Original Wolf -

Chapter 62 - 62 Slip up

Nevan who was on his way to Rebekah after dealing with Niklaus, Mikael and the alphas caught a scent he didn't like. "Jaguars."

He shifted into his noblesse form so he could better track them and headed towards the witch's graveyard.

Upon arriving he saw Mikael begin his fight, but it didn't go well, no matter how much of a fighting prodigy he is, magic is a whole nother animal to deal with.

He watched as Mikael soon became overwhelmed with their magical abilities and was put into his current predicament.

Nevan knew this was the perfect time to save them and have Mikael join him.

He flashed to the side of Freya and grabbed the arm that was about to start slicing her up- "You shouldn't do that to my sister." and then proceeded to hit him with his free arm sending Ludwick flying away, while still tightly holding the arm he first grabbed which tore off.

Nevan then proceeded to release Freya and Mikael who hugged each other in relief filled with anxiety of what could have happened if Nevan hadn't shown up.

Nevan giving them their moment flashed towards Ludwick who was now out in the woods from how hard he was hit away.

Nevan grabbing the bloody side of the arm used it to wave at him- "Hi there." he then proceeded to laugh at his joke, seeing the anger on Ludwick's face.

Ludwick yelled- "You bastard, who the hell are..." he stopped when he noticed the orange eyes.

Ludwick was dumbstruck, while he told them it was likely the orange-eyed devil was here to his minions, he never actually thought he would be unlucky enough to encounter him.

After seeing the strong vampires, he was hoping it was actually one of them and that he just underestimated their strength and that it couldn't be the orange-eyed devil.

Nevan evilly grinned- "I see I caught me an Original, I'm going to enjoy figuring out all your secrets, think of it as karma for what you were about to do to my sister." he said as he flashed in front of Ludwick incapacitating him before he could respond.

Back at the graveyard, Mikael noticed the dropped white oak stake from when Ludwick was smacked away by Nevan.

Grinning as he looked over to make sure Niklaus was still there and watching him as he proceeded to pick it up and make his way over, Niklaus's eyes going wide in fear, but unable to do anything while he was incapacitated by the painful enchanted dagger.

Freya seeing her father heading to Niklaus quickly started to try and dissuade him- "Father we might need his help in the future, I have not had the time to tell you about my past, about Dahlia, Esther's sister who is coming for me and the baby."

Mikael turned around- "Dahlia?"

Freya began to explain how she survived through the years with Dahlia who Esther sold her to, which infuriated Mikael when he found out it was his wife that sold her away, what little feelings he had for Esther were wiped out when he heard this and didn't even flinch when she admitted to ending her.

Mikael- "I still don't see why I can't kill him, Nevan will be back soon and he promised to make me stronger, after what just happened, I think I'll take him up on the offer, I'm sick of being pushed around by those with magic."

Freya- "I could help you with that, protection charms and the like."

Mikael smiled- "Thank you my sweet, I'll gladly accept anything you provide."

Mikael then turned back to Niklaus- "Now that's out of the way, I should get on with it, wouldn't want to keep the torture of his impending doom to last too long, best to put down dogs as quick as you can."

Freya feeling helpless tried one more time to convince him, she didn't want to be alienated from her other siblings and wanted more than anything to bring them all back together and live with the family she never got to the first time around.

"Father he has a child, the child Dahlia is coming for, I think we should allow him the honor to fight for his family."

Mikael paused hearing her talk about honor and family, but his face had an ugly expression, while he believed in fighting for one's family with honor, this was Niklaus they were talking about, his crimes are vast and he would be doing not just himself a favor, but the world in ending him.

Mikael with his back to her and his face hidden asked- "Do you realize what your asking? Are you aware of who he is and what he's done through his long life?"

Freya- "I just want the family I never had and if you kill him the others will come for revenge, can you kill them as well?"

Mikael never considered that, would the others really come for him in revenge? He always thought that after Niklaus was killed, the one he blamed for turning his family against him, among other things, thought that with his death there would be nothing preventing them from coming back to him.

Nevan showed up in his human form at this point and spoke- "Elijah will, he has some sort of morbid relationship with Niklaus, but the others won't, he's driven them all away...(dropping Ludwick)... Freya could you do me a favor and magically bind him, make sure he can't use his magic to escape."

Freya coming up with a last-ditch effort- "Even if that's the case, Hope deserves to know her father."

Nevan hearing this frowned, being an expecting father he definitely wants to be there for his child, looking at Mikael who started walking towards Niklaus again, not letting anything else sway him from his goal.

Nevan- "How about instead of killing him we do what I first intended when I got tired of him, we can rip his limbs off and stuff him in a metal box and then when his daughter wants to visit she still can and see the monster he is, that will probably be the worst punishment you could give him, making his own daughter hate him."

Mikael again stopped right above Niklaus hearing this, he liked the idea of turning his daughter against him, but unlike Niklaus, he wasn't good at scheming, he's a warrior who fights not plans.

Mikael turned to Nevan- "You think you can turn his daughter against him?"

Nevan grinned- "Who says you have to like your father, I think Niklaus is probably the most perfect one to hate, I can imagine the hell his child would experience under him should he be allowed to live, it wouldn't be long before she would want to kill him just as much as the rest of the world."

Before Mikael could come to a decision, Elijah who was worried had Niklaus located and when the opportunity presented itself zoomed by and took him right from under Mikael.

Mikael angrily shouted at Freya and Nevan- "Dammit, you made me hesitate just like that woman did to Niklaus, now he's escaped." he felt like a fool for allowing the same thing to happen to him that he berated Niklaus for earlier.

Nevan shot back- "I think my idea is far more justice serving to you than just killing him outright."

Mikael grumbled- "Maybe, still would feel great just to kill him though."

Nevan- "Freya, the jaguar please."

Freya distracted by the events jumped a little at being called- "Oh right, I'll get on that."

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