Overgod Ascension

Chapter 552 Camping

When the sun climbed into the sky and the warm sunshine fell, this wave of fifty people's 'legion' finally set off on the road in a chaotic situation.

"Well done little guy!"

Thakur was riding on a horse, paying attention to the movements of the entire team from time to time.

When they saw that the twenty people assigned to William began to reluctantly form a team and follow the professional soldiers, they nodded secretly with great satisfaction.

"Follow me, everyone. Be careful not to fall behind. Pay attention to the placement of weapons. Don't hurt yourself or others!"

For Wu Ming, this kind of organization and management is naturally a piece of cake.

Although it is only a militia and a temporary team, after becoming the captain, I finally have some power and have the opportunity to perform.

Wu Ming knew very well that with his skills today and the strength he showed, after returning home, he received a recommendation from Knight Thakur, became a guard serving the baron, and became a famous figure in the small town of Sennia. The middle level is not difficult.

But what does he want more than this?

The weather is getting colder, and after the autumn harvest, it is approaching winter. This is a dangerous season!

The territorial citizens with towns and fireplaces were fine, but the wild folk and savages living in the wilderness would face the double blow of cold and hunger.

In order to stock up on enough food, they often launch crazy attacks and rob villages and even towns.

Except for the lord's castle, there were almost no buildings that they did not dare to attack.

Therefore, at this time of year, many lords will choose to go out into the wilderness to eliminate unsafe factors around their villages and towns.

The fields outside the town are very flat, and occasionally you can see farmers working with their heads down. The cool breeze blows through, carrying the fragrance of grass stems and soil.

It's a pity that such a beautiful scene was gone forever after walking out for another half an hour.

The surroundings became more and more desolate, and even some weeds grew on the road. The roars of unknown beasts occasionally came. The expressions of the entire team immediately lost their previous relaxed look, but became tense, and they tightened their grip on the weapons in their hands.

"Beyond the villages and towns, there is an unknown world of darkness and wilderness..."

Wu Ming looked at this scene and sighed secretly.

There seems to be an invisible boundary between the villages and the wilderness, dividing two different worlds.

Ignorance and barbarism, civilization and enlightenment, even survival and death!

In this era, going alone on the road often means suicide! Many times, some farmers have never left their own towns in their entire lives.

The bandits, wild beasts, and wilderness people on the road are enough to scare away any adventurer.

Of course, this place is relatively close to a civilized stronghold, and Wu Ming's group consists of fifty people, all of whom are strong men with weapons. Ordinary thieves would not dare to provoke them.

They walked for a day, and when the road disappeared, Knight Thakur's order came from the front: "Find a flat place and pitch your tent!"

Naturally, everyone has prepared tents, which are necessary for survival in the wild. However, the soldiers in the small town are all in uniform and neatly planned, but Wu Ming's side feels a little miserable.

"Boss! Let me help you!"

Wu Ming was about to put down his cowhide tent when a tall and thin man next to him immediately stepped forward to please him. He had lost a few teeth, his speech was a bit leaky, and half of his face was swollen.

"Henry Broken Tooth, I leave it to you!"

Naturally, Wu Ming agreed obligingly and watched the new little brother busy.

After being knocked down by Wu Ming with one blow, and then seeing him defeat all opponents one-on-one, this guy named Henry completely surrendered, became Wu Ming's loyal dog, and also received a 'broken tooth' nickname.

Wu Ming's management style was simple and crude. He divided the team into four waves, with five people in each wave, and appointed several team captains.

As for the candidates, they naturally found Joey, Andrew, and this Henry - not to mention that he was knocked down by Wu Ming with one move, but his skills were among the best among this group of people, and he was good at using short guns.

There were four other people, naturally following Wu Ming himself.

This division method is a simple Shiwu system in the ancient world of Xianwu, but it is also quite effective.

After the tents were set up, piles of bonfires were lit. Most of the guys took out bread and roasted it on the fire. They smelled the aroma of the soup pot and kept swallowing their saliva.

As the captain, Wu Ming naturally had preferential treatment. What was roasting in front of him was a hare that Henry picked up casually.

The bright yellow flames happily licked the barbecue, and the grease dripped and made a sizzling sound.

Wu Ming watched silently, then suddenly took out a small bag from his arms and sprinkled a little fine white salt on it. The smell of the meat suddenly became more intense...

"William...you are the best snow salt!"

