experienced shameful failures (War of the Ancients) I lost to Aga Magan).

And not long ago, Mannoroth had just experienced a second failure-in Brutalus's eyes, the Lord of the Abyss died inexplicably under the hands of an orc, which is simply unforgivable!

And this time when Kil'jaeden was summoned, Brutalus thought it was an excellent opportunity-in his opinion, as long as he made a merit, he would very likely replace Mannoroth and become the Demon of the Abyss. Leader, Lord of the Abyss! When the time comes, all realms will be trembling because of their reputation!

As for failure? Brutalus believes that he will never fail if he follows Master Ake Mond and Master Kil'jaeden!

Brutalus, who has seen the power of these two "fraudsters" and "polluters", has every reason to believe that even if the demons are not enough to destroy the world, there is no problem in summoning Sargeras. Grass comes...

Thinking of Sargeras, Brutalus could not help shivering as cruel.

That is the real demon. Compared with Sargeras, Brutalus himself really seems to be a little sheep who can't be behaved anymore!

While thinking about it, Brutalus was willing to see a short waterfall.


I heard that the striker encountered a line of defense. Together, Ak ‘Mund’, Kil’jaeden and Azshara came to the forefront of the Burning Legion.

At this time, the Kudat Waterfall has become a small fortress.

The entire fortress was built across the river, with two big trees on both sides of the Nushui River as the main body, looming in a lush forest.

Looking at the tauren and the blood ‘jing’ spirits who were waiting in front of the fortress, Ak ‘Meng’ de ‘Lu’ showed a disdainful expression.

"These'jing' spirits are really getting worse and worse, they actually believe in the useless holy light!"

"It's true." Kil'jaeden curled his lips. "What's the use of the Holy Light? It's ridiculous—I will destroy their fortress!"

With that, Kil'jaeden strode forward and stretched out his hands towards the Gudda Fortress.

The space began to twist strangely, and the twisted singularity was the Gudak Fortress!

To Kil'jaeden's expectation, this distortion did not take effect on the Kudat Fortress, and a force of order prevented this distortion!

"What kind of power is this?" Kil'jaeden's expression became very strange, "This is simply the power that the ‘gate’ is aimed at fel energy!"

"The power of arcane..." Azshara whispered, "have you never touched it before? The magic in this world comes from the power of arcane."

"..." Kil'jaeden thought about it for a moment, and if he realized it, "I remember that in Draenor, he seemed to be the mage in this world. He used a similar power. I didn't realize it at the time. He The power is not so great."

"What's all the fuss about." Akmond shook his head. "It must be confident to build a fortress here-but it is meaningless. The army of the Burning Legion will defeat them and then smash this place. Fortress, maybe they can stop the distortion of fel energy, can they still resist our army?!"

Kil'jaeden nodded.

Fraudsters will not regard the failure just now as a loss of face. Since the opponent has already prepared, it is not feasible to use tricks. This is normal!

Afterwards, under the command of Ake'Mon', the Burning Legion began to march.

Although Akimonde was defeated in the encounter on the Western Front during the War of the Ancients, it was indeed not a crime of war. The undercover Illidan exposed all the middle-level commanders of the Burning Legion, and Azeroth dispatched almost all of his high-end combat power, with the help of Teldrassil paid extremely heavy The price of defeating the demon who divided the army.

Right now, the demigods of Azeroth have not been resurrected, and there is no Teldrassil here either-although the two trees that make up the base of the fortress are real Nordrassil branches, the difference between them is not even a little bit. !

Of course, temptation is still needed.

After all, Ake ‘Mon’ did not know the demigods were still there.

This time, the configuration of the Burning Legion is completely upgraded compared with the miscellaneous army of the Eastern Kingdom. There is no cannon fodder such as Flame Imp, Voidwalker, Hellhound, and even the main force of the Burning Legion, the Demon Guard!

Taking a neat step, the one who walked in the forefront was the angry guard.

Many people think that the Wrath Guard is an advanced version of the Demon Guard, but it is not.

The advanced version of the Demon Guard is the Fel Lord, and the Wrath Guard is the Eredar!

That's right, these guys are actually Velen's former compatriots, the Eredars living in Argus!

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