Non-human Gene Complex

Chapter 50 Framed

The sky is getting bright, and the dawn is coming.

Too many things happened overnight, but Lan Mu got through it safely. At this time, he was walking in a human form, and no one knew that he was the instigator who caused the Kuala Lumpur police to lose face last night.

Lan Mu was communicating with passers-by in English at this time, and the poor English of the other party made Lan Mu's head as big as a bucket.

Malay has its own language, but English was their official language after all, so many people still know Malay English, which is a colloquial form of English with heavy Malay, Chinese dialects and Tamil. influence of language.

Although it is English in name, I am afraid that only the locals can understand it. Lan Mu communicates with him in Chinglish, which is like a chicken talking to a duck.

And the other party seemed to see that he was Chinese, and was tired of asking for directions repeatedly, so he directly raised his hand to the bus stop sign, pointed to a stop name and said something in English.

Lan Mu understood and asked him to go there.

After pointing to the stop sign, the man walked away quickly. Lan Mu didn't care, it was 7:00 in the morning, and it was just that the other party was in a hurry to go to work.

He took out his pockets and found no money, let alone money, he had nothing but bows and arrows, and it could be said that everything was with Du Yu.

Lan Mu is now in a state of desperation. He thought to himself: Du Yu is holding my things. According to the agreement between me and Fang Moqi, he will definitely give Fang Moqi my wallet and passport. Then if Fang Moqi is in a hurry to go back, he will definitely leave my things at the agreed place and wait for me to pick them up.

According to the agreement, if Lan Mu didn't go to the appointment, he would definitely be able to get the things at the agreed place afterwards.

At that time, with money and a passport, it will be very easy to go back.

"But the agreed place is called Huaxin Hotel, where is this place? I don't know the way!"

Lan Mu was confused. The original plan was to call Fang Moqi to pick him up after he arrived in Kuala Lumpur, but Fang Moqi had obviously left now. He was penniless and couldn't even take a taxi, so he was in an extremely embarrassing situation.

At this time, a bus arrived, and Lan Mu raised his eyes and remembered the name of the station pointed by passers-by, and there was an English sign of Chinatown under the station name.

"It turned out to be Chinatown. Maybe the Huaxin Hotel is there. Even if it's not, it's easy for Chinese people there to ask for directions."

Deciding where to go, he turned into an alley and instantly turned into a stalker, then disappeared, jumped to the top of the bus, and he leaned on it for a free ride.

Along the way, he carefully observed each stop, counting in his heart, it was probably the sixth stop.

But after two stops, he wanted to cry but found that the two buses seemed to be free...

Because everyone does not insert coins or swipe cards when getting on the bus, just sit on the bus and get off when they arrive at the station.

"I'll go to... the free bus! It's a pity that I'm still invisible on the roof..."

After six stops, Lan Mu jumped out of the car and looked at the stop sign. The name was indeed what a passer-by pointed out to him.

And an obvious red-bottomed archway stands at the intersection, with the traditional Chinese characters of Petaling Street written on it.

This is the Chinatown in Kuala Lumpur. There are Chinese people all over the world. Chinatowns are called differently in different places, but there are basically similar archways.

Chinatown is not very lively during the day, there are only a few shops selling snacks and iced drinks, and there are few people on the empty streets.

Chinese is everywhere in Chinatown, a small part is in traditional Chinese, and a large part is in simplified Chinese. It looks friendly, and there is a feeling that they have finally found an organization.

Kuala Lumpur in midsummer is very hot, and it is only around eight o'clock, and the sun is already very vicious.

A middle-aged tea vendor noticed Lan Mu and said with a smile, "Chinese?"

Lan Mu was stunned for a moment, took the opportunity to lean forward and nodded, "Yes! The devil is here."

"Hey, what a great place! Is it hot? How about a cup of Luo Han Guo Longan Stewed Winter Melon Tea with Rock Sugar!"

Lan Mu was dumbfounded, Luo Han Guo? Longan? crystal sugar? Stewed winter melon? Tea? What the hell is this drink?

The middle-aged uncle is slightly bald, with a pleasant face and the cunning of a merchant. His accent is obviously Cantonese. After knowing that Lan Mu is from Shanghai, he immediately switched to Mandarin, of course Cantonese.

