Original Wolf -

Chapter 21 - Anita

Nevan and Rebekah were now in Vancouver, where Nevan took Rebekah to the Granville Island Public Market to sample the local delicacies. Rebekah being able to enjoy real food now that she wasn't just a vampire, was really enjoying herself as she walked hand in hand with Nevan. She never knew how much she was missing out when it came to eating, so many choices, so many different and wonderful flavors. (The taste of food was dulled as a vampire.) Nevan seeing her taken by the new experience couldn't help but feel relieved, he still feared she might want to keep drinking blood, but this showed she was now ready to move on and stop.

They spent the next few days touring around, stopping at the aquarium where Rebekah almost broke it from tapping to hard. They quickly escaped and then headed their way towards the docks to catch a day cruise, relaxing on the deck spotting the occasional whale.

It wasn't until evening on the 4th day when the sun was just starting to set that they made their way over to the totem poles. Legends of The Moon gift shop sitting just across from the totem poles had the witches they were looking for running it. While they waited for night to descend and the crowds to disperse, Nevan used his eyes to spot the power that still remained in the totems. Under his eyes the totems looked like they were glowing with magic force. 'Clearly these totems are still put to use for something.' he thought as he looked towards the gift shop where the witches worked.

Rebekah seeing the place now deserted tried to rush Nevan- "Come on, let's go already, I think I've waited long enough." pushing him towards the store.

"Shouldn't be long now Rebekah." Nevan said trying and failing to calm her impatience, still cursing himself for showing her, his changing clothes.

Entering the gift shop, what should be a gift shop, was now transformed into what you would expect from a witches den. Bones of small animals hanging, shelves with all sorts of bottles filled with who knows what, ingredients of all kinds, antique looking artifacts and a cauldron in the far corner. In the center was a small white table with 3 cups of hot tea on top and three white chairs, two empty facing the third which was occupied by a middle age redhead who still looked good.

"So what do I owe the p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e Mr. and Mrs. Originals, although while I can tell your both Originals through various means, I don't actually know what you two are, very intriguing considering that the Mrs. is a Milkesan, but no longer seems to be a...true vampire, I guess you would say." The redhead then turns to look directly at Nevan, "As for you, I have no clue what you are and I'm to assume it's you who changed Mrs. Rebekah to what she is now, all of this is very interesting." she mused to herself.

"Well anyways, I suppose your here for a reason, my names Anita." she said waving her hand towards the two empty chairs in front of her.

Rebekah and Nevan disturbed by her profound knowledge of them, took to their assigned seats. Anita held her had up to hold their words as she continued to speak,- "A word of advice before we continue, while you two have all the power and can snap my neck in a flash, I have prepared a nasty gift for you. Should you take this option, while I can't say it will kill you, you would not want to live...I believe you understand." she said taking a sip of her tea.

Rebekah scoffed- "Witches always so c.o.c.ky with their magic, until it doesn't work."

Anita unfazed simply replied- "My dear how old are you now and still acting like an uneducated child, everyone is c.o.c.ky until they can't be."

Nevan interrupting Rebekah before she could continue this pointless conversation- "My dear please." looking back towards Anita- "We have come for two things, first, can you help make clothes like this?" he asked showing his upper shirt disappearing and reappearing. Anita's eyes sparkled just like Rebekah's when she first saw it, 'luckily she isn't drooling the same.' Nevan thought.

Anita getting up came over to feel it, "Amazing." she muttered as she used her hands to rub it all around Nevan's body. Rebekah seeing this wasn't to pleased and started to growl a little at her. Anita hearing it blushed a tad before coughing away her embarrassment- "Sorry, it's just the first time I've seen something like that, it's brilliant, the magical achievement one has to have to make that is beyond me I'm afraid."

Nevan noticing the downcast expression of Rebekah asked- "Can you at least transfer ownership to my wife." which perked Rebekah up as she looked over in anticipation.

Anita thinking about it, didn't see any problem in something that simple- "Shouldn't be a problem, but what will you give me in exchange?"

Nevan smirked- "A favor from me should be more than worthy, don't you think?"

Anita didn't deny having his favor would be the best should could hope to get, but it was in her nature to be skeptical of anything given to easily. "Why would you go that far?"

Nevan simply grinned as he took his wife hand,- "It's a gift for my wife, I shouldn't slouch on the payment." making Rebekah blush.

Anita satisfied with his answer gagged at their lovey dovey display- "Please let's get this over with."

Nevan willed his clothes off as he set them on the table, not at all modest about standing n.a.k.e.d in front of her. Anita this time couldn't help but blush at his fantastic body, Rebekah feeling jealous stepped in front of him to block the view.

Rebekah glaring- "Get to it!"

Anita ignored Rebekah as her eyes lingered on Nevan despite the good parts being blocked. Grinning she turned her attention to the clothes placing her hands on it, chanting her spell like words. "Drop some of your blood on the clothing and it'll now be yours." she said finishing her chants.

Rebekah forgetting about Nevan squealed a bit as she used a wolf like nail to slash some blood onto the clothes. Feeling the connection she willed them on as she tore out of her old ones.

Nevan turning his attention back to Anita, while Rebekah was off on the side changing her new clothes into all sorts of designs in front of the mirror. "Let's not forget the second thing, since you can't help with making another pair could you point me towards someone who can? I hear Freda Poole lives around here, perhaps she could help me, do you know where she is?"

Anita suddenly stiffened at the mention of the name- "You know of Freda Poole? who told you about her?" yelling the last part with magic force behind her words, shattering some of the bottles.

Nevan frowning- "Calm down, why are you getting so agitated?"

Anita frowning right back- "Freda Poole is a very powerful and dangerous witch, if she were to find out her name is spreading without her consent, the ones responsible would suffer greatly, she enjoys her quiet peaceful days and I for one do not want to suffer her wrath."

Nevan- "I've known Freda Poole in the past so you don't have to be concerned about this becoming a problem, depending on negotiations she may even thank you."

Anita snorted- "You think that old hag will thank someone? telling me you know her from the past, what shit, she doesn't like anyone coming around since she escaped from the noisy witch trials of the past, as she puts it, now all she does is sit on her porch looking out at the lake."

Nevan growing irritated- "Just tell me!" his eyes flashing an Orange glow.

Anita eyes opening slightly wider- "You certainly are an interesting creature, mind telling me what you are?"

Nevan just glared at her not answering so Anita moved on with a sigh- "Well like I said by a lake, Cowichan lake, on Vancouver Island, she's my elder. Now whether or not you can find her is another story, she's set up a powerful illusion spell so no one can disturb her."

Nevan getting his answer had to drag Rebekah away from the mirror so he could get clothed and then hopefully get a replacement for his magical clothes.

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