Joey came over, sat down next to Wu Ming, stared at his salt bag, his eyes were a little straight: "I can guarantee that this small bag of refined salt can be sold for five silver thalers in the city lord's mansion!"

"A strong warrior needs a strong body!"

Wu Ming smiled slightly, and after the roast was done, he tore off a rabbit leg and gave it to Joey.


Joey took a big bite. Although there was no other seasoning, the pure taste of salt and the aroma of barbecue made him unable to stop. After taking a big bite, he was so hot that he vomited. The tongue, that gasping gesture makes people laugh.

Wu Ming ate his portion with some regret.

Of course he also wanted to get some other condiments, but in this world, spices and seasonings seemed to be extremely valuable things. Not only were they expensive, they were often exclusive to nobles, and they couldn't even find a way to buy them.

It's like a certain kind of black pepper. He heard Aunt Roja say that in the Whistling Castle, this kind of precious spice was sold at a sky-high price, and one grain was equivalent to a Jin Delong!

After hearing this news and not finding any wild substitute, he had no choice but to give up completely.

After eating and drinking, Joey wiped his mouth and suddenly said: "Boss, be careful, 'Blonde' seems to have some objections to you!"

"Blonde? Arthur?"

This person is not this temporary team, but one of the city lord's guards, and a small captain in charge of ten people.

"Why is he like this?"

Wu Ming was a little confused and confused.

"Who knows..."

Joey shrugged his shoulders. Sometimes, jealousy is like the seeds of thorns, planted in his heart unconsciously, slowly taking root and sprouting without being noticed at all.

"Okay, I understand, thank you for reminding me!"

Naturally, Wu Ming would not immediately believe Joey. Although he came to tip off the news and was flattering, who could guarantee that he had no other hidden intentions?

Or...deliberately teasing?

Not only him, but even Henry and even the honest-looking Andrew, Wu Ming had never really felt relieved.

"Captain William!"

While he was thinking silently, a soldier from the camp opposite had already walked over.

He is wearing half-body armor, has golden curly hair, and a bright smile on his face. He is the most standard Western face, and he gives people a sunny feeling like a big boy next door.


Wu Ming recognized the guard captain at a glance and said with a smile: "Please just call me William!"

"Okay, William!"

Arthur said his intention: "Although Knight Thakur intends to keep you vigil, I still want to ask, is there anything I can do to help?"

"Since it is what the Lord Knight wants, I will definitely implement it!"

Wu Ming agreed directly, but after Arthur left, his face turned slightly gloomy.

Although Arthur looks like a big boy, with good intentions, which makes it difficult for people to be defensive, his amazing perception still keenly senses a hint of malice when talking to the other party.

Combined with Joey's words, he was already 70% to 80% convinced.

"what is it then?"

Wu Ming lowered his head and silently pondered the possibility: "Conflict of interests? Simple jealousy? Or... was instructed or instigated by others?"

However, even if he knew the reason, this was not the time to take action.

With a little doubt, he assigned the manpower to watch the night, and immediately sat silently under the bonfire, watching the other guys fight.

It has to be said that the mercenaries in this group come from all kinds of backgrounds, and their discipline is incomparable to that of male soldiers, but they all have some abilities in other aspects.

Just like Henry, he is a good hunter. Although Andrew is old, he is the best in organization and discipline, and he can also help correct others.

There was also a guy named Heim who had learned some skills as a bard. After everyone had eaten and drank enough, he pulled up an organ-like instrument and sang softly:

“The sword grew out of fire and shone with the glory of the crown…

Dark red stars streak across the sky, bringing a new era...

The giant snake is born from the shadow, the hero holds the sword and blows the horn of the battlefield...

Brave young man, go on an adventurous journey, the future is waiting for you to create miracles..."

Wu Ming listened to a few passages, and it seemed to be a prophecy or a story. Because the tune was nice, it was very popular in Niah Town. It was said that it was a must-have repertoire for almost all bards.

"Humans in this world believe that a long time ago, the continent was created by a giant snake, and its blood descendants ruled the entire continent. Until the emergence of the Dark Age, the giant snake fell into silence, and other creatures began to rise..."

He thought about the legends of this world.

"And when the ominous red star arrives, the giant snake will wake up from the shadow chaos and rule the entire world again!"

"It's a pity...I have never felt the slightest trace of the God of Creation from here..."

There are too many legends about bards, most of which are false and fabricated. Wu Ming doesn't care much about them, but he is very interested in the descriptions of other races.

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