Lan Mu was shy and couldn't speak, so he had no choice but to refuse the winter melon tea that the uncle handed over.

The middle-aged uncle has long noticed that Lan Mu's clothes are poor, but he has no luggage when he comes from China. Maybe something happened.

Seeing that he was sweating profusely and didn't buy tea, he smiled and said, "I'll see you off, drink it."

Embarrassed, Lan Mu hurriedly waved his hands and shook his head: "No need, I'm really not thirsty."

"Hey, it's only two yuan if you change it to Ruanmei coins, drink it quickly!"

The uncle stuffed the secret tea into Lan Mu's hand, and Lan Mu smiled and drank it with his neck raised.

Not to mention, although there are a lot of things mixed in, the taste is not bad. It is quite refreshing and refreshing.

After drinking tea, Lan Mu took the opportunity to ask: "Uncle, ask me the way, do you know Huaxin Hotel?"

"If you don't know, just tell me how to get to the airport."

The uncle thought for a while and said, "Huahin! I know, just turn around the end of the street and go to Zhenhua School."

Lan Mu understood, thanked him, and walked along the street.

Walking to the end of the street, turning to the right, a group of students suddenly flocked in front of them, chattering in a swarm, holding signs and engaging in some ceremony or activity, all of them were speaking Chinese. Gathering together to shout slogans, revitalize the Chinese language and so on, it seems that they are still local Chinese.

The people in the shops on the street also smiled when they saw it, and the group of students also looked relaxed, shouting and playing again.

It seems that this is a regular activity of students nearby, probably because of the learning atmosphere that Zhenhua School cultivates students.

"It looks like it's ahead."

After walking for about five minutes, Lan Mu saw a school, and there was a seven-story hotel not far from the school, which was Hua Hin Hotel.

"Finally found."

Lan Mu entered the hotel and saw that there was only one girl at the front desk, so he asked, "Hello, I have a friend who lived in 0501 before, has he already checked out?"

The girl was taken aback, and said in broken Mandarin: "Please wait..."

The girl's Chinese is far worse than the uncle's, and she has a strong southern Hokkien accent.

The girl searched at the front desk for a while, and then said, "Yes, we checked out on the 3rd at 0501. What else can I do, sir?"

Lan Mu let out a snort: "I'll leave on the third? Didn't you say wait until I'm on the fourth?"

"Well, did he leave anything behind? I'm his friend, he must have told you that someone will come to you, right?"

The girl blinked and understood Lan Mu's words with difficulty, and said, "No, I don't know."

Lan Mu heheed and was speechless. Secretly, Fang Mozaki is messing up! Am I really going to be smuggled by plane?

Shaking his head with a wry smile, Lan Mu walked out of the Hua Hin Hotel and wandered around Chinatown in a daze.

The wallet, passport and other luggage are all in Fang Moqi's place. It is impossible for him to go home in a normal way. It would be good if he can guarantee that he will not be found out by the local authorities.

As for being sent back, Lan Mu ruled it out at first. Rather than being sent back as a smuggler, it is better to smuggle back directly, and it is better to be silent.

Before he knew it, Lan Mu wandered to the entrance of Chinatown again.

The group of students happened to be at the intersection, and they stopped shouting the slogans taught by the school at this time, and instead gathered together to discuss something.

The uncle who sells tea is also on the side, talking to a man with a sad face.

Lan Mu walked over and heard a sentence: "I can only beg Boss Yang, our circus really has no other way."

The uncle replied to the man, "How did this happen? Li Wei is so honest, how did he get into such a big trouble?"

"It really wasn't him who did it! How could Li Wei have the greatest ability? Last night, the whole city police force was mobilized, and I heard that many policemen were killed. Li Wei was watching TV with us in the regiment, and the police rushed in. It doesn't make sense to take him away!" The man was frowning, and his tone was aggrieved.

The uncle sighed: "The matter is too big. The whole city was in a commotion last night. Now it is the cusp of the storm. Boss Yang can't do anything!"

The students said angrily, "We all know that there was a big case last night, but it was in Dahanshan! It's more than a hundred miles away, how can anyone go to the city to arrest people?"

