Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 341: Rage Like Thunder Azshara (1/5)

For ten days, Illidan flew around with Vasqi - of course, they occasionally rely on the teleportation array. (Pinyin of biqiwu). :.

Speaking of Vasiqi is also very pitiful. After the young man lost his mother, he was raised in the deep palace. Until he became a Naga, he could not be free, and the scope of freedom was only on the cold and dark seabed.

In these ten days, Illidan and Vaschi set off from Liviskin, passed through the tranquil Azshara, visited the quiet and verdant Ashenvale, boarded the magical and magnificent Mount Hyjal, and met Yili Teldrassil planted by Dan himself.

Vaskey seemed to have changed back to her original innocence, cuteness and kindness. She discovered too many things that were better than she had imagined. At this moment, she definitely felt that she loved the world in her heart.

And when she learned that Illidan stole the well water from the Well of Eternity in order to plant Teldrassil and was criticized for it, Vasqi felt that she was really the happiest person in the world-she really did not expect that, Illidan Fulfilled the wish of the era when I had fewer'women'.

Ten days later, the army of the Burning Legion also came to Darkspear Bay. After rushing back overnight, Illidan asked Vashj about her decision.

"You used to live only for the people you care about. This time, I want to hear how you feel."

After hesitating for a long time, Vashj finally decided not to help the Burning Legion-but in order to avoid facing Azshara, she would not help Oath.

After learning of this news, everyone promised that everyone was cheered up, only Maiev was unhappy. Although her brother Garrod gave some persuasion on a strategic level, Maiev just coldly responded that she was not unhappy...


And Azshara was as unhappy as Maiev.

For Azshara, Vaschi's choice was an indisputable betrayal-this was a huge blow to Azshara!

Vaschi is basically her most trusted person!

After Maiev made the choice, the wit Jarod decisively led the team to withdraw from Darkspear Bay. This was originally the first line of defense responsible for resisting the vanguard forces. Vashj’s neutrality would inevitably lead to Azshara's rage. But it's trouble!

Jarod's withdrawal was extremely wise, and Azshara, who learned the news, directly flooded Darkspear Bay!

The few scouts staying nearby to observe the situation were already dumbfounded.

The entire Darkspear Bay had been submerged by the turbulent seawater. Under Azshara's mobilization, a huge water dragon composed of seawater began to start from Darkspear Bay and roared to the west.

The size of this water dragon was terribly exaggerated, and it was invincible wherever it went, leaving a deep gully on the ground.

More importantly, Azshara, who did all of this, looked calm and indifferent, and seemed to be nothing but a simple effort!

This huge water dragon didn’t stop until the Nushui River, and the ditch left by it became a new river—an angry Azshara easily created a river on his own. !

When the news came back to the headquarters of the second line of defense, everyone had a chance to be stuck on the spot. Zero ↑ ​​nine △

This kind of power of moving mountains and reclaiming the sea is so terrible, even those who have experienced the war of the ancients can hardly imagine that Azshara is so strong!

In fact, although Azshara was the cause of everything in the entire War of the Ancients, in fact, she was fascinated throughout the whole process. Except for Illidan, almost no one had ever seen her act in person.

More importantly, Azshara used the power of arcane magic 10,000 years ago. Although magical, the mystery can only be experienced by the parties, but now it is different. The power of the ocean is the most intuitive, a raging one. The roaring water dragon plows out a river. Thinking about it, it is full of impact!

After a long silence, Ravencrest coughed slightly, attracting everyone's attention.


When everyone looked at him, Ravencrest ‘showed’ a calm smile.

"Don't be so nervous, in fact, this level is not terrible-I think a lot of shamans can achieve the same effect together?"

Ravencrest is right, but a large number of shamans can't do it as easily as Azshara!

Of course, having said that, Ravencrest recovered everyone from a shocked state.

"And this is not bad news for us." Jarod also said, "The first point, Azshara lost his calm due to anger, Naga's number two is on our side, Na Ka’s threat is much smaller; secondly, in this case, Azshara will inevitably expend a considerable amount of'energy'. Although this seems to be an understatement, it is actually not necessarily; third, we can now be sure , The Burning Legion will inevitably pass through here-their marching route can already be determined to be along the Nushui River north!"

Jarod’s words aroused everyone’s approval. After recovering from the shock, everyone in the oath also understood that this was actually just a catharsis and demonstration caused by anger. Even if Azshara didn’t do it, she wouldn’t. Was it one of the "Big Three" that made the entire vow fearful?

After returning to normal, everyone began to study what could be improved on the second line of defense.

"I'm wondering, when will we activate our defensive enchantment." Malfurion frowned. "This enchantment will consume a lot of our'essence', and we must choose an appropriate time."

"This is not a big problem." Ravencrest shook his head, "The Moon Guard is ready, relying on the rune stones, the barrier can be opened instantly, all of which is completely in time-speaking of it, what worries me is the Big Three. What to do."


Although many pre-plans have been prepared, no one can actually guarantee that the method can withstand Akmund, Kil'jaeden and Azshara.

In order to prevent Ashenvale from being completely under the second line of defense, everyone must cause a lot of damage to the main force of the Burning Legion. Otherwise, once the Burning Legion enters Ashenvale, there will be endless troubles!

Ashenvale is not Leviskin, the population is small and wants to withdraw!

"Are we sure we want to use that plan?" Kane said in a dull voice, "Are you sure you can stop those three guys?"

"To be honest, we don't have a bottom." Ravencrest shook his head. "But no matter what, I think your task is heavier, right? The army of demons is not so easy to deal with-if not ten thousand years ago Illidan used the power of the Well of Eternity to expel all the demons, and even we can't eliminate the demons remaining here."

"Shuharu is ready." Kane nodded firmly. "We are fearless."

"Darkspear trolls are never afraid of sacrifice." Senjin also stepped forward and straightened up, "All spirits are with us."

"Under the holy light, the blood'jing' spirit will never shrink back!" Alex said blankly, "In the face of the devil, we have the responsibility!

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