Non-human Gene Complex

Chapter 51 Death Penalty

Yang Xiong was not surprised when he heard what the man said, but he couldn't laugh either.

"Li Qinren, do you think I don't know about this?"

"I just went to the police department to find out the situation. It was very difficult! The police all agreed that it was Li Wei who did it, and I couldn't interfere at all. The police chief is in charge of this case. Basically, the murderer who killed him was Li Wei."

The last hope in the eyes of Li Qinren from the circus was also shattered, he lowered his head and said, "I see, thank you Boss Yang."

After finishing speaking, Li Qinren walked away dejectedly, but was immediately stopped by Yang Xiong.

"Don't give up! I will definitely take care of this matter! I know that Li Wei is your nephew. I know his abilities very well. He must have been wronged. Moreover, the police's remarks are full of doubts. I will operate the first trial in the court tomorrow! I will let him Xiao Lin attended as a lawyer, and he must return Li Wei's innocence!"

Li Qinren's eyes sparkled again, and he said happily, "Boss Yang! Can you really save Li Wei? This kid was wronged in the first place! Lin Chu, you think he will be fine, right?"

Li Qinren excitedly pulled the young man behind Yang Xiong. That young man was Lin Chu. He said blankly and indifferently: "I have already understood the situation of this case. My preliminary judgment is that the probability of winning the case is only 10%. Now that the police have decided to To wrong Li Wei, there must be countless evidences prepared, and it can be seen from the direction of the wind that the authorities are looking forward to ending the case as soon as possible and calming down the matter. Everything is extremely unfavorable to Li Wei."

Li Qinren originally had great hopes, but after hearing Lin Chu's straightforward words, he immediately fell into despair.

Yang Xiong glared at Lin Chu, Lin Chu looked at Yang Xiong innocently and said, "I'm telling the truth."

What nonsense! Lan Mu understood clearly from the side, this Lin Chu didn't know the world at all, and he said such a miserable thing in front of his relatives.

Yang Xiong quickly comforted him: "Don't worry, I will still get through the relationship. I will find seven or eight lawyers, and Li Wei will be fine."

However, what Yang Xiong said, Li Qinren's expression did not change at all. He knew Lin Chu and knew that Lin Chu was telling the truth, and it was indeed a difficult task to save Li Wei.

"Needless to say, Boss Yang, I know all about it...the only thing left to do is to see the child's life."

After speaking, Li Qinren bowed to Yang Xiong, and left with a sigh.

Yang Xiong waited for him to walk away, then glared at Lin Chu again, and then pulled Lan Mu away.

Lan Mu followed Yang Xiong to the Huaxin Hotel, only then did he realize that the Huaxin Hotel was opened by Yang Xiong.

The girl at the front desk recognized Lan Mu and told the matter to the big boss Yang Xiong. Yang Xiong laughed and said: "I was negligent! The front desk changes shifts every day. I thought you would come yesterday, so I didn't say hello to the employees who went to work today." .”

Lan Mu smiled, no wonder, Fang Moqi seemed quite reliable.

Yang Xiong took Lan Mu to open a room, and took out a bag, which was exactly the bag that Lan Mu had brought with Ma Lai, and it contained ID card, passport, wallet and everything.

"Let me introduce you, Lin Chu. I am a child of an old friend. He graduated from Sudan University last year and is a top student in the law school. Now he is working as a lawyer and is still taking the postgraduate entrance examination. You are both young people, so we can get to know each other."

Yang Xiong introduced Lin Chu to Lan Mu, and Lan Mu smiled and shook hands with him.

Lin Chu's temperament is very indifferent and a little dull. It can be seen from his previous behavior that he still lacks a lot of sophistication.

Yang Xiong said again: "Is your visa about to expire? I'll ask Lin Chu to help you buy a plane ticket and take you on the plane."

Lan Mu said: "My visa is for 30 days, and there are still ten days left. I have missed everything that should be missed, so I am not in a hurry."

After hearing what happened to Li Wei, Lan Mu knew that his actions last night had troubled him, and he felt guilty. Seeing Li Wei suffer, he must not sit idly by. So at this time, he is not in a hurry to return to China, at least he has to finish this matter!

It's fine if you don't know, if you know, don't care, he can't forgive himself.

"Oh! That's good! Then I will definitely do my best to be a landlord. You can stay in this hotel as you like. In addition, I will send someone to accompany you to play around, as an interpreter or something."

Unexpectedly, Lan Mu waved his hand and said, "Brother Lin is pretty good, there is no need to find someone else."

Before Yang Xiong could speak, Lin Chu said directly: "I'm very busy, and I have to find evidence in favor of Li Wei before the trial, so I don't have time to be your interpreter."

Lan Mu said: "That's just right, I also want to help with Li Wei's affairs."

Lin Chu shook his head indifferently, but was stopped by Yang Xiong, who laughed and said, "As expected of Xiao Fang's friend, good! Xiao Lin, you can take him with you."

Lin Chu still listened to what Yang Xiong said, so he nodded.


