Original Wolf -

Chapter 28 - Rescue

The berserkers surrounding Aurelia, Cora and Gabriela, burst into dust as Nevan now appeared next to them in his Noblesse form.

He went up to Aurelia to check if she's alright, "Are you alright?"

Aurelia shifting out of her werewolf form coughed out some blood- "Your late."

Nevan frowned at seeing her poisoned, looking around he noticed most the berserkers had poison on their weapons. He then looked at Ramiro who was now standing among them.

Grinning he asked- "Well, well, well, if it isn't little Ramiro, did you really betray us?" eyes flashing orange.

Aurelia- "My lord, his body has been taken over."

"Taken over huh...wait, did he just pull the greatest spy move of all time?" asked Nevan as his eyes went wide at the implication of what he just heard.

Ramiro- "Is this really the same wofl as back then?" He no longer could ask his girl spies and while Nevan was black with orange eyes, his form was a bit shocking to say the least, it was nothing like Aurelia's werewolf form. He soon felt like a prey caught in a predators gaze as Nevan started to focus his gaze on him.

Nevan, eyes glowing- "How dare you steal my dream, I'll kill you!"

Nevan flashed over before anyone knew what was happening as he grabbed Ramiro with his right hand lifting him up by the neck. Ramiro tried to reach for more poison with his right hand, but Nevan chopped his arm off making him scream out in pain, unknowingly ejecting out the jaguar from Ramiro in the process.

With the berserkers closing in to try and stop him, he flashed back to Aurelia and the others to make sure they stayed safe. Ramiro still in his hand now passed out from the pain, he dropped him for the others to watch while he prepared to take out the rest who seemed to be in a confused state.

The werejaguars controlling the berserkers were taking their orders from Ramiro through his magic messages, but with the jaguar in Ramiro gone, they weren't exactly sure what to do. That didn't last to long though, the goal was still the same, kill them all.

"Get against the cliff wall so I don't have to guard every angle." Nevan said as he started quickly moving back and forth, from left to right, taking out all berserkers who approached. He started to infuse his claw strikes with aura as he shot out energy claw blades with each strike, taking rows of berserkers out at a time.

Then came the purple eyed/veined berserkers, as a group, which he easily swiped away like the rest, but when they burst, it was cloud of poison. Caught off guard he stumbled after taking a breath of it, giving a cough before he realized he had to make sure it didn't float over to the others.

He let loose a sonic howl, blasting away the poison, the nearby berserkers and crumbling some of the surrounding cliff face. He controlled it enough so he wouldn't kill his own allies that were right behind him.

Now with breathing room after blasting the closest ones away, Nevan charged up his orange aura, coating his body like an extra skin layer. He concentrated it down to his hands so he could let out stronger blades, to travel farther with each swipe.

Now a reaper on the field of battle he started to massacre the remaining forces, claw blades shooting out with every swing, taking the lives of dozens at a time as he flashed from one group to another across the battlefield. The werejaguars started to run the moment he started shooting out energy blades, unable to even hope to compete with him.

Nevan made sure to hunt every single one down using his Enhanced Senses, the last one begging him. "Please, it wasn't what I wanted, they forced me, I didn't want to be this thing and fight you."

Nevan not in the mood to take pity quickly dispatched him along with the rest. When he returned to the battlefield by the cliff all you could see was dust with a bit of blood here and there with long deep scars across the land, from where the energy blades touched.

Cora and Gabriela were passed out from the stress and built up fatigue from days of running for their lives. Aurelia still not at her best coughed up a fit as she tried to stand to greet Nevan. "My 'cough' lord."

Nevan shaking his head, making her sit back down against the wall- "Your to much sometimes you know that?"


Aurelia woke up to the sound of Cora complaining, "Hey stop being lazy, get up and teach me to fight like you."

Looking around she found herself in a cut out cave, that seemed to be in the cliff wall they were fighting at. Getting up off the rock bed she was lying on, she made her way out the entrance to see Cora furiously swiping at Nevan who looked bored as he yawned while parrying her strikes.

Nevan yawning- "You're too slow, you need to stop relying on your human brain to think of ways to win and start relying on your wolf instincts to lead you to victory, it'll lead to faster more fluid movements."

Cora annoyed by his casual behavior yelled back- "Are you even a werewolf? what was that form I saw you in? unlike Aurelias full werewolf form, your form was more human like."

Nevan ignoring looked over to see Aurelia finally awake- "Hey Aurelia, about time you woke up, it's been a week already, that poison sure did a number on you."

Aurelia- "A week?"

Nevan rolling his eyes at her lack of conversation, side stepping out of the way when Cora thought she would wack him good now that he was distracted, only to receive a karate chomp on the head for her efforts. Pouting off to the side now as she held her aching head.

Nevan walked up to Aurelia to make sure she was doing ok- "You seem to be back to normal, I've been waiting for you to wake up to watch the kids while I go hunt down the rest in the forest so you can be safe here."

Aurelia glanced at the battlefield recalling all the amazing things her lord did and that new form she's never seen before. She had many questions for him, but never one to go out of her way to talk she only asked- "Where is Gabriela?"

Nevan- "She's fine, she just went to the nearby lake we found and there she is."

Looking over seeing a freshly clean Gabriela walking out of the woods. Gabriela seeing Aurelia up, ran over to hug her and then the water works started, Cora wasn't immune as she got swept up in it, Aurelia eyes only looked watery, no tears fell, for this wasn't her first rodeo.

Nevan now extremely uncomfortable started walking backwards as he said- "Alright I'll leave it to you then, I'll check back when I'm finished." turning around fleeing the emotional scene.

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