One Piece: The Long Road

Vol 6 Chapter 114: voice

Using his ability to temporarily control Simon's attack on Duflamingo, and watching Duflamingo's figure disappear into the wind and snow, Luo, who was forced by Simon to pull out his knife, felt extremely comfortable in his heart.

Every step of the way is according to his plan, and in the near future, the world will eventually shake.

"Stop it, red eye, although my strength is not as strong as yours, but if I blindly defend, there are not many people in this world who can kill me."

Luo, who was forced into danger by Simon's sword after sword, actually had the spare time to say such words.

Being let go of Duflamingo, Simon's emotions at this moment can be described as extremely angry, and those fishy eyes seem to be dripping blood.

Ignoring Luo's words, Simon slowly exuded the murderous aura that had not been driven for a long time.

Suddenly, the cold wind seemed to emit a **** smell. Luo seemed to see a sharp-toothed mouth covered with blood and minced meat behind Simon, and a trace of fear flashed in his eyes.

He didn't expect such a situation, and he didn't expect Simon's killing intent towards Duflamingo to be so strong.

Intuition tells Luo that he can only run away now, otherwise he will be greeted by death.

Luo sighed softly and made up his mind to escape first, but the smell of blood seemed to be a few points thicker, and the air gradually thickened.

"Is it an illusion?"

The limbs felt as if they were bound by the air, and Luo even felt that he could not stay here, so he gave up the idea of ​​cooperating with Simon.

At this moment, a black light came, almost unmatched, it was a sword swung by Simon towards Luo.

"What a pity, Room."

Facing the ferocious sword, Luo Yun picked up his ability and appeared several hundred meters away in an instant.

The sword smashed into the snow.


With a loud bang, a large gap cracked where the heavy sword hit the ground, and a huge black sword beam shot out from the sword's edge, sprinting across the snow, and attacked Luo who was hundreds of meters away.

The pupils were instantly filled with black light, Luo's face changed, and in a hurry, he slashed out a huge sword light!

The two sword lights collided in the blink of an eye, and a huge wave of air burst out.

The snow trembled suddenly, white snowflakes splashed and fluttered, and a huge tornado was formed between the collision of the sword lights, which was split open by the thick and cloudy sky... The sun fell from it, and Punksahad went through several times. Years finally ushered in the first ray of sunshine.

It's just that when the tornado dissipated, the cracks in the sky reassembled in a short while, and the sun was once again blocked by heavy clouds.

On the snow, Luo had long since disappeared, leaving only a large pool of blood.

Just now, Luo's sword glow could not stop the black sword glow at all, but it also created an opportunity to dodge. Even so, he was cut with a wound.

With his injuries, Luo hurriedly transported his abilities, and under the watchful eyes of the Straw Hats, he transported SAD away.

"Did you escape..."

Simon silently looked at the messy snow and the pool of blood, suddenly raised his sword and pierced the air.

With a soft pop, a white shadow shot out from the snow in the distance towards the epee. It was the white cloth that had been thrown away before.

The white cloth came from the sky and wrapped the epee neatly in a blink of an eye.

The scarlet in his eyes slowly faded, returning to the black before, Simon hung the epee back on his back and walked towards Smog.

After the secret of the red eye was exposed, how should he face Smog and the others in the future? Simon didn't think about this, and he didn't make any mental preparations. It's just, how to face it, then how to face it, this is what Simon thinks at the moment .

Seeing Simon coming, Smog looked slightly complicated. It can be said that he was the one who witnessed Simon come this far.

"What are you going to do?" Smoker asked in a deep voice, picking up a cigar.

Simon smiled lightly, as usual as before, as if he had no scarlet eyes before.

"I don't know, what will happen, I'll know tomorrow."

The plain words are not at all worried, even if they will face the whole world in the future...

Dasqi, who had been biting the corner of her lip, saw Simon's heartless appearance, and finally broke out, suppressing her feelings for several years, like a collapsed dam, drowning out that delicate and beautiful picture. A lot of mature faces.

"You bastard! Do you understand the seriousness of this matter? You will become the government and become the enemy of the navy! The position of general you took so hard to become will also be revoked, do you understand! Why did you do this? Such a thing!"

Tears rolled down her face, and Dusky screamed with all her strength.


