One Piece: The Long Road

Vol 6 Chapter 113: looking forward to the future

The sky that I haven't seen for a long time is always so gloomy, and after a while, the snow falls again.

The world is too cold...

In the snowflakes, the battle between Simon and Duflamingo is still going on. No one can do anything about the other in a short time. Luo, who is standing on the sidelines and watching, is also very clear, but as time goes by, it will be Duf who will be at a disadvantage. La Mingao, and Luo is here to break this inevitable result.

The arrival of Luo was also noticed by the two of them.

Duflaming's heart sank slightly, naturally he would not consider Luo's arrival as a good omen, and Simon's mood did not fluctuate at all.


It was another violent touch in a short-handed handover, and the two separated immediately, standing hundreds of meters apart. As if they had a very tacit understanding, after the two stopped their hands, they turned their eyes to Luo, who looked calm. Those eyes were like swords, and they were cold and cruel.

Luo raised his brows slightly, looked at Duflamingo, and said coldly, "This is the first time I've seen you so embarrassed, although I know there are many people who can make you so embarrassed."


Duflaming sneered coldly and did not speak, but his gaze towards Luo was faintly shining.

"I've seen enough of this embarrassment, so run away, clown..."

The corner of Luo's mouth raised a sarcastic arc, and he raised his head slightly, as if to make Duflamingo see more clearly.

Duflamingo suddenly raised his head and laughed loudly when he heard the words. The blue veins on his forehead were violent, and his face was extremely gloomy, but the smile was real.

"The stinky little devil is really amazing now."

The laughter gradually subsided, the cold wind suddenly picked up, and a layer of icy snowflakes flew away.

Duflamingo glanced at Caesar's corpse in the distance, and then glanced at SAD tied to the transport vehicle, sneering in his heart.

It can be said that this place is completely destroyed, Caesar is dead, and the rest of SAD...

The cold light leaked from his eyes, and when Duflaming was trying to figure out how to retake SAD, Luo's cold voice came out at the right time: "Want to know the function of this SAD in my hands? Including you... Snod Simon."

Simon looked at Luo lightly, "I'm not interested at all. It's hard to kill the two of you at the same time, but it's not impossible."

Luo took a deep look at Simon's blood-red eyes, "Sorry, the clown can't die here yet... As for me, I won't die here either."

"You can try it..." Simon sneered.

Luo shook his head and said meaningfully: "It's hard for you to kill us, but it's easy for us to kill someone."

Simon's face sank when he heard the words, and he naturally understood the meaning of Luo's words.

Luo lightly glanced at Simon's face and said, "It's a very important person, but unfortunately... the news that you are red-eyed will be published in the morning newspaper tomorrow and spread all over the world. When you are in a different position, you are the enemy..."

"Even so, do you have to protect them? Thinking about the situation in the future, even you may not be able to handle it."

Simon's pupils shrank, and he said indifferently, "What do you want to say?"

Luo's eyes slowly widened, and the corners of his mouth showed a hint of arrogance. With his palms open, he faced the sky and said, "It's better to kill all the people on this island to make sure the news doesn't leak out... Or, join me to stir up the new world. A mess? Under the premise of joining forces, I can help you kill all the people on this island, even if I abandon the original plan and let the clown die here..."

Like a seductive demon, he proposes an idea that will degenerate into the abyss.

Simon couldn't help but sneer...

Luo didn't care what Simon was mocking, but said lightly: "In a short period of time, I am very sure to pull down the two four emperors..."

Very shocking words, they are so plainly declared and exported, but they are full of self-confidence.

Simon spent two years to increase his strength, and even now he is not fully sure of pulling down the next four emperors, but Luo actually said such words confidently...

"You kid..." Duflamingo looked at Luo in surprise.

Facing that gaze, Luo smiled coldly, "It would take a lot of effort to pull down a fourth emperor, but thanks to the foreshadowing you laid down over the years, it can save me a lot of effort."

"What is your purpose?" Duflamingo's face changed slightly, and the chill in his eyes rose slightly.

"Big secret treasure..." Luo looked up at the gloomy snowy sky, his eyes were as deep as a never-ending glacier, as if he was about to penetrate the stacked space, wanting to see what was hidden behind the gloomy sky.


Duflamingo smiled again, and for the first time he seriously looked at the little devil who had not paid attention to it many years ago.

Great Secret Treasure, this is such a dazzling term, which attracts countless people with dreams, but in the present era, the dreams of the past have been dyed with a dark color.

No one knows where the final island is because there are no pointers to guide...

No one knows what the big secret treasure left by One Piece before his death is, perhaps the treasure of Forbes World? Or something that can gain power?

No one knows, and those who know are no longer there. In the battle of the top, the great secret treasure that Whitebeard mentioned is an existence that will make the government fear. What is that?

Everything is not important at all, the important thing is that the big secret treasure has given all those who go to sea a goal, or an excuse.

"If you don't kill me here, you will regret it, Trafalgar Law, you know what my goal is."

Duflamingo didn't have the slightest nostalgia. His pace was like a **** on the street. His open arms swayed greatly. I don't know what to express. go outside.

"No, Joker..."

Luo Huai held the long knife and looked at Duflamingo's back with a voice like iron, "I will never regret what I did!"

Duflamingo twitched the corner of his mouth as he walked, his right hand tightly covered his face, and he couldn't help laughing again.

At this moment, in his heart, a huge wave was turning over.

Not because of fear, not because of any emotion, but just huge expectations for the future.

The world is so cold... so it needs to bloom heat!

Hurry up to come, that huge wave that can devour countless people, I can't wait!

Even if that big wave might not even be swallowed up by me, I am looking forward to its arrival!

Seeing that Duflamingo wanted to leave, how could Simon allow it, and Luo naturally did not allow Simon to pursue Duflamingo. This result was what he wanted to see, and Duflamingo's life was saved.

Simon stepped on the air and volleyed, causing a wave on the snow, and slashed at Duflamingo's back with his sword.

Aware of the strong wind behind him, Duflamingo didn't care at all, he still walked forward, even if this sword could take his life.


Luo frowned slightly, disliking Duflamingo's performance at the moment, but he still used his ability.

Simon, who was about to be cut to Duflamingo's back, instantly changed to his original position.

That sword was chopped empty, and there was no turbulence at all.


The laughter suddenly boomed, and Duflamingo kept laughing, the sound became louder and louder until it pierced through the hazy sky.

He is extremely confident that Luo will block Simon's sword and use his life as a bet, which is only the slightest chance.

As a result, Duflamingo left in such a high-profile way.

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