"The basic situation is like this. It can be said that Li Wei has no chance of winning the case. The only way I can prove that he is not the murderer is to rely on a large number of witnesses to prove that he was in the circus last night and not in Dahan Mountain."

The two of them were running around all day, Yang Xiong had something to do and left, Lan Mu followed Lin Chu to various law firms to invite some barristers to form a defense team.

Lan Mu kept questioning Lin Chu along the way, but Lin Chu had no choice but to tell him the tricky part of the case.

After listening to Lin Chu's description, Lan Mu let out a long sigh, knowing that Li Wei could not be saved by going to court alone.

"Is there really no other way?"

" can only do your best and obey the destiny." Lin Chu said directly.

"Destiny..." Lan Mu murmured.

The next day, the court opened in a hurry. Lan Mu and Lin Chu both went to the court, and Yang Xiong also arrived at the scene.

Seeing that Yang Xiong frowned tightly, Lan Mu knew that his plan had also failed.

Many Chinese came to the scene, and the Chinese in Chinatown are one. Although their ancestors came from different places, they are still Chinese in the final analysis. They have lived in foreign countries for several generations, and they have grown stronger only by supporting each other.

However, the result seemed to be doomed. Although Lin Chu and the defense team argued hard, the situation was extremely unfavorable.

The public prosecutor of the police produced a lot of forged evidence to prove that Li Wei had extreme violent tendencies, proved that Li Wei was proficient in hypnosis, proved that Li Wei was in the jungle on the day when the incident happened, and that villagers from the village came forward to testify against him.

A series of evidence unfavorable to Li Wei was presented, but the evidence presented by Lin Chu was dismissed as forged, and even wanted to sue Lin Chu and other defendant witnesses for perjury.

The members of the circus who testified for Li Wei were mad and wanted to fight in court on the spot, but they were forcibly expelled from the court and the court was adjourned immediately.

After the adjournment, all the Chinese present knew that the situation was not good, and Yang Xiong was furious.

"The government really wants to falsify, it must be flawless, and we have a 100% chance of losing the case." Lin Chu, who spoke honestly, said one sentence that hurt morale even more. Li Wei's relatives and friends were all in despair.

"So what we should consider is how to make Li Wei's sentence lighter."

Lin Chu's words made Li Qinren ashamed and fainted. In the end, Yang Xiong took him back to the hotel to settle down.

Several members of the circus in the hotel sighed and said, "Li Wei is out of luck! This is a disaster from heaven."

"Damn it, it's obviously wronged, it's unreasonable!"

"Is there really no other way? How did those villagers and reporters give false testimony against their conscience!"

"If they retract the confession, will Li Wei still be saved? Let's continue to appeal, keep appealing!"

"Yes! Keep appealing! Let's ask those people to retract their confession, how can they perjure!"

The crowd in the circus was excited, and none of them gave up.

But Lin Chu said abruptly from the side: "They won't retract the confession. The government can give you what you give, and you can't give what the government can give."

"Even if they retract the confession, there is no chance of appealing. Li Wei will be sentenced to death in the near future. We only have the opportunity to collect the body. Now we can start preparing for the funeral. Appealing may make the police angry at you."

When the people in the circus heard this, they couldn't get angry. Did you say that?

"Lin Chu, what did you say? Are you still human? Li Wei was wronged, do you know that!"

"Do you have a conscience for saying such things now?"

"If your father heard this, he would have called..."

Before the man could finish speaking, he was immediately interrupted.

"Shut up!" Yang Xiong roared angrily, he was known for his prestige, and he immediately frightened everyone, and everyone dared not speak.

"Lin Chu, you will learn more about people and the world from now on! Are you stupid in reading?" Yang Xiong whispered to the others again: "Xiao Lin doesn't have any malicious intentions, it's just... alas... I didn't teach him well."

Lin Chu said stubbornly: "What I said is the truth, whether it is black or white is beyond our ability to turn it over."

Everyone was even more angry, but Lan Mu said abruptly: "Everyone knows whether Li Wei is the murderer. False testimony is false testimony after all. The real murderer is still at large. If the murderer continues to commit crimes, Li Wei's innocence will not be clear."

The people from the circus said: "That's right! The murderer is someone else. As long as the real murderer is caught, it is enough to prove Li Wei's innocence."

Lan Mu said: "There is no need to be arrested, just appear again."

Lin Chu interrupted: "Once the real culprit appears, the credibility of the police will drop to the lowest point. They will not allow this to happen. Even if the real culprit commits another crime, he must be arrested secretly and try to cover it up. It will not be made public."

"The reason why the police turned black and white and wronged Li Wei was because the pressure to solve the case was too great, and Li Wei was the first to take the blame."

Lan Mu said: "If the real culprit is in the public eye, and what he did caused a national shock, everyone knows it. Even the government of a country can't cover it up?"

Lin Chu was startled, nodded and said, "That's true, but why?"

"The real culprit is not only hiding, but why did he die on his own?"

Lan Mu shrugged, spread his hands and said, "I don't know, I'm just talking nonsense."

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