Online Games Barbarism and Civilization

Chapter 540, Shameless tactics to kill the enemy bandits

In a mountain forest somewhere on the Japanese island, thirty Chinese players moved forward cautiously with weapons in hand.

Suddenly, a player accidentally stepped on a lasso buried in dead leaves and was hoisted straight into the air.

Following the exclamation of the player who was hanged upside down, more than a dozen Japanese samurai armed with samurai swords rushed out of their hiding places and directly killed the Chinese player team.

"Come on, kill the little devil."

After seeing the Japanese samurai, the eyes of these Chinese players immediately released greedy gazes, as if those Japanese samurai were some great treasures.

"I did it to you..."

A protruding Huaxia player raised his weapon and slashed at the Japanese samurai rushing towards him. However, before he could finish the thoughts in his mouth, the Japanese samurai who rushed over blocked his throat with a sword.

Relying on their outstanding personal strength, the Japanese samurai quickly gained the absolute upper hand.

Just when these Japanese samurai thought they could kill all the invading enemies soon, more than 20 Chinese players rushed out from the direction the Chinese players came from.

Those newly appeared Chinese players held crossbow arrows and shot at the Japanese samurai in the battlefield.

"Grass, my ass, can you guys be a bit more accurate."

Li Chang, who was fighting with a Japanese samurai, suddenly felt a pain in his buttocks, and felt numbness coming from the pain. He knew that he must have been accidentally injured by his own people again, so he was so angry that he cursed directly.

"Not good, the arrows are poisonous, withdraw."

When the crossbow arrows hit their own people, they also shot the Japanese samurai. After discovering that the crossbow arrows were poisonous, the leading Japanese samurai immediately ordered to retreat.

Just when the Japanese samurai wanted to get rid of the entanglement of the Chinese players and retreat, several Chinese players suddenly reached into their pockets, and then scattered red powder all over the sky.

"Cough, cough, cough,..."

Affected by the red powder, all affected people on the battlefield covered their eyes and mouths in pain and coughed violently.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, more than 20 Huaxia players rushed forward immediately,

Then he put the broken fishing net in his hand on the Japanese samurai who was recruited.

"Damn, it's me, my own, what are you doing with me?" Zhang Qing protested loudly after feeling something covering him.

"Stop beeping, who told you to be so close to the little devil, bear with it for a while." Zhao Meng, the culprit, said dissatisfiedly as he continued to attack the trapped Japanese samurai with crossbow arrows.

Since the Chinese players and the Japanese samurai were caught in a melee just now, and then everyone was attacked indiscriminately by the red powder, so except for a few Chinese players outside, the rest of the players were all covered with the Japanese samurai Under the fishing net.

Feeling that something was caught on their body, the Japanese samurai wept while clenching the samurai sword in their hands and slashed desperately, trying to get rid of the thing that trapped them.

But they were stimulated by the chili powder so that their noses and tears kept flowing down, and they couldn't open their eyes at all, so no matter how hard they struggled, they couldn't get rid of the tattered fishing nets on their bodies.

After the Huaxia players who rushed over gave them a few more charged crossbows, they all fell to the ground unwillingly.

"Bastard, despicable villain, ...."

The assassinated Japanese samurai angrily cursed the Chinese players who assassinated them.

However, after the Huaxia players came over and gave them a knife each, the woods quickly became clear.

After wiping his companion's eyes fascinated by chili powder with a special potion, the surviving Chinese players began to share the spoils happily on the spot.

"Fuck, why is Li Jun a samurai sword and I'm a wakizashi? I don't commit suicide by disemboweling myself. Is there any use for this?" After getting a wakizawa, Wang Heng immediately became furious.

"Li Jun died in battle, and you are still standing here. Is this a good reason?" As the team leader, Zhao Qi gave Wang Heng a blank stare.

"Fuck, I'll give up now and exchange for the spoils, and the merits will be automatically accumulated to the next battle. Next time, I must die in battle."

Wang Heng looked at the Japanese samurai sword on the ground with jealousy, and then threw away the wakizasa assigned to him with a look of disgust.


The above battle scene is constantly being staged in many places on the Japanese island. The Chinese players take advantage of the number of players to keep eating away at the vitality of the Japanese samurai.

Japanese samurai are the most elite professional soldiers on the island of Japan. They have been on the battlefield for a long time, have rich combat experience and strong personal strength.

A ten-member Japanese samurai team can easily kill a Chinese player team of thirty or forty people.

In the early days of the war, Huaxia players were directly surrounded by Japanese samurai who appeared and disappeared. Many player teams who entered the mountain never came out after entering the mountain.

However, the wisdom of Chinese players is infinite, and they quickly thought of a way to deal with Japanese samurai.

In terms of hard power and combat experience, no matter how hard they tried, it was difficult for them to catch up with the elite Japanese samurai in a short period of time, so they found another way and came up with some bad ideas that harm others and benefit themselves.

In order to deal with the Japanese samurai, the players applied for a batch of special anesthetics made by the light crossbow and halflings from Bai Ze, and then ground the dried chili used in the kitchen into chili powder and put them in their pockets for later use.

When entering the mountain to suppress bandits, each player team will be divided into two teams, the front team is responsible for exploring the road and attracting firepower, and the rear team will sneak attack the enemy at the right time.

In order to keep the Japanese samurai, the players in the front team will throw chili powder and "die together" with the enemy when necessary, and then the players in the back team will immediately rush over and use the fishing net to trap the enemy in place and complete the final kill.

Many Japanese samurai believed in the most formal Bushido spirit. They had never seen this kind of formation before, so they were immediately defeated by the endless tricks of the Chinese players.

Although the Huaxia player team responsible for luring the enemy will suffer heavy losses every time, the number of Chinese players killed each time is more than that of Japanese samurai.

But more than 90% of the real Japanese samurai on the island of Japan are aborigines, and they die one less than one, so let alone one for one, two for one, three for one, the Chinese players are also big Make a lot of money.

In order to support the actions of the Huaxia players, Ning Yuan not only exchanged the accumulated scientific research value for many years into exempt gold medals and distributed them to the players, he also provided the players with a large amount of potions, so the Huaxia players have no fear at all.

The only thing that makes them feel a little regretful is that the number of Japanese samurai on the island is a bit small, and the well-made samurai swords cannot be handed in hand, so every time the spoils are divided after the war, the Chinese players who do not get the samurai swords will have a stomachache resentment.

As Chinese players continue to update their tactics against the enemy, the number of Japanese samurai fighting guerrillas on the Japanese island has become less and less.

The Huaxia players cooperated with the regular army of the Condor Army, advancing step by step, and soon occupied most of the Japanese island.

The remaining Japanese players and Japanese samurai were all forced to the vicinity of Tokyo by them, and the complete capture of the Japanese island by the Condor Army is just around the corner.


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