On the Day the Scumbag Got Married, I Lay Flat and Became His Sister-in-law

Chapter 523: Like fire when it is hot, silent when it cools down

Gu Xiyan slept until three o'clock in the morning before getting up. After Hu Die brought the breakfast, he still couldn't help but said: "Your Highness the Prince left Qishiyuan early in the morning, will everything be okay?"

She felt that Xi Yan was very quiet today and didn't like to talk. She still had the same face, but there was always sadness between her eyebrows.

Xi Yan has always been a gentle woman with a gentle temperament and she can laugh off big things. Although she usually quarrels with Zhou Mu, she has never been as quiet as today.

"Maybe the antidote is really effective, right?" Gu Xiyan calmed down and lowered her eyelids: "Young Master has always had his own opinion. He must have left Qishiyuan only when he was well."

As soon as she finished speaking, she saw someone standing at the door. Wasn't he the protagonist they were discussing?

Hu Die felt something gloomy behind her. When she turned around, she saw Zhou Mu coming quietly. She immediately stood up and stood aside respectfully.

Zhou Mu's pressure is really too heavy, especially today, as if the whole world owes him.

After Zhou Mu sat down, he immediately changed his face to a gentle one when facing Gu Xiyan, and all the pressure on his body subsided.

He had already had his breakfast, and after sitting down, he offered food to Gu Xiyan from time to time, quite intending to please her.

"I'm much better today. There's nothing wrong with my body. Don't worry." Seeing that Gu Xiyan remained silent, Zhou Mu took the initiative to start chatting.

Gu Xiyan responded: "Yes."

She had nothing to do after that. She only had her breakfast quietly, showing no signs of happiness or anger.

Zhou Mu would rather she argue and make a fuss with him than remain silent and make him feel frightened. His heart fell on her, and her joy, anger, and smile all held his heart. How could he not love her?

Unless he no longer has seven emotions and six desires, otherwise that is impossible to happen.

"It's just a vague dream, don't take it to heart." Zhou Mu said, looking at Gu Xiyan carefully.

Gu Xiyan paused while eating, said "hmm", and fell silent again.

Zhou Mu didn't know for a moment whether she had calmed down or was still recovering her anger, but her heart was hanging in the air, with no place to rest.

Knowing that she liked children, after breakfast, he held the child up to Gu Xiyan and said jokingly, "Call me A-niang."

Gu Xiyan glanced at him, stepped forward and hugged the child, "Young master, please go to your bedroom and stay well. There will be a tough battle to fight on the day of Miyuejiu."

It's not too late to worry about other things after dealing with Zhou Xing.

When Zhou Mu saw her holding the child and leaving, he quickly reminded her: "Madam is still in confinement, so don't go out to enjoy the breeze."

Gu Xiyan looked back at him: "I just went to talk to Xiaodie. If I don't leave Qi Shiyuan, the young master will go back to his room to rest."

Without waiting for Zhou Mu to say anything, she hugged the child and left.

Zhou Mu still wanted to follow, but this time Gu Xiyan said without looking back: "Young master, you should put the overall situation first and be obedient!"

Zhou Mu finally stopped this time.

It is indeed the overall situation that should be the priority. There is Liu Huiyan who is watching his movements day and night, and Zhou Xing may take action at any time.

Except for the drowsiness last night, he felt that he was no different from usual today. However, he did not dare to use his inner strength easily, and he was still more or less afraid of losing control.

He suspected that the dream was a warning. If he used his inner strength, would he lose control and not be able to remember Xi Yan again like in the dream?

He was even a little scared, afraid that Zhou Xing would irritate him on the day of the Mid-Moon Wine, and he would lose control and go crazy, and finally forget about his little wife.

So can this plan not be implemented? Xiyan said he wanted to bet on this game, but he was afraid that he would not only lose the position of prince, but also lose Xiyan.

Hu Die accompanied Gu Xiyan to read in the study. She glanced at Gu Xiyan from time to time and found that she was obviously looking at the child, but her eyes were empty and not focused.

"If you have anything on your mind, you can tell me. Don't keep it in your heart." Hu Die was extremely worried. She had never seen Gu Xiyan like this.

Gu Xiyan really wanted to talk to someone. Even though she told herself not to worry unfoundedly, she still couldn't be open-minded and kept thinking wildly.

"Do you think the young master will stop loving me one day?" Gu Xiyan asked after a while.

Hu Die laughed when he heard this: "What nonsense are you talking about? His Highness likes you so much, how can he no longer love you?"

"Who can tell? Even a wandering young man like Wang Yian will fall in love one day. What can't happen?" Gu Xiyan sighed softly, with a heavy heart: "Why do I think this kind of thing is possible? ?”

Just like she never thought that Zhou Mu would marry her.

Emotions are like fire when they are hot, and silent when they cool down. If love can really last forever, why would there be so many crazy men and resentful women in the world?

"You think too much. Unless His Highness forgets you one day, it is impossible not to love you. You know, His Highness values ​​you more than himself. If His Highness no longer loves you, I may never love you again. I will believe in love." Hu Die said softly.

Gu Xiyan thought about it and felt that this was also the case.

Unless Zhou Mu no longer remembers him because of his illness, it is impossible for him to stop loving her. If this is the case, she can accept it.

Of course, she felt that Mr. Yuan's antidote was effective this time, and Zhou Mu's illness would probably get better, right?

Perhaps Hu Die's words gave her confidence, and she suddenly figured it out.

Zhou Mu obviously valued her very much, but she was getting angry with him about something that hadn't happened yet, which was really inappropriate.

The most important thing at the moment is to deal with Zhou Xing, and the couple should be consistent in dealing with the outside world.

Zhou Mu was lying on the bed that night. Because he didn't sleep all night last night, he fell asleep soon.

Only this time he had the same dream again.

In the dream, he was in a magnificent and empty palace. There were very few people in the palace. Occasionally, there were maids in white clothes walking back and forth. One of them he was particularly familiar with, which was his little wife.

The strange thing is that he knew it was a dream and was anxious about the situation in the dream, but he still couldn't wake up.

He saw that he ignored Gu Xiyan day after day, never having any thoughts about her, as if she was an insignificant passerby.

They lived together for a long time, but were never close, as if they were two parallel lines that would never intersect, until one day Gu Xiyan never appeared again...

When Zhou Mu woke up from his dream, he met Gu Xiyan's concerned eyes.

She looked at him intently and asked with concern: "Did the young master have a nightmare?"

Zhou Mu was still in shock and looked at Gu Xiyan like this. His throat was dry and hoarse, and he wanted to say something, but it was stuck in his throat.

"Have you had that dream again?" How sensitive is Gu Xiyan? The crux immediately came to mind.

Zhou Mu shook his head subconsciously: "I wasn't dreaming."

At this moment, he felt that lying might not be bad, but it was just a ridiculous dream. It must be because I have something to think about in the future, I have a dream.

How can a dream be taken seriously?

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