Gu Xiyan found it interesting when she heard this: "What does it look like instead?"

"You seem to be my maid. This dream is very real, as real as if it really happened." Zhou Mu frowned as he said, "I don't like this dream."

He felt that in the dream, he did not like Xiyan, but regarded her as a subordinate, as if she was the same existence as Zhiyuan. This feeling was very strange.

"It's just a dream, it's worth your trouble." Gu Xiyan didn't care.

Zhou Mu shook his head and frowned slightly: "That dream was very real, as real as if it had happened before. Why did I have such a weird dream?"

Gu Xiyan was stunned, and suddenly thought of a possibility. Could he be dreaming about his past life?

But that's not right.

She died early in her previous life, and she did accompany him silently for many years, but he didn't know her existence, so it couldn't be her previous life.

In this case, his dream could not be something that happened in his previous life.

"I have never had such a real dream since I was a child. In the dream, I did not regard you as my woman, but as a subordinate like Zhiyuan." Zhou Mu's eyes fell on Gu Xiyan's face.

But he obviously liked her very much, so much that he wanted to rub her into his own flesh and blood, and the two of them would never be separated.

Gu Xiyan's head was numb when Zhou Mu looked at her. She was thinking that when they met at first, he didn't regard her as a woman.

If he had never been attracted to her, then he would treat her like Princess Yongjia or Yuan Nianci, or he might treat her like Qi Zhiyuan.

He is not a sentimental person to begin with, he can even be called cold-blooded.

If it were to go another way, wouldn't it be the possibility he mentioned, treating her as a dispensable existence?

For a moment, the room became quiet, and neither of them spoke.

It was obviously just a dream, but Zhou Mu felt it was too real. Gu Xiyan also felt that it might be more than a dream. Could it be a warning?

In the end, it was Qiushi who entered the room and asked if he wanted to pass on the meal, which relieved the weird atmosphere in the room.

The couple were very quiet while they ate.

Even as slow as Hu Die, she could tell that something was not right between the two of them. She looked at Qiushi and asked with her lips: "What's the matter?"

Qiushi didn't know what happened and just shook her head at Hu Die.

They all noticed that there seemed to be a quarrel between Zhou Mu and Gu Xiyan.

But even if the two masters didn't tell them, they couldn't guess what was going on.

Gu Xiyan was used to being doted on by Zhou Mu. She couldn't imagine what it would be like one day when Zhou Mu suddenly stopped loving her. She couldn't bear just imagining it.

But if his poison is eliminated but he no longer loves her, what will she do?

Gu Xiyan's heart felt like a big stone was weighing on her head, and she thought that if there ever came a day, she might as well stay away from him. Although she is not a woman who cannot live without love, she cannot tolerate a man who once deeply loved her having no love for her anymore.

If that's the case, it's better to separate.

Compared with Gu Xiyan's complicated mood, Zhou Mu felt that this dream was unreasonable. Gu Xiyan is the woman he likes so much, how could he treat her like a subordinate without any feelings between men and women?

The dream turned out to be very strange, so real that it frightened him. After he remembered that dream, he could even remember the calm mood when he saw Gu Xiyan in the dream, as if she was dispensable to him, and it could be any other woman if it wasn't her.

That night, the two couples were lying on the bed, each occupying a corner, not as sticky as before.

Zhou Mu looked at Gu Xiyan's figure with her back to him, and wanted to reach out and hug her into his arms. For some reason, he was timid about being close to home, and always felt a little guilty.

He would rather she get angry with him or mess around like she did before, rather than see her silent resistance at the moment.

He wanted to tell her that it was just a dream, not a fact, but he didn't know why, but he didn't have the confidence to say this.

After hesitating for nearly half an hour, he still forcibly took his soft little wife with her back to him into his arms, and said in a low voice: "It's just a dream, is it worthy of Madam taking it seriously?"

"I have had a dream that predicts the future. What if the young master's dream also predicts the future?" Gu Xiyan asked.

She was a person who had experienced this before, so how could she not know that her own rebirth was an incredible thing in itself? What's more, her soul in her previous life has been with him for many years.

She would rather believe that this is not just a dream, but a warning for the future.

Zhou Mu wanted to refute Gu Xiyan, but when he remembered that terrifyingly real dream, he suddenly became upset, so he pulled her into his arms and kissed her domineeringly.

Gu Xiyan didn't want to let go of her grudges with a kiss, so she dodged around because she didn't want to be kissed by him.

Zhou Mu wanted to use force on her. How could a weak woman like Gu Xiyan be his opponent? Soon she had a firm control over her limbs, and his kisses were hot and rough, as if he wanted to chew her into pieces. Apart from the pain, she felt aggrieved, and tears could not stop falling from her eyes.

When Zhou Mu was feeling emotional, he tasted the salty tears at the corners of her lips and hesitantly let go of her.

Gu Xiyan took the opportunity to push her away and wanted to get out of bed. Zhou Mu quickly pulled her back: "Xiyan, I was wrong. Don't ignore me."

He shouldn't have told her about that dream and made her sad.

"You are still in confinement, don't cry, otherwise what can you do if you hurt your eyes from crying?" Zhou Mu saw her sad, and his heart seemed to be twisted into a ball by her tears.

If he liked her so much, how could he treat her as coldly as he did in his dream?

Gu Xiyan's emotions quickly calmed down. She wiped away her tears and got out of bed: "Young master, please rest. I'll go see the child."

Zhou Mu watched Gu Xiyan walk away, confused and upset.

The nanny had just put the baby to sleep when she saw Gu Xiyan suddenly came, and was a little surprised. She stepped forward and saluted, and Gu Xiyan said to her: "I will take the child to bed tonight, and you can go and have a rest."

The wet nurse was very surprised: "How can this be done? The princess is still in confinement, so she can't be too tired."

"Zuo will be pregnant in the next few days, I'm fine." Gu Xiyan said and went to bed, looking at the sleeping child, as if all her fears disappeared in an instant.

Don't think about things that haven't happened yet, living your life now is the most important thing. It doesn't matter if Zhou Mu really doesn't like her one day, she still has children.

And she should cherish the happiness in front of her and the present moment.

Smelling the fragrance of milk on the child, Gu Xiyan quickly fell asleep.

The wet nurse didn't sleep well, because the baby usually cried a few times at night, but this time, maybe because she knew her mother was around, the little one slept peacefully without crying at night.

Maybe she was accompanied by her children, and Gu Xiyan slept well without even having a dream.

She didn't know that after she fell asleep, Zhou Mu came and sat on the edge of the bed looking at the sleeping faces of their mother and son for a long, long time...

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