Official Immortal

Vol 10 Chapter 4543: Fight for a ride

The relationship between Jingde Ice Cave and Beichong is somewhat similar to that of Mengling and Yongtai in the southern part of Tiannan. They both have good scenic spots.

In fact, since the opening of the Yongmeng Highway, the number of tourists there has skyrocketed, and the tolls alone have been softened.

Tiannan Province once wanted to withdraw the toll rights of Yongmeng Highway in advance and bought it out directly with money, but Tian Liping was still the chairman of the provincial labor union, and Gao Shengli was also from the transportation system. Puya has invested in the highway. It is related to Chen Taizhong.

The combination of these three is something most people don't dare to think about.

Of course, Jingde and Beichong belong to Yangzhou, which is incomparable to Mengling and Yongtai. The city can give instructions.

However, Chen Zhengkui would not do this instruction, and Li Qiang was not appropriate to do it—Jing De Qiongcheng was like that, and Bei Chong must have paid for it. But where is Chen Taizhong's money so good?

It's up to you to discuss it yourself, Secretary Li can only stand by.

Chen Taizhong knew that Jingde had this idea a long time ago. It is said to be a good thing. Isn't it good to build a large tourist area with more attractions? This is Jingde's initiative to ask to be included in Beichong Scenic Area.

As for the investment in Bei Chong, it is really "five words floating in the sky, that is nothing." The worst is the worst. It can be regarded as Jingde's loan. The ice cave has income, so let's pay it slowly.

But Secretary Chen really has a lot of helplessness. He nodded first, "In the case of tables and chairs, in addition to the physical exchange, you will pay the actual price for the rest. For the difference, I will make a fortune with Yiwang... and try to make up for you. Now, it shouldn’t be a big problem. President Jing still attaches great importance to education."

Given his relationship with Jing Ziling, what is alms? Everyone can go.

But things have to be done like this. People Lu Tianxiang opened a factory to make money, not to do charity, furniture dealers are the same, the most important thing is... the price of selling you respect is cheaper than selling it to Beichong , What's this?

And the most taboo of the manufacturers is that the profits are known to many people. This is to attract attention-Secretary Chen must protect the reasonable profits of his own businesses, and this is not discussed.

So he pulled Jing Ziling out as a shield, and he was sure that even if Yiwang made up the price difference, Lu Tianxiang and the furniture dealer knew in their hearts that they would always pay back the money in various ways.

Mr. Xiaojing doesn’t have to spend much to gain a reputation for being passionate about education. Mr. Lu and others are not worried that the market will be ruined, and Jingde County will get a real benefit. Isn’t that good?

Things in the world, in fact, are just like that. Just make the scene round and everyone knows it well.

"Secretary Chen really has a lot of ideas. I didn't expect such a good method." Liu Xinge smiled and gave a thumbs up. "In this way, Jingde No.1 Middle School plans to invest 500,000 yuan to build a reading room. One hundred thousand, we named Yiwang Culture Building or Ziling Culture Building, what do you think?"

For a building of 500,000 yuan, you can get permanent naming rights with an investment of 100,000 yuan. This condition couldn't be better. It's a matter of cultural people-elegant things.

But why let Jing Ziling pay this 100,000? County Mayor Liu guessed that he knew in his heart that the price difference subsidized by Jing Ziling must be a bit high, so he had to hug a little bit more.

"Call it Huanghan Culture Building," Chen Taizhong doesn't care about this little money. Huang Hanxiang should be very happy because of the name. "It's just like the laboratory building of Beichong No. 1 Middle School."

"Well," Liu Xinge nodded, giving the naming rights to the other party. It really doesn't matter what the name is. It can give one hundred thousand, which is better than anything. By the way, he also pleased Jing Ziling and Chen Taizhong.

However, the experimental building of No. 1 Middle School was still under construction at the time, and Chen Taizhong did not expect that the principal of No. 1 Middle School would record the experimental building as "Imperial Han". After a few years, Yangzhou was named after "Imperial Han" everywhere. educational facility……

The tables and chairs are easy to say. The ice cave is difficult to handle. Secretary Chen is really helpless. He glanced at the county magistrate Fang in the cloud. "Major Liu, the tens of thousands of acres of bamboo forest in the cloud is also quite beautiful."

This is the most critical factor for Beichong’s failure to support Jingde’s development of the ice cave.

Things in the world are probably fair. If you really want to talk about the landscape, the scenery of Beichong is good and it has unique advantages, but other counties and districts are not much different. Break your fingers and count them. At least there is. Half of the counties and districts have their own unique scenery. What they lack is development efforts.

Jingde wants to develop ice caves and Yunzhong also wants to develop tourism resources. Yunzhong County is called Yunzhong because there are mountains and there are two mountain series. One mountain series produces oil shale and the other is rich in resources.

In the non-oil shale mountain system, there are several steep mountains that are not suitable for farming and planting, let alone crops. Ramie and tobacco are all inappropriate. Harvesting is a big problem, and tens of thousands of acres of bamboo are naturally formed there. sea.

This bamboo sea is very beautiful and a rare natural landscape. There are all kinds of small animals in it, such as bobcats and the like. There used to be tigers in this place. Until now, you can occasionally find traces of leopards. .

