Overgod Ascension

Chapter 553: Sneak Attack (6600 supplement)

In Wu Ming's previous life, there were many myths and legends about the West.

The most attractive among them are the various alien races.

Beautiful and proud elves, stubborn and passionate dwarves, short but smart halflings, mysterious and enchanting sirens, tree elves, trolls, ogres...

Now that he has come to a world similar to Western mythology, he is naturally very interested in these.

Naihenia Town and even the entire Fengying Plain are areas under human rule. He has never seen any foreign race. He even heard some ambiguous news from the bards, and he still doesn’t know the truth. Fake.

In the simple hearts of many townspeople, foreigners who look slightly different from them and have completely different living habits are considered aliens.

Just like the real wild people active in the wilderness, they are savage and ferocious, uncivilized, and even retain the tradition of eating their own kind. In the small town of Niah, they are called ogres.

Wu Ming strongly suspected that the legend of ogres spoken by those bards was processed in this way.

Of course, there are also giant dragons and giant snakes, but they cannot be described by imagination alone. There must be similar creatures that inspired the poets.

The next day, when the morning light was fading, Knight Thakur urged everyone to set off.

After walking like this for three days, the surrounding environment became more desolate and savage. The figures of wargs were vaguely visible in the bushes, and there were even wild beasts with red eyes from hunger that dared to attack the team directly.

Naturally, their fate was to be besieged by a few soldiers and become dinner that day, but other hidden threats were difficult to guard against.

For example, well-hidden poisonous insects and snakes, or even unclean water sources.

The harsh environment led to non-combat attrition, which has increased to three today.

Fortunately, no unlucky person died, otherwise the morale of the team would have been completely shattered.

"Set up camp! All captains gather at my place!"

Thakur looked at the sky. It was still late before sunset, but he had already reached his destination.

All the captains were also aware of it, their eyes were slightly hot, as if they were filled with flames.

"You're all here!"

Thakur sat on a rock, holding a giant sword in both hands, looking at the four people surrounding him, and nodded slightly.

The three people who came were the captains of the guards, including the blond Arthur, and the last one was naturally Wu Ming.

In other words, in Thakur's heart, twenty mercenaries were barely equal to the strength of a ten-man guard team.

Thakur's voice was vicissitudes of life, but sonorous and powerful: "I think you have all guessed it, or heard the news from all sides... Not bad! This place is very close to our target of this crusade!"

He looked around and said in a low voice: "That is a village composed of tax evaders and serfs. There are three hundred people in it! Women, old people, and children are included... Our mission this time is to destroy it and let it go." Those tenant farmers who owed taxes made up for the master’s tax money, allowing the escaped serfs to put their shackles back on, and of course, it also made our pockets slightly bulging!”

Just one sentence immediately let Wu Ming know that the so-called knightly virtues in his previous life were basically lies.

Although there may be knights with noble moral character in this world, most of them are probably guys like Thakur who obey orders and show no mercy or mercy once they identify their enemies.

"Three hundred people..."

Another big man wrung his hands uneasily: "Then there are at least fifty to sixty adults..."

Thakur glanced at him dissatisfied: "Fifty farmers who don't even have cloth armor and can only wield sticks and stones! Tell me, Joseph, are you afraid?"

"No! Of course not! Lord Knight, I just... I just..."

Joseph hesitated and murmured, but said nothing more.

"Very good! The whole team is resting now. When night comes, we will sneak over and launch an attack! This will be an easy victory like a parade!"

Thakur Knight concluded.

If you use fifty fully armed elite soldiers to attack a village, there will naturally be no surprises, and they will also attack at night. If it goes well, there may not even be a few casualties.

Obviously, Baron Terry would not have sent out the Thakur Knights if it would have resulted in heavy casualties.

Wu Ming, on the other hand, still had doubts in his heart when he announced the knight's order and watched his men cheering.

"This news...where did it leak from?"

"And... who provided the route to the wasteland?"

It's a pity that he is just an ordinary mercenary captain and is not qualified to ask Thakur about such secrets or participate in major events.

So Wu Ming could only call Joey, Andrew, Henry, and four of his mercenaries, and solemnly warned: "For tonight's operation, try to stay close to me and don't leave the team without authorization, do you understand?"


The voice was uneven and even contained some dissatisfaction, which made Wu Ming detect disapproval.

He was very aware of the discipline of the guys below. It was obvious that when it came time to compete for the spoils, they would not care at all about their captain. Maybe some guys would have forgotten the warning now.

