Original Wolf -

Chapter 11 - Regret

Haman took Nevan to a in door restaurant bar, taking him to a private booth in the back to have a talk. Looking At Nevan he felt he should do more, he wanted to show him around go clubbing, gambling, strip shows, magic shows, but ultimately he knew Nevan wouldn't care to do any of that.

Sitting down Haman ordered drinks, after they arrived, he took out all sorts of drugs to take with it. As a werewolf and even more so as a very old wolf-werewolf, it was extremely hard to catch a buzz without taking drastic steps, he even added some poisons to the mix to weaken himself.

Nevan sitting their watching all this had a very big frown, he didn't mind him trying to get a buzz, but this was clearing going above and beyond with all these poisons mixed in, Haman was clearly an addict. Nevan wanted to say something, however nothing came to mind though. Everything he thought of sounded like it would lead to problems so he just left it alone. They have lived a very long time, for most it would be hard to cope with. Nevan was one of the special ones who wasn't fazed as the years wore on, he could find enjoyment in anything if he tried hard enough.

After Haman was done shooting up and drinking his concoctions he was fully buzzed, looking like crap with all that poison coursing through his veins and sitting in his stomach.

He looked over to Nevan saying- "You should really try it one of these days, such a long life, you have to try everything at least once bro."

Hearing the word bro come out of his mouth, Nevan knew he was definitely high. Ignoring it he decided to get straight to the point- "I came here to get your number, I've started to go around collecting everyone's number to keep in touch."

Haman now looking very pale with blood shot eyes, pretty impressive to get actually, started to become even more unrestrained,- "Absofrikinloty duty, no problem my liege, my king, my brother from another something or something.....of course."

Nevan feeling irritated at his behavior was wondering how much of an addict he had to be to even be willing to show this unsightly side to him.

Nevan- "Well maybe i shoul..."

Haman interrupting- "Aw that was, the thing is...yes, sire do remember the cold?"

Nevan saddened at being reminded of the past and how Haman has turned out.- "Yes." was all he managed to say before Haman went off again,- "Well you know, that, the thing was, it was a bad time, even though we won, sometimes....I wish we lost." Haman finished with his head falling to the table and falling asleep.

Nevan eyes went wide hearing that, he didn't think it was this bad for him, he felt responsible, he wasn't a very good alpha leader back then. He was to caught up in the fight, in some sense he didn't even have emotions back then for anything other then fighting and improving his strength. The magic empowering kicked his alpha male genes into overdrive and the feeding on other Originals increased it again, he was in a constant state of growing and wanting more power. He had no time to interact much with the pack other then give them orders and make sure they were doing as told. Then came the end, that's when he started to feel the tiredness and the regret of how he lead, so he had them all split up thinking it would do them good, thing is they stayed split up.

Nevan picked him up and took him back to the Flamingo, dropping him off in a pent house sweet. This was not going according to plan again for Nevan. All he wanted to do was come here and get a damn number and leave, but now he felt bad and regretful and will probably force himself to stay and hang out with Haman. 'Not having feelings is definitely better in most cases, sometimes I really do envy vampires, all though from what i can tell, the Originals of the vampire race don't have this off switch like the rest do, I'll have to ask Rebekah about that.' thought Nevan as he turned wolf to sleep in his room next to Haman's.

Haman the next morning remembering what he did and was a bit nervous to see Nevan again. He did and said things he wish never happened, now his lord will probably hate him. Hearing a knock on the door he solemnly walked over to answer knowing who it would be. Answering he immediately took knee, head down and started to quickly apologize for showing his unsightliness.

The housekeeper however was flabbergasted at having a man bend knee towards her. Of course the first thing she thought was a proposal, considering it was Las Vegas. It has happened to her before, but never one so handsome and rich, and then he started to apologize for something. In her fantasy all she saw though was a prince charming proposing and saying sorry for taking so long to propose, she screamed,- "YES!, YES I will marry you."

Haman hearing the scream looked up to see a housekeeper jumping in joy. Sweating he wondered how the hell was he going to fix this.

Nevan woke up from the screaming and popped out his room to see a women jumping in joy at Haman who was on his knees. He went over with a grin,- "Congratulations, it's still early we can probably beat the crowds to the wedding chapel, I'll be happy to be your witness." The housekeeper hearing this started to blush and quietly said,- "Yes, I'm ready."

Haman paled hearing this, before looking over seeing his lord their wearing a shit eating grin. "My lord it wasn't what you think." he tried to explain

Nevan just waved him quiet before turning to the housekeeper. who finally calmed down a little, but was still swaying in her day dream- "Now Ms., can I have a quick word with my friend inside."

The Housekeeper,- "Sure, sure, I need to go make preparations, I'll be back soon hubby!" blushing as she said the last word.

Nevan laughed as she ran down the hall, he turned to see Haman paler then he ever has before. "Oi, Haman, buddy, you should of told me about her."

Haman just turned to glare at Nevan,- "My lord, if you please, I think its time I left Vegas for a bit, we'll have to catch up later." Then to Nevan's great surprise, Haman actually took off to the deck shifting into his wolf form leaving his clothes behind as he jumped over and down from the 30th floor speeding away. (Haman is one of the ones that haven't solved his clothes problem.)

'I did not see that coming' thought Nevan

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