Mystery: The Lamp God’s Path To Freedom

Chapter 117 Acting commission

Bayam, Swordfish, Urs Kent drinking.

He held the wine glass in one hand, and opened a piece of the latest maritime news with the other.

"Shock! The lieutenant general died of illness, and Gehrman Sparrow, the strongest adventurer in the Five Seas, killed himself on the Black Death! "

He trembled, and subconsciously pushed the soulless beer to his mouth, his eyeballs seemed to be pinned to the newspaper.

At this time, a person walked towards Us Kent quickly, patted him on the shoulder, and said:

"Hey! Uth, you have a telegram from a man named Gehrman Sparrow saying..."


The cup and the beer all die together.


Oravi Island, 2nd Floor, Sweet Lemon Bar.

Beart Brando stood by the window with a cigar between his fingers, his gloomy face was not much better than the bad weather outside.

The mission given to him by the big man had an accident, and now he is panicked and distraught.

As for the fact that Us Kent suddenly sent him a telegram two days ago, asking him to find an adventurer at a designated location, receive some pirate heads, and replace the adventurer in exchange for bounties, he didn't take it to heart at all.

At this time, his important deputy, Sotos, was notified by the bodyguard and walked into the room.

Bilt temporarily restrained his worries and asked:

"Is there any change in the east?"

"It's still the same, but I received an important message. The general died of the disease. The black death has not yet confirmed the new owner."

"Dead? Which pirate admiral made the move?"

"No, an adventurer named Gehrman Sparrow boarded the Black Death alone, killed the Vice Admiral of the Disease and then swaggered away. It is said that no one on board dared to stop him."


Bilt accidentally burned his lips with a cigar.

"Search the newspapers of the Rose Islands to find out more information about this adventurer."

Bilt immediately remembered the telegram and the commission, and then asked:

"Are there any more details about the news that he will be killed in the disease?"

"It is said that he can transform into anyone like Qilingos. He used this ability to sneak into the Black Death and succeed in the surprise attack."

"Can become anyone..." Bilt murmured for a while, and took another deep puff of his cigar.


In an ordinary single room at the Sea Wind and Harp Inn, Sothos found the legendary and ferocious adventurer Gehrman Sparrow.

"My boss sent me to deal with those pirate bounties. You can give me the heads of those people first."

You can count it, the efficiency of the military is really low.

Klein stood up, reached for his top hat, put it on his head, and said in a flat tone:

"follow me."

Returning from the passenger ship, Sotos walked towards the Sweet Lemon Bar with a sack of his head, and Klein followed silently.

The two went all the way to the room on the second floor where Bilt was.

Bildt was reclining on a large, well-made easy chair that looked like an expensive one, with eight bodyguards in a row behind him, smoking a cigar, full of momentum.

"Boss, Gehrman Sparrow is here."

"Please sit down."

Bilt pointed to the sofa opposite, pulled down the collar of his shirt, flicked his cigar for the last time, stood up slowly, and asked in a steady voice:

"Which pirates are there?"

Sotos took a step forward, dumped the bag he was carrying all the time, and several bloody heads rolled out.

Klein didn't respond to Bilt's politeness. He went straight to those heads, bent down, turned the face of one head upside down, and said in a tone without the slightest emotion:

"It's Calm Squall."

Klein pulled another head and continued to introduce:

"This is Thug Tucker Tansen."

"This is Galendor, the skull-crushing doctor."

"this is……"

With a "plop", Bilt sat back in the easy chair again, his eyes widened, his throat was dry, and he uttered a sentence inexplicably:

"Have you boarded the ship of Admiral Blood again?"

Klein introduced all the heads before standing up, staring at Bilt's terrified eyes, and replied:


Bad, almost? Go directly to the Pirate General? I have never seen such a crazy adventurer!

Bilt calmed down for a while before ordering his subordinates to put away these heads. For a while, he didn't know how to receive this dangerous adventurer who was comparable to a pirate admiral.

So he organized the language and said:

"I will redeem the bounty for you as soon as possible. In addition, I organized an adventurer mutual aid association. Although you probably don't need it, one more channel is more guarantee."

Klein nodded, thinking about asking if there are auxiliary materials and channels that can help make Extraordinary items.

The atmosphere seemed to have eased a little. Klein noticed that Sotos seemed to have something to say all the time. He gestured to Bilt frequently, but Bilt always avoided it intentionally or unintentionally.

Klein wasn't curious about their private affairs, so he politely left.

As soon as Klein walked out of the second floor, Sothos hurriedly asked, "Why didn't you invite him..."

Bilt sighed and said:

"Let me think again."


Klein, who cleaned the toilet at the Olavi Medical Relief Foundation for a day, returned to the Sea Breeze and Piano Hotel exhausted physically and mentally. He didn't bother to think about anything, he didn't want to do anything, he just planned to wash up and go to sleep.

However, he saw a man whom he had only seen this morning, Sothoth.

Seeing Klein approaching, Sotos greeted him and explained in a low voice:

"Mr. Bilt would like to invite you to dinner, well, he has another commission."

Meals, you can have this, I don’t know what the commission is, what dangerous ruins to explore or where to escort important people? Feel free to ask about requirements for materials and items that you haven't had a chance to ask before.

There is another room on the second floor of the Sweet Lemon Bar, where a large number of drinks and a few local specialties have been placed.

Paella poured with thick yellow liquid seasoning, black brown special sausage mixed with dark yellow particles, dark green and creamy yellow mixed cheese vegetable soup, dark brown mixed noodles with meat sauce, and a few large Glass of dark yellow beer with slight foam and sediment.

Klein immediately wanted to slam the door and leave.

The smell of starch, fat, dairy products, and spices invaded Klein's sense of smell, making him feel even more hungry.

If the ingredients have souls, the chef had better choose the path of the corpse collector, which can drive all kinds of vegetables, fish, mushrooms, cattle and sheep-like wraiths, and set off a "food disaster".

Klein looked again at the various local characteristics that Bilt enthusiastically introduced, and pretended to be calm and said:

"Let's just say the entrustment."


A chance to actually play it, which is much more relaxing than cleaning a toilet.

After going through the enhanced version of the gray mist divination, Klein agreed to the commission, and got the information of the role-playing object from Bilt.

Admiral Amyrius Leavitt, a military demigod.

Klein was packing his luggage at this time and was about to check out. He planned to store his belongings with Bilt, so that he would not have to pay for the hotel accommodation during the performance. As for his suitcase, there were no valuable items.

After packing up all his belongings, he finally set his sights on the golden magic lamp.

There should be many Extraordinary officers in the naval base, and the residence of Admiral Amyrius should also be guarded by Extraordinary ones. Most likely, they are the channels that the Djinn needs. If you take him there, will it be like letting the rats go Into the rice tank?

Klein picked up the magic lamp, ready to stuff it into the suitcase.

"Aren't you going to take me to play Amyrius? With me here, no one can find out that you are not Amyrius."

The lamp god interjected at the right time.

"I'm worried that when Admiral Amyrius returns, he will find that his subordinates have disappeared, his guards have disappeared, and his secretary group has also disappeared."

Klein said lightly.

"No, no, Amyrius won't find out, because Amyrius also disappeared."

The lamp god replied with a smile.

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