Official Immortal

Vol 10 Chapter 4544: Hidden worries

County Magistrate Fang was immediately stunned when he heard what Chen Taizhong said, and it took him a long time to ask "Old Yue said that?"

"Old Yue...he wouldn't say that," Secretary Chen said in a deep thought. He didn't expect that you have something to do with Yue Liuzi. He slowly shook his head. "Old Zhao didn't say that, but there are people who do. said."

What I really said is that Chen himself, the resource of the nursing home, is now in desperate demand. You actually want to occupy a few houses in Yunzhong County... why?

After some conversation, County Magistrate Liu and Magistrate Fang were not satisfied, but they were both rewarded.

No way, the current Beichong is really too cute. There are countless people who come to learn from the experience. The Beichong economic circle planned by Li Qiang allows these counties to enjoy some convenience, but other counties also Will reach out one after another.

Mingxiao from other provinces and Ciqing from Liyang will not talk about it for the time being. They only talk about Gucheng District. Recently, they are also actively moving closer to Beichong.

While eating, Chen Taizhong asked Liao Dabao, "Tell me about the affairs of the past two days."

Secretary Chen is basically letting go of Bei Chong now. The new district mayor Lu Shan has been subdued by him. Everyone can perform their duties, and he will not be troublesome.

But he still needs to understand the trends in the district, and Xiao Liao is just one of his channels to understand the trends-not bragging, too many people take the initiative to provide various information to Secretary Chen, within the system, and the system Outside.

Like the next afternoon, Secretary Chen received the editor-in-chief of the Economic Herald who had just arrived. He originally planned to take her to the logistics center to see the development results of the stage.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, a phone call came, and after Secretary Chen picked it up, he suddenly felt angry from his heart, and evil grew out of his heart. "There are so many people who are not afraid of death these days... Editor-in-chief Niu comes with me."

There was an accident in Hongtuya Primary School. There were more than 90 students in three grades. Niu nǎi sent over this morning. A student said that the nǎi had a taste. The teacher tasted it and it didn’t matter, so let’s drink it. It's okay.

This is the case in the countryside. When valuable food is going to be spoiled, people will not be willing to throw it away. It is absolutely impossible to bury chickens and pigs that have died without eating them—how can people in the village be as squeamish as the people in the city?

As a result, it broke after drinking. At noon, there were more than 20 students who had troubles with stomachs, vomiting, diarrhea and fever. As soon as the teacher looked anxious, he immediately took someone to the health station.

The health station is not large, but the doctors present are of a certain level. After understanding the situation, they immediately make a judgment. These ten cases are viral dysentery. Take some medicine first, and bring the two most powerful ones and send them to the district hospital. The level of treatment there is higher and the diagnosis can be better.

Hongtuya is in Chencun Town, and it takes more than an hour's drive to get to the district. The road is still well repaired. When I went to the district hospital, the doctors also treated conservatively according to the virus and dysentery, and then confirmed the diagnosis by laboratory tests.

When the child was sent to the hospital, the merchant who supplied the cattle heard about it, and sent people straight to the red cliff, while coming to the hospital, apologized to the teacher and parents, and discussed compensation.

The merchant’s attitude was very correct-in fact, he couldn't help but was not correct, and the District Education Bureau held his security deposit.

Because they responded in a timely manner and their attitude was fairly sincere, the parents of the students didn’t want to pursue the matter. The traditional morality of Beichong people was relatively strong, and most of them were soft but not hard. In their opinion, they knew that the food was not fresh, but If you want to eat it, it belongs to your own family and is also responsible. Since the other party is willing to apologize and compensate, then let it go.

They discussed it, but the school did not dare to report because the teacher had said that the problem was not serious.

But there are always people who can't see it, so they stabbed the matter to Secretary Chen.

Chen Taizhong became angry as soon as he heard it, and while going downstairs, he called the district hospital. It was quickly determined that there were indeed two primary school students from Hongtuya in the hospital, but his condition had stabilized.

The Buick turned the front of the car and headed straight to Chencun Town. When it arrived at Hongtuya Primary School, the party secretary and mayor of Chencun had already arrived. The phone number from Secretary Chen to the district hospital had been spread. Who would dare to look down upon it? Secretary Chen's anger?

The mayor and secretary came an hour ago and took the initiative to investigate the truth. Now even the suspect has been caught.

This person was hired by the winning company, originally from Chen Village, who was responsible for delivering eggs to schools throughout the town.

When jǐngcha went to his house to arrest someone, he was about to escape on a motorcycle, but was subdued on the spot.

After investigation, he did not deliberately poisoned, but after receiving the nǎi yesterday afternoon, he did not pay attention. The five-year-old son of the family caught an eel and threw it into a nǎi bucket, playing happily.

He stepped forward and kicked his son away, picked up the eel, and then closed the lid of the bucket tightly.

It's such a simple thing. When he thought about it, the mistake he made was just not filtering the cows and rolling them again-but the dealers, where are they usually so particular?

