Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 320: on the plane

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Wen Rensheng acted quickly, and immediately through the contacts he had accumulated, he chartered a luxury private jet.

As he said, the seats inside the plane are similar to the presidential suite. They say they are seats, but they are actually rooms.

Inside the large belly, there is an area of ​​300 square meters, which is divided into ten suites, with an average of nearly 30 square meters, which is larger than the bedroom of ordinary people.

The interior is luxurious and has everything you need, all with separate bathrooms.

After getting on the plane, Zhao Han shouted: "No wonder the classmates say that the rich enjoy more than you can imagine, and it's true, I thought the seats on the plane were all in a row, but I didn't expect it to be one room. between..."

"It's easy for you to make money. Prophet is the easiest job to make money..." Wang Wenwen said casually, and followed her into the same room.

There are 9 people in the group, and the number of rooms is more than enough, but in order to take care of each other, the two who can be together are still two people together, after all, it is a plane.

In the end, except for Wei Yiqing, who was alone in a room, everyone else found company.

Wu Liansong and Li Shuangyue live in the same room.

"Little Li, how have you been exercising recently?" Wu Liansong said at a loss for words.

Li Shuangyue sat down in front of the window, turned around and replied, "I have always been in good health."

"That's right, by the way, I haven't talked to you, where is your hometown?" Wu Liansong asked.

"I'm from Xixiang."

"That's from the province. How is the economic development of your county?"

"The economy is struggling, many industries have moved away, and many people have come to Dongshui City to find work."

"This is the siphon effect of big cities. Every district has such a big city cluster, which is a good thing and a bad thing." Wu Liansong shook his head.

Li Shuangyue nodded and said, "Well, it's easy to manage when gathered, but it's easy to get into trouble if there are too many people gathered."

"Yeah. I heard that you often go abroad. How is the economic environment outside?" Wu Liansong continued to ask.

"Outside? Anyone nearby that is included in our China's economic cycle, at least there is no shortage of food and clothing. Those who are not included are relatively slow in economic development. In contrast, those places in Western countries are economically developed, and talent exchanges are also frequent." Li Shuangyue replied.

"Well, they are a maritime nation and attach importance to trade and exchanges. Compared with them, our internal resources are too rich, and the demand for external exchanges and trade is not large." Wu Liansong nodded.

So the two single dogs began to discuss major international affairs and give pointers to the world. This is also the destiny of single dogs.

While the other few are not single, they are focused on the life in front of them.

Wen Rensheng shared a room with Wu Shanshan, and he focused on the life in front of him, pretending to sleep with his eyes closed.

"Hey, have you been a little sluggish recently?" Wu Shanshan poked him.

A cloud of white smoke appeared from Wen Rensheng's body, and the whole person disappeared...

"Bastard, did you use the illusion technique like this?" Wu Shanshan's whole body is now in a bad mood.

She hurried out of the room and went to find Wen Rensheng.

Where is Wen Rensheng at this time? In the cockpit, learn to fly with the pilot.

Two pilots, one from China and one from America.

This is very common. Although China and America are in a state of cold confrontation, it is no longer in the modern period after all. The characteristics of modern times are frequent exchanges of information and personnel, and everyone can walk on their feet.

Many people go wherever they have a better life and have more opportunities.

Pilots also belong to the high-end technical industry, and it is easy to carry out skilled immigration.

"Kevin, how many hours of flying experience do you have?" Wen Rensheng asked.

"Sir, I have 7,200 hours of flying experience, please rest assured." Kevin replied politely.

"When did you come to our Shenzhou?" he asked again.

Kevin smiled and said, "I have moved here with my wife for ten years. The people here are very nice and polite."

"Well, we have always welcomed friendly talents to migrate to us." Wen Rensheng nodded.

"Yeah, now people with money, power and unique skills are all going to my country of origin; and we middle-class people who only have general skills, like to come and settle in China," Kevin said deeply, "only Here, we can get fairness and safety."

Wen Rensheng nodded, this is the difference.

In fact, America has always been taking the line of elites. The elites have devised a set of sophisticated methods to achieve polarization under the concept of being responsible for themselves, and also make everyone feel that they have nothing to say, and can attract all the people. world elite.

From this point of view, they are worthy of the elite.

However, Shenzhou is different. Since ancient times, there has been the concept of great harmony in the world and the concept of helping the world, hoping that everyone will become a gentleman. Of course, this concept is too advanced, and the result is often reduced to hypocrisy.

It can only be implemented gradually with the support of modern technology and education.

A stark contrast is that common sense that everyone in China thinks is not common sense in America.

For example, the theory of natural selection, in the latter, many people do not admit it, and still insist that God created everything, of course, those elites will not deny it.

Wen Rensheng chatted with Kevin and learned about the real people and things around him.

These are the sources of wisdom, not just living can produce wisdom.

For example, because of his previous life, he was very wary of people from outside the realm, but because of this reason, he would not shut out the people who came from there.

There are a lot of good people and talents outside, and there are also many local people who are bad and trash.

You can't look at problems narrowly. If you think that everyone is from Shenzhou, you won't be stabbed in the back, and the five thousand years of history will be seen in vain.


Wu Shanshan walks all the way into Wei Yiqing's room.

What made her strange was that Wen Rensheng was not here, and his face was suddenly a little embarrassed.

Wei Yiqing didn't look at her either, and was still playing games.

Now that she's here, it's not good to leave directly, so she sat down opposite.

"what are you playing?"


"It's so naive," Wu Shanshan said disdainfully, "I always play landlords."

The contempt chain was successfully established.

"I've played Dou Dizhu, but it's too unchallenging." Wei Yiqing said without looking up.

"Yeah, then let's play a two-person fight against the landlord." Wu Shanshan's eyes changed.

She knew that the other party was the host of the long-lived person in this life, and that the long-lived person had always been in the other party's line and inherited it with the help of ancestral seeds.

"Okay Wei Yiqing gave her a lot of face, and soon the two of them were connected to the local area network using their mobile phones.

This is a private jet, and many aviation regulations are optional.

There is WIFI on this plane, and phone calls are also allowed, and it is not allowed to switch to airplane mode.

It is at your own risk after all.

Half an hour later, Wu Shanshan completely understood why the other party only played single-player games.

Because as long as the game is against people, Wei Yiqing's opponent will definitely make all kinds of low-level mistakes.

Sure enough, there was no challenge. She obviously got a pair of big and small kings and four 2s. The cards were so good that they exploded, but she still lost in the end.

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