Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 321: far from

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The plane quickly crossed the ocean and began to fly to its destination.

Kevin is indeed an experienced pilot. He flew extremely smoothly along the way, and avoided many bumpy airflow areas in time.

Wenren flew all the way, learned all the way, and came down once, the basic flight operation was learned seventy-eighty-eight.

Of course, he can't go to heaven without actual practice.

A xenogeneic expert has an advantage. When practicing flying, you can be bolder. Unless you encounter an accident, it is difficult to be killed. In this case, you can learn much faster.

If you are fearless in your heart, you will naturally be able to learn quickly; those who are afraid of flying will find it difficult to master flying.

Just when he was flying, Kevin suddenly turned his head, looked to the right side of the cockpit, and said with a look of horror: "Strange, what bird can fly so high?"

Wen Rensheng, who was watching the instrument data, immediately raised his head when he heard the words, looked through the cockpit glass, and was shocked.

I saw a **** bird on the right side of the plane, keeping pace.

Taking a closer look, uh, it's still a familiar bird, it's the dark phoenix who reigns supreme in his house.

At this time, the plane was cruising at an altitude of 10,000 meters, no wonder Kevin was horrified.

Ordinary birds can't fly at this height, and this is the sea, not a plateau, and there is no need to fly that high.

I didn't take it on the plane this time, mainly because Wen Rensheng knew that it was a spiritual creature, and the Ocean Cemetery didn't know if it would induce other changes in it, so it didn't let it follow.

Now it seems that the comfort and exhortation before his departure were completely useless, and this guy didn't listen at all.

He had no choice but to leave the cockpit and go back to find Wu Shanshan, who will deal with the bird.

After turning around, I finally found each other in Wei Yiqing's room.

She's got stickers all over her face, it's as funny as it gets.

"Sorry, I forgot to knock," he said apologetically.

"You come here, I still don't believe it, you won't be able to win even today?" Wu Shanshan called him to a stop angrily.

"You call your bird back first, it is flying with our plane." Wen Rensheng pointed out the window and said.

"Don't worry about it, you can just treat it as a bodyguard, help me win a game first." Wu Shanshan said indifferently.

Although Wen Rensheng felt that something was wrong, he was helpless for a while, so he had to sit down first and join their battle group to fight the landlords.

Fighting the Landlord has simple rules and is suitable for all ages. It is essentially a game of big and small.

Of course he knows why Wu Shanshan has been defeated and defeated again and again.

Because the opponent appears to be Wei Yiqing, but in fact it is the immortal.

She was looking to see if there was a chance she could win over the other.

It just so happened that Wen Rensheng also had this idea in his subconscious, so he joined the poker game.

Moreover, this form is relatively gentle and is used to test the other party's details, and it is not easy to intensify conflicts.

He immediately activated his intermediate mystical resistance.

More than fourteen times the effect, I wonder if I can get a fair competitive opportunity?

Half an hour later, his face was also covered with notes...

He did get a fair chance to play, and he didn't have any low-level mistakes along the way.

However, the skills are not as good as others, and there is also a teammate who occasionally makes mistakes.

When he grabbed the landlord, he had to face two people's attack, and the odds of winning were not high; when he couldn't grab the landlord, the two dealt with Wei Yiqing alone, and the result was not as good as the former.

It's normal, he didn't like to play cards in the past life, and it's the same in this life.

The reason is very simple, he feels that he is not tall enough.

In his previous life, he played Go. Although he was only at the K-level level, he could at least be able to install one outfit and win several rookies of the same level online.

In the past life, he had only tasted it, and he was unwilling to memorize the set form, and he did not want to do life and death problems.

He has already learned the art of painting, chess, calligraphy and painting, and he must also learn the other three.

After all, he is a perfectionist.

And he has extraordinary memory. It can be said that the conditions for learning chess are much better than those in the previous life.

Go is a test of memory, because you need to calculate the position after dozens of moves. If the memory is super strong, it is equivalent to playing directly on a chessboard.

And at this time, don't say anything about being tall, just his face, he has no image.

He had to figure out a way to win a game back.

Soon, he found an opportunity.

Now there is only the last single card left. As long as he can make this small 4 in his hand, turn it into a king or a king, and beat the 2 that Wei Yiqing just played, then he will win.

He began to rub and rub, and the mysterious illusion technique began to bless.

Some people want to say, this is not cheating?

It's cheating, but only if someone is already cheating. It's only fair if everyone cheats. The chicken-eating game is to put all the gods in one server.

"What are you rubbing? Is it interesting? Come out soon?" Wu Shanshan urged.

Wen Rensheng shook his head and said, "That's why you can't win at all, so be patient."

"Hmph, does this also require patience? Losing means losing, and winning means winning." Wu Shanshan said in disbelief.

"That's not necessarily. If you have patience, you will turn a loss into a win, and if you have no patience, you will turn a win into a loss." Wen Rensheng hinted.

Wu Shanshan has a bit of a headache: "You can't say it happily when you talk, you have to hide it."

"Speaking too straight, that's not true temperament, that's not asking for oneself, less self-cultivation." Wen Rensheng refused.

Wu Shanshan thought about it for a while, and it was really like this. She had never seen Wen Rensheng scolded anyone or got angry.

Probably because the other party has long ago strangled the worst result in the bud, unlike other people, who have to do it, bring bad consequences, and remorse and blame themselves...

After a while, Wen Rensheng finally rubbed his cards, and he thought he could beat the other two.

So he threw it down decisively.

"Ah..." The other two took a closer look and rubbed their eyes.

"What card are you, why is there a chick in the middle?" Wei Yiqing asked curiously.

"How is that possible, the middle is obviously a great king?" Wen Rensheng asked in disbelief.

But facts speak louder than words. The big trump card he dropped has indeed become a chicken card.

Feeling in his heart, he turned his head to look at the window next to him, and then suddenly realized.

It turned out that on the window, there was the dark phoenix that was looking inside.

Needless to say, it was its power that interfered with its illusion, and as a result, its image was projected onto it... not the red king that it wanted.

Can't blame the other party for interference, because this is due to his current limitations.

Although the mysteriousness increases the skill effect terribly, it cannot be taken into account. When enhancing Illusion, it cannot enhance his mystical resistance.

Sure enough, he still has to step up to improve the No amount is enough, because he will learn more skills.

"This is a non-war crime. I just told you to take care of your bird. If you don't care, I will lose here." Wen Rensheng pointed to the black phoenix on the window and said to Wu Shanshan.

"Yes, yes, it's all my fault." Wu Shanshan stretched out his hand, the black phoenix first disappeared in the air, and then reappeared in her hands.

Wen Rensheng immediately flicked Phoenix's head in revenge.

Ordinarily, with the temper of the dark phoenix, it would be pecked back immediately, but this time it was very honest and motionless.

Wen Rensheng immediately understood that this was because of Wei Yiqing's presence.

Once again, he really understood the gap between the two.

The goal is still far away, and efforts are still needed now.

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