Original Wolf -

Chapter 20 - Ritual by Fire

Walking up to the cave was a horrible experience, the closer they got the worst the stench was, it permeated the air. It was the type that burned not just your nose, but the eyes as well, assaulting the senses. Rebekah was very pale at this point, looking like she was going to hurl.

Nevan- "How about you go watch the 3 witches just in case." before he even finished she already disappeared.

Nevan now feeling relieved she was gone, did start to hurl off to the side, he didn't want Rebekah to see him so weak. The smell was many times worst for him, he was barely hanging on before he came up with that so she would leave before he let loose.

Wiping his mouth he looked further into the cave wondering if it was worth it, maybe he should go back out and throw boulders at the cave collapsing it and killing everyone inside. While he didn't want to piss off Freda, there's no way the things happening inside here is anything good.

Steeling himself he soldiered on, he figured he had to least know what was happening in case this wasn't the only place doing it. He also had to find out whether it was the witches own plan, or something the jaguars came up with.

The cave was longer than expected, it was just a straight magically created tunnel. The smooth walls would have been nice if it wasn't funneling the stench through it. Nevan was truly relying on his regenerative powers to keep him from passing out at this point as he neared the inner chamber. He was also a bit nervous, this wasn't a good situation. Being barely able to handle the stench now, he wouldn't be able to transform with his heighten senses.

Nevan started to grow angry at himself 'This is stupid, what are you doing? getting c.o.c.ky again cause of your powers, you just start walking into a crap filled cave and expect not to get crap on yourself.' He knew the real reason though, he didn't want to back out and retreat in front of his girl who was waiting for him.

Still cursing himself he entered the first open chamber and it was filled to the brim with bodies of all sorts of creatures and humans. Body parts thrown around, hanging on the blood soaked walls and ceiling.

'Good thing Rebekah didn't come, this would affect even the cruelest person, what the hell are they doing?'

He made his way through the small path in the middle to reach the entrance to the next chamber. Where he found himself stepping through a barrier that keeps the stench from coming in.

'Seems that was not the entrance I went through, but the dumping ground, which means there's another entrance.' he thought as he looked around for anyone coming.

Now that the stench was gone he shifted into a wolf and started walking through the maze like corridors as he felt himself getting closer to the heart of the volcano mountain. Where one stench ended another one soon began, he could smell the jaguars now residing in this mountain.

'So they have made it this far already, seems a bit quick though, I wonder if something happened.' he thought as he got closer to the center.

Up ahead around a corner he heard voices, "Why are the elders allowing this to continue? we're just being used."

"Shhh, quiet, you risk death questioning them now, they all seem to be for this, I'm sure we'll benefit in some way to."

"Yeah right, those jaguars aren't even human, I mean I know other supernatural creatures aren't human either, but they are actual animals, you know?"

"Just don't let them hear you say that, it's almost over, just do as your told and all will be fine."

Nevan waited till their voices faded before continuing on to the center. He didn't think they would be worth talking to and he didn't want to leave any bodies lying around to be discovered...after all it was Spy Time!...he thought as his mood started to rise after getting out of the corpse dump, his tail giving a small wag to his thought.

Dodging everyone he met along the way he finally made it to the heart of the mountain where they had a huge open area, 4 entrances coming from north, south, east, west directions. Each entrance had a hanging path down to the center where a hanging platform with an opening in the middle was suspended over the boiling lava. Jaguars were all over the platform carving magic circles into it.

Nevan hiding just behind the west entrance, started to hear the echo of people coming from the distance. 'Seems like they're doing another ritual, where the hell did they even learn all of this? Is death himself teaching them before sending them back.' he cursed.

'Well I don't want to deal with another stupid ritual, luckily this place is set up just perfectly for me to end it quick, they created just the nicest circular path all the way around.' He thought as he found a place to lay low and wait for everyone to gather in the middle for the ritual.

Soon groups of people in single file started marching around and then down the path towards the platform. A group of about 100 was now cramped onto the platform with the jaguars in the middle circling around the opening.

Nevan was getting ready to plunge them all to their deaths, his plan was to run around the circular path and arrive at each entrance destroying the connected stone path that keeps the center platform from falling into the lava below. With his speed they wouldn't have a chance to escape, this would be an easy win. With tail wagging he lifted up his paw ready to strike the first one, but stopped when the jaguar started speaking, mine as well hear the plan.

"Those of you who don't know yet, the Black Orange Eyed devil bastard is still alive and so here we are forced today to speed up our plans and summon one of our greatest weapons..."

Nevan interrupting him walked out so they could see him- "So you've finally found out, shouldn't be surprised since you all came back from the dead though, tell me is what your all doing really worth it?"

The jaguars were now all frozen in fear as they looked over some managing to mutter, "The devil." The witches seeing this started to laugh, "Your all afraid of a single wolf? I mean he is a big wolf, but the way you went on and on about it, I thought he was a powerful Demon."

Nevan seeing this was going nowhere quickly flashed away before returning to watch them all fall into the lava. The mountain however started to rumble more and more from the platform falling in with everyone on top.

'Whoops, time to run.' he thought as he quickly made his way back out to Rebekah, almost falling when the odor in the corpse room hit his wolf senses, luckily he was going really fast so it only briefly affected him.

Charging out of the cave he focused in on Rebekah as the mountains rumblings increased, spotting her he slowed down just enough to yell- "Rebekah hold on tight." running right under her legs so she fell on top of his back, where she quickly reacted to hold on as told. She noticed the smoke starting to come out of the mountain and didn't hesitate to listen.

After he made it a far enough distance away they stopped to watch the mountaintop explode and lava began shooting out. "Well there goes Portland." sighed Nevan upon seeing the mess he created.

Rebekah with a shocked face asked- "What the hell did you do?"

Nevan then began to tell her what happened not realizing that a creature covered in lava was making its way out of the catastrophe. After all if you wanted to stop a ritual you had to destroy the magic circle, but everyone ended up being sacrificed into the lava completing the ritual before the circle melted away.

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