Looking at Dusky, whose face was soaked in tears, Simon was stunned...

It was as if his soul had been hit hard, causing him to be demented and not knowing what to do at the moment.

Smog, who was leaning on the transporter, sighed softly, raised his head and exhaled a puff of smoke, but out of the corner of his eyes, he still looked at Dasqi who was crying.

The group of rogue navies in the G5 base stared at Dusqi in panic. They had never seen Dusqi who released tears without reservation.

At this moment, they would clamor to find the person who made Dasqi cry, even if that person had red eyes.

However, for some reason, they had thoughts, but their bodies couldn't move, as if they were telling them that they could only watch quietly at the moment.

The Straw Hat gang standing on the other side of the transporter watched this scene silently, while the rare Sanji, who would have been angry for this, also lowered his head slightly and smoked a cigarette.

The children are at a loss...I don't understand why Dusky suddenly cried like this.

The cry was like a javelin, penetrating all the barriers, until Simon covered the most fragile heart in the deepest, the tears were like the water dripping from the stalactite cave for thousands of years, bit by bit. hard heart.

"Ah, sorry..."

The face that had been tense for a long time suddenly loosened...

Simon showed an apologetic smile to Dasqi, so ordinary and so ordinary, just like the apologetic smile he showed when he took away his childhood sweetheart when he was a child and accidentally damaged it.

He was so heartless, as if he didn't take this as an important thing.

But it was this kind of smile that seemed to let everyone see the truest side of that indifferent man.

The crying stopped...

Even Smog and Dasqi couldn't help being stunned when they saw Simon's apologetic smile. At this moment, the two of them seemed to have touched Simon's heart for the first time, so gentle and calm, so kind. immature.

"Sorry, old smoker..."

With another apology, Simon turned around suddenly, took a step, and the person was already 100 meters away.

"Simon, where are you going! Stop for me!"

Seeing Simon's figure getting further and further away, Dusqi ran a few steps and shouted towards the back that seemed to disappear.

She has been chasing this back, but no matter how hard she chases it, this back is getting further and further away, but even so, Dusqi doesn't care, because as long as she can see the back, she will catch up one day.

However, now this back is about to disappear, so she begins to fear...

The sound of passing through the cold wind did not stop the back figure for a bit. Seeing that the back figure was about to disappear into the snow, Da Siqi finally couldn't help it...

"Bastard, I like you! I don't know when, I fell in love with you!"

The inner voice hidden in the bottom of my heart was spoken on the snow-swept Punksahad. However, the back figure had already disappeared in the snow.

Has this heartfelt been heard?

Dusqi knelt down in the snow, tears falling into the white snow and disappearing without a trace.

Smaller, who was leaning on the transporter, took a few steps forward silently, and his hands turned into white smoke and surrounded Dusky, blocking the wind and snow, and blocking the sad cry.

His eyes seemed to be able to see Dusky's sad expression through the white smoke, and Smog sighed softly.

Simon, are you going to face this all alone? Are you mentally prepared to do such a thing?

Luffy also watched this scene in silence, and the mood that he planned to have a banquet after the end also faded.

"Tomorrow, the world will be in turmoil." Robin looked at the back that had disappeared in the wind and snow, his eyes were complicated.


I finally wrote it here, and it is about to usher in the last volume.

It took a long time to write this book, and I have to say that my character is not very strong, haha.

Laughing at himself.

So far, there are quite a few pirates who have finished the book, and I have been fortunate enough to read a few, but I have always wanted a different ending.

In fact, I have been thinking about how the plot will go to create such an ending...

And I'm afraid of being scolded...

I don't know if there are climaxes in the previous volumes, but I really want to write the climax of the whole book in the last volume, but I don't know if I have the ability to do it~ Well, I'll know when I finish writing it.

Then I looked back on my achievements since the book.

The number of words is 700,000, which is proportional to the number of clicks, and the recommendation, er... It hurts, but it doesn't matter, because the collection is slowly increasing, this is the only sense of accomplishment, and there are book friends who have been supporting~

As if I feel that writing it down is the end of my testimonials, let's say the last sentence here.

I hope that the last volume can satisfy book lovers who keep reading, and feel that it is worth the ticket price.

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