Online Games Barbarism and Civilization

Chapter 541, Battle of Sea, Land and Air

While the Chinese players were using various insidious means to continuously wear down the vitality of the Japanese samurai, in the waters of Sakhalin Island, the naval fleet of the Condor Empire also had a fierce battle with the fleet cluster of American players.

Since the warships of both the enemy and the enemy are made of special wood, the Mermaid Legion, which was once glorious in naval battles, directly sat on the bench.

The warships of the enemy and us first competed with each other to see which side's warship was stronger and stronger. After they were evenly matched, they immediately fought a boarding battle.

During the boarding battle, when the naval soldiers of the enemy and us began to attack each other and wanted to capture each other's warships, the advantage of the Condor Navy being closer to the mainland was quickly revealed.

As the Owl Corps from the Changbai Mountains rushed to the battlefield, the Condor Navy immediately gained an absolute advantage in terms of boarding battles.

Facing the three-dimensional attack mode of the Condor Army, American players immediately chose to escape after being captured a large number of warships by the Condor Navy.

Although they suffered heavy losses in the first large-scale battle, the American players did not retreat to the mainland of the United States, but temporarily retreated to the Hawaiian Islands to wait for reinforcements to come from the country to support them.

In order to win the boarding battle, the American player's reinforcement fleet escorted the transport ship loaded with a large number of elf rangers to the Hawaiian Islands.

After successfully joining forces with the reinforcements, American players soon made a comeback.

In order to defeat the naval fleet of the Condor Empire and at the same time be able to take Sakhalin Island, American players launched simultaneous attacks from land, sea and air.

The American players have put all their eggs in one basket to win this naval battle. In order to deal with the air force of the Condor Empire, they directly took out the Dragon Eagle Knight Legion at the bottom of the box.

The dragon eagle is a large-bodied bird of prey with dual systems of water and fire. They can carry relatively light-bodied elf rangers to fight in the sky.

As a monster with dual elements of water and fire, Dragon Eagle possesses two special abilities, namely the water-attribute cloud and mist technique and the fire-attribute air shackle.

Cloud and Mist: Dragon Eagle can release a small dark cloud towards the designated area. The dark cloud has the ability to obscure the line of sight. The cloud and fog lasts for 30 seconds and can be blown away by the wind.

Air shackle: Dragonhawk can release a magic shackle, binding an air target in the magic shackle, the maximum duration is forty seconds.

Targets bound by magic shackles cannot act,

And always bear the burning damage brought by the magic shackles.

When the magic shackles are released, the dragon eagle is also unable to act. The magic shackles can only take effect on targets in the air, and the success rate and duration are inversely proportional to the target's size.

The appearance of the Dragon Eagle Knight immediately caught the Owl Legion of the Condor Army by surprise.

Faced with the tacit cooperation between the elf knight and the dragon eagle, the owl warriors of the Condor Eagle Empire suffered heavy losses as soon as they came into contact with each other.

Seeing that a large number of owl fighters in the sky were restrained by red magic shackles, and then shot and killed by the elf knight on the back of the dragon eagle with a bow and arrow, Ying Jinghong, who was in charge of commanding the air force, had to withdraw the owl army back .

The American players won the first battle and achieved a big victory in the battle of the sky.

When the air forces of the two sides staged a battle in the sky, the Mermaid Legion of the enemy and us also had a tragic hand-to-hand battle near the coastline of Sakhalin Island.

Because they could not participate in the battle of ships in the sea, the American players sent the mermaid army to capture Sakhalin Island.

And after discovering that the enemy's battleships were not afraid of mermaid warriors, the Condor Navy replaced all the mermaid warriors on the battleship with elf rangers, and then Xie Yu led the mermaid army to stay on Sakhalin Island.

After learning that the enemy's mermaid army started to attack the island, Xie Yu, who was full of resentment, was overjoyed, and then directly led the mermaid soldiers on the island to rush over, and the two sides directly launched a battle on the beach of Sakhalin Island. hand-to-hand combat.

Just when the enemy and us were fighting inextricably on the beach, an army of elf rangers stationed on Sakhalin Island also rushed to the battlefield.

After the elves rushed to the battlefield, they immediately launched a precise sniper attack on the enemy's mermaid fighters on the periphery. Their arrival directly broke the balance on the battlefield. Soon, the mermaid army of the American player was defeated.

After the enemy mermaid fighters fled back into the sea, Xie Yu led the mermaid army to chase after them. After a long chase, there were very few escapees from the enemy mermaid army, and most of them chose to surrender. .

After the defeat of the Owl Legion, the Mermaid Legion of the Condor Empire successfully moved back to Yicheng.

However, whether it is the legion in the sky or the legion in the sea, their victory can only be icing on the cake, and it cannot be the final word. It is the fleet battle on the sea that can really determine the outcome of the battle.

Although the Owl Legion of the Condor Empire had a bad start, they still had a terrifying numerical advantage. When they retreated to the sky above their own warships, the enemy's dragon eagle fighters did not dare to continue chasing them.

Because the densely packed elf rangers on the Condor Empire warship seriously threatened their lives.

After getting a respite, Ying Jinghong immediately regrouped. He led the owl fighters to guard the sky above his own warships, and launched a sea-air battle with the enemy's battleships.

After a long-range confrontation between the enemy and our warships, they immediately entered into a fierce boarding battle.

After a fierce fight, the enemy and the enemy had each other's victory and defeat. They fought until it was getting dark before calling for gold and retreating, and then each left the battle with their own trophies.

In the next period of time, because they couldn't figure out the weakness of the Dragon Eagle Knight, the Owl Legion of the Condor Army no longer fought alone. Far away.

As a result, the next battle became a battle of warships between the enemy and us.

The battle of battleships every day is to bombard from a distance for a while, and then fight on board when the distance is shortened.

Although the boarding battle took place on the deck, it was not much different from hand-to-hand combat on land. When the enemy and us were evenly matched, it was all about seeing which side could not afford to consume first.

The Condor Army belongs to local operations. They can quickly replenish the damaged soldiers and various military supplies, so as time goes by, they gradually gain the upper hand, because the food and arrows carried by the American player fleet are running out. .

After feeling the huge logistical pressure, the American players had to return to the Hawaiian Islands again.

Just as they were arguing about whether to continue, the news came that the Japanese players had retreated to Tokyo. Seeing that there was no hope of rescue, they finally had no choice but to withdraw their troops and retreated to North America with resignation.

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