'But no matter what, if they want to die, just let them die...'

Wu Ming looked solemn, but in his heart he looked around indifferently, looking at the faces with different expressions, and thinking lightly.

The moonlight was hazy.

Tonight's moonlight is a little scarlet, full of an ominous atmosphere.

In the darkness, a group of teams had high morale and groped forward.

Wu Ming wore an armor inlaid with iron, made of fine cooked cowhide, with several pieces of iron inlaid in key parts. Its defensive power was one level higher than that of ordinary leather armor. A fine steel long sword was pinned to There was a long bow on his waist and on his back, and he was fully armed.

As a captain, you naturally have some privileges, which are also natural in the eyes of others.

Encouraged by the temptation of trophies and the dried meat soup before the war, even this wave of mercenaries showed their excellent qualities at this time, covering their swords and other luminous objects and moving forward under the moonlight.

The journey in the dark was more difficult than in the daytime. When the moon climbed to the middle of the sky, the team in front suddenly stopped, and then word of mouth brought the latest order from Knight Thakur: "Rest where you are!"

Wu Ming's heart trembled, and he suddenly knew that his destination was close at hand.

He lowered his body, slowly stepped forward, and turned over to the front of the team. A small village suddenly appeared in front of him.

It is located between two low hills, with a river flowing slowly from the back. There are several simple wooden buildings and a fence directly in front.

This simple fortification still made Wu Ming feel scared. There were obstacles on three sides, and the only access was blocked, making it easy to defend but difficult to attack.

Moreover, whether there is any defense and the corresponding difficulty is another matter.

On top of the wooden building, there are vague lights and figures, and there are obviously special people patrolling and watching.

The living environment of the wild people is worse than that of the local people, they face more dangers, and they are very vigilant.

Half an hour later, Knight Thakur ordered the entire team to be on alert, and with a wave of his hand, several agile black figures secretly groped towards the wooden building.

Wu Ming narrowed his eyes slightly.

Under the moonlight, he could see these shadows flexibly relying on obstacles and darkness to hide their figures. They slowly reached under the wooden building and climbed up without making a sound. They were obviously extremely good scouts.

When watching the black shadow touch the top of the tower, Knight Thakur already had a confident smile on his face.

call out!

But suddenly, a bone arrow came from nowhere, and the scout screamed, which was particularly loud in the silent night, and landed heavily.

Exclamations and shouts kept coming, and loud sounds of beating leather drums were heard from the wooden building.

"Damn... there's a secret whistle!"

Knight Thakur spat on the ground and looked at the commotion in the village. Hesitation flashed in his eyes, but he still issued the order: "Attack!"


The soldiers who had been waiting for a long time rushed forward in one breath. Thakur took the lead. Due to terrain and confidentiality issues, he did not ride a horse, but he had already put on the knight's heavy armor. He suddenly shouted and slashed his head with a giant sword with both hands, smashing it. Opened the fence.

"They are the lackeys of those lords!"

"Iron Armored Man!"

"Kill them!"

There were shouts in the village, and men with weapons rushed out from almost every house, and a large number of arrows were shot from the dark.

The arrowhead was dull and pale under the moonlight, and it was obvious that it was made of bones.

Knight Thakur was wearing armor, so the arrow naturally had no effect at all. He laughed, jumped forward suddenly, swept his heavy sword, and several wild people retreated screaming.

Under his leadership, the team broke through the outer defense line and arrived at the village.

I don't know who lit the torch, and the hot flames engulfed the surrounding boards, thatch, houses, and everything else.

Under the bright torch, Wu Ming suddenly saw all kinds of wild people.

Their appearance was not much different from that of ordinary citizens, except that they were sallow and thin, and wore tattered clothes. At this time, women, the elderly, and children all held sticks or even stones as weapons to fight against the foreign invaders.

When Wu Ming saw this scene, his eyes were indifferent: "The weak eat the strong, this is the law of nature..."

"The evil lord's lackey!"

In front of him, a curly-haired middle-aged man yelled, brandishing the iron ax in his hand, and rushed over.

Wu Ming jumped out of the way, and nimbly pulled out the stainless steel sword from his waist. With a thrust, the tip of the sword sank into his chest. The middle-aged man suddenly fell down in disbelief.


Another wild man rushed up. He was holding a very sharp iron sword, and he had obviously learned swordsmanship.

Wu Ming struggled with him for several moves, then suddenly spun, and the huge force shook his sword edge away, causing blood to fly.

"Spinning Slash!"

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