Original Wolf -

Chapter 47 - Discovered

Nevan found Rebekah, who left sometime after the fight, inside a coffee shop watching the people outside. She smiled at him as he sat across from her looking outside the window with her.

Rebekah- "Something on your mind dear?"

Nevan- "I was just thinking about how much I hate this city."

Rebekah had alarm bells going off in her head, she may not know everything about him yet, but it wouldn't surprise her if he suddenly decided to wipe a city out, after all not so long ago he made a volcano explode that wiped out a nearby village and caused Portland some problems with fire containment.

Rebekah grabbing his hand so he looked at her- "Tell me what's wrong, this is the city I spent the happiest days with my family so I'd appreciate it if you don't wipe it out."

Nevan laughed at that, while it was true he was thinking about wiping it out, but he wouldn't just randomly do that, at least not these days, it's been a long time since he last did something like that.

Nevan grinning- "What kind of person do you see me as, would I do something like that?"

Rebekah rolled her eyes, she had no doubt he was capable of it- "Nevan."

"Relax, I won't do anything you don't want me to, probably," he whispered the last part unintentionally.

Rebekah slapped his hand pouting- "You better not Nevan."

Nevan looking over at her cute pouting face- "Didn't you say at one point you wouldn't mind me wiping the city out?"

Rebekah standing by what she was saying now however- "I don't know what you're talking about, just know that I don't want you to wipe it out now....now are you going to tell me what happened or not?"

Nevan looking away mumbled- "It's nothing." But seeing her 'Just tell me face.'

Nevan chuckled a little at that before furrowing his brow- "Just had a falling out with the werewolves, they're mad that I didn't do enough in the fight to save more of their comrades, so they keep giving me dirty looks when they think I won't notice and even Hayley has been irritating about it, so I left them."

Rebekah frowned- "Hayley should be smarter than that, I think she's way too much into these werewolves cause of her past connection, while I do like her, I've said before only Elijah and Hope matter to me."

Nevan- "You know Elijah has a thing for her."

Rebekah lamented- "Poor Elijah, she seems to like playing around with that Jackson guy."

Nevan- "Funny isn't it, she gets pregnant with Klaus, falls for his brother, but feels compelled to be with the wolf, I want to see what happens when Jackson meets the other two now that he's an alpha, I think that could be exciting."

Rebekah furrowed her brow- "You're not scheming anything, are you? I don't want you to turn into my demented brother."

Nevan looking offended- "How could you say such a horrible thing, nothing wrong with watching a good show when it sets itself upright in front of you."

Rebekah giggled- "Alright I'm sorry."


It's been a few days since they were trapped, Marcel and his people were relaxing together back at his place throwing a little get together with lots of blood bags and some compelled people so they can satisfy their newfound hunger that hasn't completely gone away yet, it was getting better though.

At this time Finn walked in with a couple of berserker bodyguards that Ludwik lent him, he raised his hands and twisted them snapping everyone's neck in the party including the poor compelled people who wouldn't survive.

He had the berserkers carry the bodies to a hidden warehouse, he then magically dried them out so they were close to desiccation with no strength to fight back or even get up to escape.

Finn waited for Marcel to wake up and see his predicament with all his friends passed out around him before having a berserker grab him and place him in a separate room tied to a chair.

Finn took a seat across from him- "Marcel Gerard, as you can see I have you and your people at my mercy and I have to tell you, I have big plans for them."

Marcel still groggy from the lack of blood spit out- "What do you want?"

Finn leaning in closer to look him in the eyes- "Niklaus's secret."

Marcel looking back managed to let out a short laugh- "What on earth makes you think he would tell me where he put the stake."

Finn smirked back- "Of course he won't tell you, but that's not what I'm after, I'm after knowledge about what other secrets he's hiding, one he cares for far more than the stake, why don't you tell me about that."

Marcel going stoic- "I wouldn't know anything about that and again why would he tell me?"

Finn- "Oh, come now Marcel, you are the son he adopted and cared for, I'm sure even if he didn't tell you something, you were still close enough to figure it out."

Marcel- "You give me to much credit, Niklaus wouldn't trust me with anything that important, you have the wrong man, just let us go and if I hear anything I'll let you know."

Finn losing his patients- "I was trying to do this the civil way, but it's not like I need your cooperation." lifting his hands as he poured power into Marcel's head to search for his answers.

Marcel screamed as the power poured into his mind and started to dig around.

Finn, however, felt a wall in certain spots that were not easily accessible without drastic measures, so he stopped to reevaluate what he wanted to do.

Looking at Marcel who was now breathing heavily as he tried to recover he suddenly thought of something- "I came across blocked portions of your memory, this can only mean that you either have had a witch cast some sort of protective barrier on certain memories or the more likely reason, you have been compelled to forget, most likely by Niklaus."

Marcel not understanding looked confused wondering how such a thing could happen since he drinks vervain.

Finn seeing this confusion had his mind working in overdrive- "Strange isn't it, why would you of all people let Niklaus compel you? You who can be considered a son was forced to undergo this, being deemed a risk, and you most likely allowed it to happen."

Finn clapping his hands together as he put it against the bridge of his nose as he thought about the possibilities, concluding that Marcel only cared about one thing enough to allow himself to be compelled, a child's welfare was at risk and Niklaus only cared about one child.- "His daughter isn't dead."

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