Especially the cattle nǎi of the supply company are packed in plastic barrels. Each barrel has the name of the school, and the share is also stuck. The employee admitted that he thought it was too troublesome to pour it out and heat it, and the nǎi is liquid. It will become less after boiled.

As for him trying to escape, it was purely scared. I heard that Hongtuya Elementary School had an accident. His heart was already broken. The heart said it was okay. I only broke a bucket. Other schools were not affected. , I have a chance for sophistry.

However, when he heard that Secretary Chen was coming over, his mind was blank immediately, and he subconsciously wanted to run away first-if there is anything wrong, wait until he runs out, otherwise he will be caught by Secretary Chen and be beaten up.

They were investigating here. Not long after, Tan Shengli’s Santana also arrived. When he got out of the car, District Mayor Tan asked who was the sender. He walked forward with a sullen face and kicked, "You’re tired of your life, kid. ?"

Under the leadership of Secretary Chen, many cadres in several districts have relatively rough styles. Among the female cadres, Ge Baoling and Chang Yuling are typical. Even Tan Shengli, a spectacled and gentle heresy, will scold his mother when he gets angry. Get started.

"Lao Tan, what are you doing?" Chen Taizhong was dissatisfied. "If you have something to say, why hit someone?"

"Where are more than twenty children, I was tossed up and down by this guy," Tan Shengli flushed with anger, and said nonchalantly, "Not only to hit him, I want to catch him."

"You're more capable," Chen Taizhong snorted coldly, not giving any face to District Chief Tan.

It is said that the sender was the culprit. With Secretary Chen’s temper, he would not care if others trampled him, but this matter is actually not that simple.

He believed that Tan Shengli would not know the news later than himself. Not to mention that the incident happened at school. He only said that the sick students were sent to the district hospital. Maybe he didn't know? District Chief Tan is in charge of science, education, culture and health.

Since Beichong began to subsidize students, it has recruited three bids, and three different companies have won the bid. The company that won the bid this time has also sold a large amount of annual festival benefits to the Beichong Education Bureau.

To say that there is no benefit transmission, Secretary Chen does not believe it.

Chen Taizhong has let go of many affairs in the district and doesn't care much about it, but his information channel is first-class and smart, and it can even be said to be the most smart in Beichong, because all the people in Beichong know who is wrong. The mouth is most effective.

No matter it's something you can't see, you still have to take the opportunity to step on someone in the upper ranks, talk trivial matters, and find the secretary of the great talent is the kingly way.

So, Tan Shengli didn't ask at first, and when he paid attention, he hurried over, and when he opened his mouth, he would clean up and send the staff. Of course, he couldn't let him succeed—you are investigating so severely, is this a diversion?

And in his opinion, if the nǎi member is not false, then this is a problem of lack of sanitation habits. Too many people in Beichong have this problem. The pepper tomatoes picked from the field are wiped on their sleeves as a symbol of rubbing. Kacha was eaten raw, and there were many people who drank water directly from the engine well.

So he said lightly, "He is the person directly responsible, but not the main person responsible."

"Huh?" Tan Shengli frowned in wonder, "The main responsible person?"

"Yes, whoever submitted the bid is the main responsible person," Chen Taizhong lowered his eyelids, took out a cigarette, and lit it on his own. "This matter, the district mayor's office meeting."

"They are jointly and severally liable for lax supervision?" Tan Shengli's eyes widened.

"The employee was hired by Zhijian Company. Naturally, I was looking for Zhijian Company to speak." Chen Taizhong took a cigarette, raised his head, and looked at District Mayor Tan with a smile, "Old Tan, let me ask you a question. For example, when you go to a restaurant to eat, you find a hair in the dish... Do you go to the kitchen to scold the chef, or talk to the boss?"

"Of course I was looking for the boss. The person he hired was considered poor management," the secretary of the town party committee of Chencun said with a smile. If the responsibility can be transferred to Zhijian there will be no good management in the town. What pressure.

"But they responded quickly, and their attitude to solve the problem was also very positive," Tan Shengli argued hard.

When the party and government leaders in Chencun Town saw this, they walked to the side to smoke, but sighed together in their hearts: It's still awkward at this time. Old Tan, do you think you died fast enough?

In fact, Chen Taizhong knew in his heart that Tan Shengli's defense was actually to excuse Ya himself. In the end, even if he cleaned up Zhijian, Tan insisted on his opinion, but it was just "being blinded".

Secretary Chen said coldly, "Remedy afterwards, no matter how active you are, the key is not being serious enough in advance. As a restaurant owner, if you want to avoid hair in the food, you must emphasize standardizing your clothes and wearing hats, where Will hair appear?"

Speaking of this, he took a meaningful look at Tan Shengli again, "If the boss doesn't manage well, don't blame others for making him trouble."

District Chief Tan heard this, his face suddenly turned white, he heard the implication in the words, this is not only about Zhijian Company, but also a complaint against him: Lao Tan, you did not bid well The object is mismanagement, be careful I make trouble for you. (To be continued.)

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