"The second round of free operation begins."

Klein immediately started chasing Senor to release the holy light.

That sinister man also gained the ability to move this round, and a thick black air rose from behind him, turning into wings of darkness and rushing towards Roy Jin.

The blindfold did not affect Roy King's perception of attacks, and bad luck quietly entangled the enemy.

Only Darkwill yelled while running:

"Stupid bird, use your ability quickly, what's the use of shaking a 6 o'clock!"

Behind him, a man with a flaming whip chased after him with a ferocious expression.

"But I don't know anything except books and newspapers! Do you expect me to peck out the eyes of the enemy?"

The owl hoots and joins his master like a troupe of characters being chased in a classic horror film.

"You silly bird, use your abilities to see what his weaknesses are!"

"Oh, weakness, weakness."

The cat fluttered its wings, made a difficult upside-down movement, and looked at the chasing man.

"His handling of the whip is proficient and unique. He occasionally looks at his Master Senior with distressed eyes. Oh, every time the whip is swung, he will subconsciously have a slight expression change. Oh, I see. , he likes to be whipped, oh, oh, he should be often whipped by that adult..."

"Shut up! Silly bird! Weakness in combat!"

"Fight, yes, he was so angry that he didn't even speak. By the way, his tongue is gone. This tongue is very important! Not only can it be used to talk and taunt, but it can also serve that lord, yes, serve, His lord loves the same service as in those picture books you hid, and he is often rewarded for it..."

"Ah! Help!"

Countless fire crows poured in, Darkwell's clothes burst into flames, and the owl Harry's feathers smelled of burning protein.

The extreme anger caused the hunter who had lost his tongue to lose his mind. He accidentally tripped over a pool of disgusting rotting brain tissue, but his excellent physical fitness prevented him from falling, so he kicked into the air , Dry fly this ball of tofu brain.

However, his feet were still hanging in the air and before he landed, his body was already immobile, and his frightened expression froze. Every cell and tissue in his body lost order, and they grew distortedly according to instinct. This hunter quickly lost his life. The human form swelled into a huge tumor, slowly wriggling aimlessly.

Everyone's minds were shaken severely. Senior supported his tattered body corroded by the sun, and held an item that had been banned layer by layer. He still hesitated a little.

The free action was over, and Senior was still alive. Klein sighed, "Sequence Five is really hard to kill", and retreated silently, waiting for the next round.

After taking turns saying a circle of unnutritious words, the dice danced in a cheerful circle, turned to everyone, and asked for a judgment.

When the dice once again showed a 6 in front of Klein under Senior's gaze, Senior suddenly threw something towards the barrier, and then chanted hoarsely:

"The personification of endless desire;

source of all curses;

Symbol of all xenomorphs. "

The thing that hit the invisible barrier looked like a wet, sticky, bloodshot lump of flesh.

The piece of meat shrank and swelled regularly, and everyone's minds were filled with the sound of "plop! Plop!", and the strong desire was ignited and activated, and the piece of meat quickly melted into a sphere mixed with colorful desires. The liquid, based on the contact point with the barrier, gallops and grows into a tree shape with tangled branches, and the barrier is corroded to form a large hole.

The scene of the Black Emperor suddenly blurred, as if the power to maintain it had been eroded.

As soon as the void appeared, Senor's figure suddenly blurred, a few jumps flashed, and there was no trace of him on the sea.

Inside the shattered barrier, passengers could be vaguely seen standing there with bewildered faces, like wax figures.

A blush suddenly illuminated the area inside the barrier, and the crimson scholar turned into hazy moonlight and followed Senor, but it was obvious that the sun was shining outside, and the moonlight screamed and fell into the sea.

Wang Zichuan, who was fiddling with the dice, let out a dissatisfied sigh:

"If you don't play, don't play, make such a disgusting thing."

Then he looked at the milky white dice in his hand and said:

"Little dice, how about I play with you after I get the rule book? If I can find my country of disorder, we will form a big, big group there."

The power of wanton desire was wrapped up, and the sarcoma, which was polluted and out of control, collapsed and shattered, leaving only fragments on the ground. As for the corpses lying on the ground in various positions, that is what the servants of the great lamp god need to deal with. question.

There were not many Extraordinary left behind. Considering the great achievements of Admiral Blood, Klein thought it would be more appropriate to keep them neatly.

Although they were greatly frightened, the passengers, who had not lost their lives and fortunes, quickly restored order. With the help of the captain, the plump bounties harvested by the three of Klein were temporarily piled up in a hidden cargo warehouse.

The wind was light and the clouds were calm, and the passenger ship sailed into the port smoothly, only two hours late.

As for those heads, which were stored on the passenger ship, Klein planned to send a telegram to Us Kent after delivering the dice of probability, and asked the person with the same identity as him who was resident on Oravi Island to collect the bounty on his behalf.

Kano, the bell ringer, led the three of them to a stone bridge not far from San Draco Church.

Just approaching the bridge hole, Kano stopped the three of them and explained:

"Member Rijord is injured, and his strength is a little out of control. If you get too close, you will be contaminated with bad luck."

Kano threw the box containing the dice towards the bridge hole, and said:

"Your student Roy King is unable to pay this gentleman's commission fee."

Councilor Richaud first used the speaker's power to seal the dice of probability, and then said hoarsely:

"I already know your agreement, an order path Sequence Six item, two thousand pounds in cash, and a clue to a powerful attack weapon that is not an order path."

Councilor Richaud paused for a while, as if it was difficult to say so many words at once, he took two heavy breaths, and continued:

"I didn't expect, Roy, you are in your sixties, and you owe so much at once."

"Mr. Gehrman Sparrow, can the order path item be exchanged for the corresponding gold pound?"

Klein was silent for two seconds, and said:

"Sorry, can not."

Councilor Richaud coughed for a while, and then said:

"I don't have items in the order path right now, and I don't have cash."

The air was stiff for a moment, and Roy King and Darkwill lowered their heads, not daring to breathe.

What's going on with your life school? You don't have a teacher too, do you?

"But I can make you lucky, you can go to the casino to get this reward, and the magical item will be found for you as soon as I recover."

Half an hour later, Klein returned to the bridge hole with a sullen face. Councilor Richaud said with a smile:

"It's enough to win two thousand pounds. You know how to control yourself."

Klein suppressed the urge to rush in and give the Destiny Councilor an iron fist from a living corpse, and said as calmly as possible:

"A hundred pounds lost."

There was at least three minutes of silence in the bridge hole before Richiord's voice came again:

"Fate is always so unpredictable, even if I am already a demigod."

"Although I don't know why the luck I added to you is invalid, but you can go to Darkwill and ask him to go to the casino."

I made up a name of the Mother Tree of Desire circulated in the Rose School of Thought, which only includes part of the authority. It is equivalent to the evil god, not counting the old days. I can only make it up in a hurry. If anyone has a good suggestion, you can copy it for me.

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