"Look! Look! This is the news that has just been announced!" A student shouted while holding a mobile phone.

It immediately attracted everyone's attention, and they all looked at the news.

"The suspect who murdered a policeman in Dahanshan was arrested, and 16 policemen died on duty... The suspect Li Wei, male, 26 years old, committed heinous crimes. , possessed special hallucinogenic drugs, used the Asian red fox he raised in the circus as a cover to commit crimes, and pretended to kill ghosts... After a night of hard work by the police, he was finally arrested and brought to justice... He was so vicious that he was submitted to the court for public prosecution the next day..."

Lan Mu also stood outside the crowd and watched the news. This was all information released by the local police, and various media began to report the matter early in the morning.

There are also photos of the arrested prisoner and the fox in the news. Li Wei has a square head with a square face and a blank expression on his face. The fox looks at Lan Mu even more drunk. It is clearly a red-haired fox. Just 1.4 meters in length.

Lan Mu's first reaction was to know that the police arrested people to take the blame, and last night he killed more than 40 people, only 16 people were reported here, presumably the police could not withstand the pressure.

A student was stunned: "Li Wei is also proficient in hypnotism?"

Another student said angrily: "You are stupid! Even if he knows how to hypnotize, can he kill sixteen policemen? And the fox reported by the media last night was clearly white! Taking a red fox today is making us fools!" "

That being said, who can't tell if the news released by the police is true or false? It is clearly nonsense!

The Longyue Circus is very famous in Chinatown. Every year, Mr. Yang, the Chinese leader in Chinatown, spends money to invite them to perform in Chinatown. Several times a year, the members of the circus are well known by the residents of Chinatown. Li Wei is an ordinary breeder. He raised not only foxes, but also pigeons, cats and dogs, monkeys, bear cubs, and even boa constrictors.

This person is very honest on weekdays. If Li Wei went to the suburban Dahansa tropical rainforest to kill sixteen policemen for no reason last night, he would not believe it!

"Uncle Yang is here! Uncle Yang is here!" The students were discussing angrily when someone suddenly shouted.

Lan Mu looked back and saw a black car driving over, stopped at the side of the road and got off an old man with white temples, he looked extremely energetic, probably in his fifties.

Behind him was a young man in a suit and a collar. When the people present saw him, they all sincerely called Boss Yang.

The old man was Boss Yang. He walked up to the students with a straight face and said, "What are you shouting for? Stop shouting and go back to class! You won't be in the first class?"

After being reprimanded by Boss Yang, the students were still unconvinced and shouted: "Li Wei has been arrested! He must have been wronged!"

Boss Yang said solemnly: "That doesn't matter to you, go back to class! Xiao Zu! Especially you! I'll call your dad to bring you back now!"

A student was named and targeted by Boss Yang, and he shrank his head in the crowd.

The other students didn't dare to make trouble anymore, so they had to go back to school obediently.

Finally, this group of rowdy students was dealt with, leaving only the men from the circus, the uncle selling tea, and Lan Mu.

Boss Yang looked at Lan Mu and asked, "Who are you? I haven't seen you before..."

Lan Mu smiled and said: "Hello, my name is Lan Mu, I'm from the devil city..."

Boss Yang gasped and said, "It's you? Lan Mu?"

"Huh?" Lan Mu said in surprise, "You know me?"

Boss Yang laughed and said, "Are you Xiao Fang's friend?"

Lan Mu suddenly realized, and said with a smile: "Fang Moqi is my friend... Did he keep something..."

Boss Yang patted Lan Mu on the shoulder and said, "Before he left, he told me to look for you, but I didn't expect you to find it by yourself. That's right, all your things are with me, and I will help you take care of things when you return home."

"Thank you so much!" Lan Mu hastily thanked him, secretly thinking that Fang Moqi has a lot of contacts, this Boss Yang looks like a local snake, and he is very prestigious in Chinatown. If Fang Moqi wants to do something in Marais, he will probably have to find him help.

Boss Yang smiled nonchalantly, "Thank you for what? You are Xiao Fang's friend, and you are my Yang Xiong's friend!"

At this moment, the man from the circus couldn't help interjecting with a sad face.

"Boss Yang, I can only beg you about Li Wei! If you don't save his life, he will die!"

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