Yunzhong has also been working hard to push out the landscape of its own bamboo sea. Of course, it is necessary to contact Beichong.

The same thing happened in Beiguo. There are some small hills in Beiguo. There is a long history of tea planting in Beiguo. Because of the low pollution in Beiguo-until now, it has also been less polluted. The top buxus is specially for the province.

This tea plantation can also be used as a scenic spot. Tourists can see the tea trees in the mountains and plains, pick them again, or try to fry them and taste them by themselves-can the farmhouse compare to this?

Since taking office, Ju Zhonghua has been pushing this project. It must be pointed out that compared with the bamboo sea in the cloud and the ice cave in Jingde, this tea garden is a bit less natural and more carved, but I have to admit that this It is indeed a selling point.

Therefore, most counties and districts do not lack tourism resources. What they lack is discovery and promotion.

What made Chen Taizhong dumbfounded was that all of these counties wanted to take Beichong's car.

In the past, Beichong did not develop tourism resources. Everyone worked on their own. Most of them had development ideas, but did not have the strength. They could only think about it.

However, with the completion of Qingyanghe Reservoir, Beichong made a sudden effort in tourism construction.

Then the Wushui Scenic Area took shape, then the sanatorium, then the city wall was built, the entire city was remodeled, and the baby fish breeding center was also counted as a tourist attraction, and other counties and districts were instantly thrown away. Behind.

Before Xi Yu was transferred, he wanted to win the cooperation with the ice cave, but at that time the Beichong economic circle had already taken shape, and Jingde was no longer the only ally of Beichong, so he failed to do so.

With so many partners waiting to cooperate, whom should Chen Taizhong promise and whom should he not promise?

After all, Bei Chong has too little money, Secretary Chen lamented.

"The money for the development of Zhuhai, I will find it in the cloud." County Magistrate Fang met him and slowly stated his position. He is indeed the master Liao Dabao has to talk about, and he is really emboldened in economic development— -Even if it was deceived by Liu Li and others, millions.

And he emphasized, "It's just a lot of scenic spots, and the Beichong gang can promote it."

The county magistrate Fang is very capable, but it is too unrealistic for dúlì to run Zhuhai tourism. At this point, Beichong is much stronger than the cloud, and he is not convinced-Wushui Scenic Area, Qingyang River Reservoir, Baby fish, sanatorium, city walls and antique buildings.

Speaking of this scenic spot, whether it is natural or man-made, there are at least five places in Beichong. One tour is to hurry, and two tours are not a waste of time. There is only one place in the cloud. How can you compare? Why not rely on others?

"Haha," Chen Taizhong gave a dry smile, then glanced at Liu Xinge, "Liu County Magistrate, I am embarrassed too."

County Mayor Liu has something to say. Secretary Chen didn’t listen to him at all. Instead, he looked at the county head of Yunzhong County, “Yunzhong can be developed, and Beichong should help you publicize it. They are all brother counties... …As for this ticket, the pass is still divided. For specific matters, you can negotiate with the district head Haifang."

"Xinxing Chemical's project has not been discussed," County Magistrate Fang said nonchalantly.

"This... I knew there was no drama," Chen Taizhong thought for a while, or told the truth. He had asserted that the other party was here to find out and was not sincere.

"I want to spend a month in Beichong, take a look at the situation in Beichong, and learn from it," County Mayor Fang said, frowning. This incident also stimulated him a lot.

I didn't talk about a project well, but at the beginning of the talks about investment promotion, Chen Taizhong dared to assert that it would not happen, and the county magistrate Fang planned to calm down, be a student for a few days, and study seriously.

Anyway, he was also a county magistrate in the cloud for many years, and the affairs of zhèngfǔ were clearer. There were not many things. There was no problem staying in Bei Chong for a month—the two were also very close.

From this point of view, Yunzhong has developed well in recent years. He is meritorious and can put aside his bosom and learn with an open mind.

But every day in Beichong, this matter has to be explained in advance, if it is misunderstood by Secretary Chen, that would be bad.

However, Chen Taizhong disagrees. Beichong is really booming now, and there is an endless stream of people who come to study every day-just like other counties and districts want to cooperate with for tourism. Beichong is so popular.

Of course, Secretary Chen will not necessarily be there when people from other cities come to study, and the reception will be handed over to the general staff.

A while ago, the Minister of Missions and Education of the Zhangcheng City Party Committee came, but Chen Taizhong didn't show up in a daze. Now Bei Chong is just such a bull.

However, the teacher of the Minister of Missions and Education was from Mizuki University, so it was appropriate to receive Chang Yuling.

"The county magistrate Fang wants to be there, I can't ask for it. I can stay as long as I want," Secretary Chen replied with a smile. To the brother counties and districts, when he can take care of them, he is still willing to take care of them. ?

"Can you get a few houses for the sanatorium?" Magistrate Fang immediately asked.

"Huh?" Chen Taizhong was stunned for a moment, and I said, you chewed the grain with me for a long time, wouldn't it be because of this?

He thought about it, and finally shook his head and sighed, "Now there are two old generals living in the nursing home. People want to contract the nursing home and say that money is not a problem. I have a headache... Well, the pressure from the military. "

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