Original Wolf -

Chapter 48 - Freya

Marcel not liking the fact that a baby is now in danger did the only thing he could at the moment- "You have the information you need now let us go."

Finn still thinking about the implications of the child didn't even hear him.

Marcel yelled again- "Let us go now!"

Finn heard him this time looking up- "I told you, in the beginning, I have big plans for your friends, you, however, can just wait here for the good news." getting up as he left the room.

Marcel could hear some screams and see flashes of light coming from the room where his friends were, he yelled- "What are you doing to them?!" only to receive no response.


Nevan was growing bored of the city, while Niklaus was enjoying all the riveting scheming going on and the runaround. Nevan wasn't a fan of such things, if something wasn't going his way he would just force it to go his way and move on.

After the falling out with the wolves he had no reason to stay anymore and was eager to go to California and check in on Talia's descendants, plus that state seemed to have everything, mountains, forests, coastline and cities if you're into that.

In New Orleans, he was surrounded by a swamp with way too many bugs for his liking, not to mention it was infected with witches all over the place. Who knows when they might throw a curse your way for shits and giggles.

He was glad he was now pretty much immune to those weak types of magic that he's fallen for in the past when he got on the wrong side of certain witches.

At the moment he was avoiding Hayley who was trying to track him down, he wasn't interested in going back to the wolves, he never really cared about them in the first place, it was just another small distraction in his everlasting life.

Rebekah went to visit Elijah and the baby while he strolled through the city, trying to discover something else to keep his interest while he stayed here.

Best way to do that was to activate his eyes and look for anything magical around, magical things were always interesting after all, never know what you could find.

He was near the city limits when he activated his eyes so as not to draw attention to his glowing orange eyes. He looked around towards the city for anything that was standing out, it wasn't till he looked around the edges did he spot something unusual.

Zooming over he found the Dowager Fauline Cottage as it said on the sign from the magically locked gate. Standing at the gate was a 5'9" wearing clothes like any other female inmate of the cottage, messy and unkempt. She had her hair tied into a braid while letting her side bangs frame her face, with a peculiar necklace.

She was startled by his appearance though that didn't stop her from breaking the spelled gate and walking out.

Nevan who was quiet at first from surprise broke the silence- "So this is the first that I'm hearing I have a sister in law." Being so intimate with Rebekah, he could easily smell the blood connection.

"What do you mean sister in law? who are you?"

Nevan just grinned- "Hold that thought, I'm going to make a quick call to my wife, your sister Rebekah, I'm sure she would be interested in this seeing as how I've never once heard about you."

Seeing him about to make a call didn't want to waste any more time here, she knew her family was back in the city, but her first stop on family reunion was to find her father and her brother Finn, so she sent a bit of magic to break the phone, but all she managed to do was send it flying out of his hands.

Nevan was a bit unhappy- "Hey! What was that for?" he grumbled a bit as he went to go find it. He made sure to get his phone magically enhanced long ago, they weren't that easy to break and they had enhanced signals so you could make calls from anywhere.

After finding it he turned to see she long ago left, 'That was rude, just leaving like that.'

Calling Rebekah- "Hey Rebekah I just met your sister, how come you never told me you had a sister?"

Rebekah- "What are you talking about? I don't have a sister."

Nevan- "My dear, this is not something I would mistake, she is most definitely of your blood, I guess I don't know whether she is your sister or not, but she does look pretty good if you ask me."

Rebekah looked to Elijah- "Do you know anything about this?"

Elijah shook his head- "I do not."

Rebekah- "Well where are you? I'll come to take a look."

Nevan- "Yeah about that, she kind of gave me the slip before we got acquainted."

Rebekah- "Pfft, she gave you the slip? Nevan my love, what the heck are you even doing right now."

Nevan hearing the sarcasm wasn't amused- "She seems to be proficient in magic, she used that to knock my phone away and then left while I was preoccupied retrieving it."

Rebekah sighing- "You just go find her and find out for sure what she is, I'll stay here and play more with my beautiful niece until you do, make sure to call me at that time."

Nevan kicking the ground as if he was being told off- "Yes dear, I'll make sure to find her and find out for sure if she's anything that we need to concern ourselves with or if she really is family."


Marcel has been left alone for a while now and was at a loss of what to do as he grew weaker. He heard someone breaking in and yelled for help taking the chance it was someone who would release him- "I'm in here!"

Kol appeared through the doorway- "Well you certainly look like shit." he grinned at Marcel.

Marcel too tired to retort just asked- "Kol, what are you doing here?"

Kol- "Well for some reason my girl likes you and doesn't want you dead, so she sent me to find out why she can't get in touch with you anymore."

Marcel smiled- "Davina, I'll have to pay her back, hurry and help me out we need to save my friends from whatever it is Finn has done to them."

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